How to keep cool without air conditioning: 11 reliable ways

With the advent of summer, the heat descends on the inhabitants of Russia, which makes you feel uncomfortable. On such days, it is best to be in your own apartment, filled with cold air from the air conditioner. But this is not always available. Therefore, the question of how to cool a room without an air conditioner remains relevant.

How to keep cool without air conditioning

Proven ways to cool a room without air conditioning

The content of the article

  • Proven ways to cool a room without air conditioning
    • Ventilation
    • Use blackout curtains
    • Humidification
    • Fridge
    • Foil
    • Fan
    • Ice and cold water
    • How to keep cool in the house

There are a number of proven methods that can be used to cool a room. Among them are simple ones - for example, airing, or more complex ones - in the form of creating unusual designs for cooling.


It would seem that this is a common procedure that needs to be carried out several times a day at any time of the year. In the heat, it can hardly bring relief, some think. But the whole secret lies in the correctness of the procedure.

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Important! You need to ventilate from 4 to 7 in the morning, when the air is fresh. It is good to open the windows and doors wide open to create a draft. It is also recommended that you open the cabinets to keep your clothes cool.

Use blackout curtains

When the sun burns mercilessly, the house needs to be protected from hot ultraviolet radiation, especially if the windows face the south side. Suitable for this blackout curtains made of linen or cotton. They perfectly reflect the sun's rays.

blackout curtains


The heat quickly makes the air dry, and breathing in the room becomes difficult. This makes the stay in the apartment uncomfortable.


Advice! To combat the dry air in the room, a special device is suitable - a humidifier, which can be purchased at a household appliance store.

You can just arrange containers with water throughout the apartment, adding aromatic refreshing oils to them. Another option: spray simple water from a spray bottlebut you have to do it every hour.


A familiar household appliance help cool the bedding.

bed cooling

To do this, put the sheet and pillowcase in a bag and put in the refrigerator all day.

Important! Covering the bed with such linen, pause! It is advisable to go to bed only after half an hour, otherwise you can catch a cold.


It is possible to cover windows and walls with foil film, especially in rooms whose windows face the south side. Foil prevents air heating of all objects in the room.



This is a real salvation on hot days when you really want coolness. It is best to use instruments with automatic airflow as not to catch a cold.


Important! The use of various devices, such as televisions, irons and computers, additionally warms the air in the room. That is why it is better to limit their use on hot summer days.

Ice and cold water

In addition, it is worth using such a simple way as accommodation throughout the apartmentice tanks. When melted, the ice will cool the entire room. Same thing with a cold water bath. If you open the door to the bathroom, where cold water is collected, wet coolness will spread throughout the apartment.


Advice! It is recommended to carry out frequent wet cleaning during the hot season and spray water from the spray gun. Getting rid of dust and unnecessary things that accumulate heat will help to quickly reduce the temperature in the room.

How to keep cool in the house

You can also use several methods to keep your room cool.

  • The foil, which we have already mentioned, protects well from the ubiquitous ultraviolet rays. It reflects sunlight and does not allow objects in the room to heat up.
  • No less effective are conventional jalousie on the windows. They need to be closed all day so that the sun does not penetrate the room. This will help keep the room cool.

Important! In the salons for the production of blinds, even innovative developments are offered today with reflective slats that prevent heat from entering.

  • Home plants and flowers help maintain a certain amount of coolness in the room. Especially good at this. ficus benjamina, aloe vera, pike tail and some other indoor plants.
  • Wet sheet also a good way to keep cool. It is hung near the balcony door and periodically moisturized. You can cover yourself with a damp sheet at night to feel cool.
  • Frozen water bottles or any other containers installed in front of a conventional fanwill create a comfortable room temperature. It is only important to periodically update the melted ice.
water bottles in front of the fan

There are quite a few ways to keep cool in the house, and each housewife can choose the most suitable for herself, one that is simpler and more affordable. You can use a complex of different means to create comfortable conditions for yourself and your loved ones.

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