How to make the air-conditioning air of bricks: what is needed, how to collect

On hot summer days, every person wants to chill at his home, but not everyone can afford expensive air-conditioning manufacturers. It was then to the aid of good ideas on making homemade air fresheners. The result is an effective, and requires a minimum of cash.

What is required, in addition to bricks

The content of the article

  • What is required, in addition to bricks
  • How is the air conditioning assembly
  • Testing shocking conditioning

air conditioning air brickIf we say that a simple building material can be air freshener, then no one will believe. In fact, it's true. Brick is the main piece in the air conditioner. For manufacturing need the following parts and tools:

  • clear plastic glass (plexiglass), about the size of 50 * 70cm (the size can be smaller and, most importantly, to fit to brick);
  • brick, the more holes on it, the better;
  • 2-3 cooler from the PC or laptop;
  • ordinary running water 1 liter;
  • Melt glue, tape;
  • screwdriver with a drill and screwdriver;
  • knife.

How is the air conditioning assembly

conditioner assembly of bricksconditioner assembly process is quite simple and does not take heaps of time. The algorithm consists of several steps:

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  1. It is necessary to prepare the container, which will be located all the components of air freshener. To do this, and it will take a transparent plastic window. Measure out along the perimeter of the frame width of 5 cm. This future walls, on the sides so they should also be cut. The remaining rectangle - the bottom of the tank, and secured thereto wall. At the corners of glue tape wall. To prevent water flowed, all joints are treated with hot melt. So produced water tank, brick, coolers.
  2. Install the cooler is not difficult, much more difficult to find them. On one of the long sides are marked and drilled holes for the coolers upright. Wall you need to prune, to the cooler air could easily overtake. Need to fixing bolt 4 with bolts.
  3. To connect the power to the cooler will need a 12 block B from laptops, as well as the socket where the wire is inserted into the end of the block. By this jack solder switch, then successively with two cooler and back to the nest. When you activate the switch and block both coolers must be twisted.
  4. We put a brick in the container and to pour water at 1 cm. We need to get it completely wet, for this purpose it can be poured from a syringe.

Testing shocking conditioning

conditioner testing of bricksAfter assembly is complete, you can test the air conditioner. When the brick was still dry, its temperature was about 30 degrees, the water temperature - 26 degrees. After blotting and its inclusion fan conditioner temperature dropped to 16 degrees, and still later to 12 degrees. This temperature is more than sufficient for air cooling. Brick cooled, the water evaporates, and the fans will bring a chill through the holes in the room.

Thus, from the primitive brick and several items it was made very efficient air conditioning. In the interior, it looks unusual, riveting the attention and arousing interest. It should be noted that the air conditioning is also a humectant, so you need to take into account the climate of the room where the set freshener.

15.04.2019 at 09:40

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To answer
27.05.2019 at 06:29

The process of cooling air based on active evaporation of water from the surface of the damp brick. The principle of it is working, but high humidity crosses the invention on the NO!
There must be some heat, which would share moist and cooled air conditioners and room air. The most budget option would be to use the tension to the operating status of aluminum corrugated trubydiametrom 110mm. The heated air in the ripple can be again passed through a brick conditioner, and the condensate is drained back into the cell with water.

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