Types of Coffee - what are the coffee machine for home

Most modern people are not without their morning cup of coffee. And the current pace of life, the eternal rush forced to come up with ever more sophisticated devices that can save you as much time and effort to its preparation. So there are new coffee makers and coffee machines.

What kinds of coffee makers

The content of the article

  • What kinds of coffee makers
  • Types of coffee makers and coffee machines
    • Geyser
    • carob
    • Trickle
    • capsule
    • combined
    • Semi
    • automatic
    • Hand
  • What are the coffee machine for home
    • Coffee machine for plates

Most carob coffeeThe choice of coffee makers is enormous. There are both very simple and cost-effective at a cost model that differ unpretentious and principle of minimum capabilities and more complex models, is equipped with most diverse functions: a timer maintaining the temperature regime to keep the coffee hot for some time (half an hour to 3 hours), the regulation of strength and t. d.

It is worth paying attention to the amount of coffee, which is prepared for 1 time. Typically, this information is available on the device, and means an amount of a capacity of 100 ml cups.

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This will help you choose a coffee maker, according to the amount consumed by you or your family product.

Types of coffee makers and coffee machines

All makers and coffee machines are designed for one purpose - to make coffee. The difference - in the method of extraction of coffee required to obtain flavor and fragrance components. They differ and the principle of formation of steam pressure. Depending on these parameters, there are different types of coffee makers and coffee machines.


Geyser coffeeAnother name - steam coffee. The model was created back in the 19th century, but still make up the design and operation have not undergone any changes. The only innovation - were electric models with a cord included in the socket. Hand still put on the stove.

Depending on the volume of the coffee machine type are produced with different power - from 450 W to 1 kW. They consist of 3 sections:

  • the bottom water reservoir made of steel;
  • separation (filter) for ground coffee beans;
  • the upper tank (pot) for the finished coffee, the manufacturing material - glass, ceramic or steel.

The process of cooking takes place in several stages:

  1. Filtered water is poured into the lower container. Level is determined by the available mark.
  2. The filter is placed ground coffee, preferably milled. The coffee powder is not necessary to condense, it is only necessary to slightly flatten.
  3. Filter coffee is mounted above the container with water, placed on top of the coffee pot. Coffee machine put on the stove or include the outlet.

The principle of operation is reflected in the model name. Heated to reflux, water begins to expand and flows into a funnel-shaped tube is pressurized. According to her the water with the help of the resulting vapor rises into the filter with ground grains and, passing through it and extracting the necessary components of the coffee in the coffee pot is pushed. The process of ejecting its appearance resembles a geyser.

Turn off the device manually. The readiness of coffee and ending in the tank water will prompt a sound like a hiss.

Attention! Plus geyser coffee machine is the ability to control water heating. The slower it is, the richer get a drink.


carob coffeeIn this model, a compartment for ground coffee is a horn (Holder). A feature of such coffee makers is the need for a dense compaction of the coffee powder fine grinding special pestle.

The cooking process takes place under high pressure vapor formed during boiling water. No wonder the other name of the device - espresso (Italian language - under pressure).

The vapor formed in two ways, depending on the type of coffee maker:

  1. Steam. Pr arises during heating of water to boiling temperature - 100 ° C and under pressure of 4 bar opens the valve between the water reservoir and the horn. The hot steam passes through the coffee and extracting therefrom coffee substance enters the pot in finished form. On preparation takes about 3-5 minutes.
  2. Pump therapy. The steam obtained by heating water to electromagnetic pump 95 degrees. The pressure in this unit is 15 bar, so the preparation takes very little time - about 30 seconds, and the consumption of raw materials is reduced. Coffee lovers know that the optimal temperature for cooking is from 92 to 95 ° C. Therefore, its quality will be higher than in the steam model.

The coffee makers carob Coffee image of "the cream" - soft and fragrant foam, valued by many gourmets.

Reference! Some are equipped with coffee makers carob Cappuccino - nozzle inlet or frothed milk, which allows to prepare cappuccino, latte espresso apart.


drip coffee makerOther names - filtration, US. Are in great demand due to its low cost and ease of use.

The device is a container 2: the cold water and the finished beverage, between which a mesh filter with coarse grains. The filter may be paper (single variant), nylon (enough for about 60 cups), metallic or "gold" (titanium coating that does not require replacement).

The water warmed up by the heating element to nearly 100 ° C, expands and goes into steam, which outlet tube passes into the upper part of the apparatus. There, vapor is condensed and the condensate in the form of droplets drips through the special opening on the filter with coffee, and then passes through it into the coffee pot. When this part is lost temperature, reaching approximately 90-97 ° C (ideal temperature conditions for the US). Among the shortcomings - the lack of foam.

In the more expensive models, there are additional features:

  • coffee located at the preheater capable keep coffee hot for 3 hours;
  • has a gate with a drip-stop function that protects the plate from falling on her product of residues of withholding the cup from the coffee maker;
  • the possibility of stopping the machine at any stage of cooking.

Interesting! Coffee is a more tasty and a strong drip coffee maker having the smallest capacity.


capsule coffeeIn this model, instead of a filter compartment or milled grain are used with special capsules compacted coffee powder inside. That coffee is not oxidized, has not lost its taste and not spoiled, do capsule sealed and filled with inert gas. During the preparation, they are pierced with 3 sides with a special device.

First entering a powerful air jet agitates the contents of the capsule. Then therethrough pressurized heated water passes. The resulting coffee is poured into the cup. The used capsule is ejected.

of the benefits - there is no need to calculate the correct portion of the loaded coffee, clean the filter on your old coffee mass. of the minuses - Some devices can only be used capsules firms - Coffee maker.

Attention! When selecting a model of the capsule note the degree of volume produced by its noise.


combined coffeeCombines 2 types of coffee makers:

  • carob, with espresso;
  • dropping to US fans.

With such a device should take into account that these drinks need different grinding grains (fine - for espresso, the large - for the US).

When you select should pay attention to power. Desirably, it is not less than 1-1.7 kW. Then there will be a pressure of 15 bar.


Semi-automatic coffee machineProvide that part of the work before brewing must be made manually. The machine grinds the coffee beans are not your own, it is necessary to fill in the already milled form. Then you need to put the coffee in the filter properly compacted. To this kind include, for example, carob model.

Of the advantages it can be noted that, depending on what you prefer coffee (strong, not very strong), it is possible to determine the right amount of raw materials and the resulting beverage volume.


Require little or no human intervention in the process of making coffee. The device, also called a combine or a coffee machine, independently:

  1. Grinds coffee beans. They are placed in the compartment provided for this purpose, where the grind of detailed settings. Milled product enters the pressing separated, which is pressed into a tablet and wetted soluble.
  2. It heats the water to the required temperature. Under pressure it passes through the compacted powder and fills the cup finished product.
  3. Self-cleaning. The remaining waste is disposed of in a special container, and then is rinsed.

To prepare 1 cup of coffee with the moment of laying the grain to spill into the cup takes only 30 to 40 seconds. The big plus is the fact that due to grinding just before cooking to make coffee being reserved entirely caffeine and essential oils. Of the minuses - the high cost.

Tip! It is undesirable to use automatic devices flavored coffee - the smell remains of it, which is difficult to resolve for a long time.


Manual coffeeDevices in which the coffee is prepared under the pressure created by manual muscle strength. These include:

  1. French press (French-press). It consists of a narrow cylinder, piston and high temperature glass, attached to the mesh filter made of metal. At the bottom of cylinder pre-ground coffee beans, hot water is poured, the cover is closed. The piston is then in the raised state. Once the coffee infusion (after 5-7 minutes), the piston is lowered, pressing and passing through a thick filter the finished beverage.
  2. Aeropress. The principle of operation is the same with the only difference that the filter is made of paper, is disposable. It is embedded in a mesh cover on the bottom of the glass cylinder, after completion of the infusion procedure is ejected.
  3. Hendpresso (from the English word hand - "hand"). A miniature model fits in one hand. Located within piston pump injects compressed air, creating a pressure of 9 bar. Once the pressure gauge reaches the green mark is poured into the coffee machine, ground coffee, hot water is poured, the filter cover is closed. Ready drink is poured into a cup by pressing a button.

The advantage of manual coffee makers is the small size, you can take them with you on the road to the cottage, in any trip. For their operation does not require the presence of electricity.

What are the coffee machine for home

Coffee machine for home are:

  • electric operating at power up;
  • coffee on the plate - a gas or induction.

By the above models, running on electricity, you can add elektroturku. Coffee ready for it, as well as at the plate, but instead it uses a special plate food stand. Disabling not automatic, after the completion of the brewing process, you must disable the device independently.

Coffee machine for plates

TurkOf the above types of coffee makers here include Geyser model (if not electric), in which coffee is prepared on the heat source - a gas or induction cooker. In addition, there are known from time immemorial pots (Cezve), Turk, Dalla.

Pots represents a vessel made of wrought copper, steel, aluminum, brass or ceramic inner surface Food coated with tin to prevent the ingress of dangerous to human health substances secreted by heating copper, brass. It has a wide base and narrow neck, long, often made of hard wood, the knob.

Turku majority of the coffee pots feel the same, without making distinctions between them. According to one version, a difficult name could not take root in Russia, as well as the most famous was the Turkish coffee, the vessel came to be called by the Turks. However, some experts believe that there is still a difference: the Turks have a wide and short neck, which has a funnel shape.

Dalla widely used in the countries of Saudi Arabia, and Syria. It is a small, usually copper, a vessel with a narrow neck, a short nose and a thick bottom, having a lid and a long straight handle. In shape vaguely resembles a teapot.

Existing market coffee machines and coffee machines offers a huge number of different models and types for all, even the most refined taste. Choice depends on the preferences of coffee lover: the desired strength, the amount of favorite recipes and so on.. After making a purchase, taking into account all the pros and cons, you can become the owner of the device, capable to deliver a real pleasure to drink a cup of aromatic capable of cheerfulness and good humor on all day.

Types of Coffee - what are the coffee machine for home

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