Why put in the refrigerator trifle: a sign that acts

For some, it's a shock, but people who hold signs, store in the refrigerator, not only products, but also money. I agree, refrigerator and money - absolutely incompatible concepts. But such a practice exists. In several well-known superstitions This appliance is one of the objects, which actively feeds the family budget, attracting money into the house. Therefore, there should always be at least a little money, even a trifle.

Why put a little thing in the fridge

Money in the refrigerator: working as a sign?

The content of the article

  • Money in the refrigerator: working as a sign?
    • Refrigerator need to praise
    • Stacked on shelves expensive products
    • Avoid empty
    • Keep quality
    • Large bills in the compartment for vegetables
    • Talk!
    • Regular grooming and washing
  • Additional monetary signs associated with a fridge

Girlfriend strongly believes in all sorts of signs, and about the refrigerator too long ago she knew. Says that this miracle of technology, you can tell just about all of their desires, and they will be fulfilled. Someone wagged his finger to his temple, and someone will listen to the advice and do the same.

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However, before you ask the refrigerator "miracles" and cash completions, you need to know about certain rules, without which it will not be magic.

Refrigerator need to praise

It is important to talk to a household appliance, to share their feelings and desires. And yet praise him, and grateful for the products.

conversation with a fridge

Stacked on shelves expensive products

This is not necessarily should be a complete camera delicacies. But at least some amount of expensive products there needs to be contained.

Avoid empty

Do not leave the shelves completely empty. Most likely, it will upset the "master" cuisine.

stocked refrigerator

Keep quality

It is necessary to monitor the quality of products on the shelves of the refrigerator. They must be fresh and good.

Large bills in the compartment for vegetables

recommended xwound on each shelf of the coin. As well as putting in an appliance at least one large bill.


Important! With the refrigerator need to talk! To the magic worked, you need to open the door and tell about their desires and dreams.

conversation with a fridge

It will be very difficult to forget about their hopes, but it needs to be done, otherwise it will not come true. And continue to do their own thing. Luck definitely will turn to face you.

And after the executed desire need to thank the appliance.

Regular grooming and washing

Do not forget the careful care of the instrument. It should be regularly cleaned and defrosted, if this is not initially provided.

Additional monetary signs associated with a fridge

The kitchen is the most energy-intensive facilities in the house. It is here that gather all family members. It is filled with positive emotions and energy of home. Perhaps that is why experts recommend to make money "nest egg" in the kitchen. Refrigerator is the "hub" of the premises, the place from which come all prepared foods.

large bills in a refrigerator

This is the first reason why a refrigerator is used as a large "purse". Many people believe that you need to keep the small coins in the refrigerator. But most mages and shamans are advised to put a large bill, and the money in the house came an endless stream.

periodically, it is recommended get a coin and make a moveThat makes them ring. It is worth to say the phrase "Money makes money!" And put the coins in place.

Important! These pay the money does not. Even if the house there are no more funds, the "nest egg" should remain in place. Otherwise, good luck completely turn away from the house.

Next to the refrigerator, you can put a statuette of an owl, though quite small. Or paste magnet with its image on the door. It will use the received money wisely and not make useless expenditures.

And most importantly, you need to be completely confident in their abilities and skills, to work and do what he likes. Only a happy person gets exactly what he wants.

25.06.2019 at 07:39

Horoscope, signs, loans to fortunetellers. The destiny of uneducated, barely graduated seven classes.

To answer
25.06.2019 at 13:15

All written to the thieves who entered the house, immediately knew where to look for large bills and melochishku a bus, and everything else is on the cards!

To answer
AvatarZilya Borodin:
27.06.2019 at 10:25

Why ask for a prosperity of the refrigerator if it is chock full of expensive products? you probably eats three throat? if I have in the fridge such products, and with money all right. is not it? better to go to the toilet, talk to your digestion was all right.

To answer
AvatarI AM:
27.06.2019 at 18:09

Praise the refrigerator, to talk to him - a fast and reliable way there not to financial prosperity, but to the mental hospital.

To answer
30.06.2019 at 12:37

What kind of nonsense just do not write just to fill up your wallet! Blank holodilnik- bail slim figure and a prosperity in the house, less tratish- longer have!

To answer
07.01.2019 at 14:36

Full article can be summed up in two proposals:
Why put in the refrigerator trifle? Because the morons.

To answer
07.03.2019 at 16:17

From such a life, will soon be put into the refrigerator HAT !!!

To answer
07.07.2019 at 16:36

in the refrigerator will soon all zapihivatpo due to the fact that not enough money every day.
if still night with him to talk about what is not opomyanul author, then definitely I went to the roof.
JAC, that though the Bucks to shove, though they only Tug, money will come into disrepair! word work on the toilet!

To answer
AvatarElena Gurbanova:
08.07.2019 at 13:30

We really hold for idiots. What money. What gratitude refrigerator. Vacuum cleaner may sing hosanna, television composing odes, along with a microwave and others like her. Who Pichet these articles. Such utter nonsense to read and think. Soon shaman probably begin before the appliances.

To answer
10.07.2019 at 20:47

Article very much, I take advantage of her tips. Each person makes his choice. I did not know about these signs, but has always been glad that the refrigerator helps keep the mother in law gave us Products ZIL refrigerator, worked for almost 50 years. To leave it was hard, if he had not become a family member. Mother in law has always praised his new refrigerator, hugged him. They are in the house always had money and lived happily ever after. I have my new fridge really like, treat it carefully, I watch for cleanliness. Thanks for the advice.

To answer
23.07.2019 at 11:08

And if you put in the refrigerator $ 1,000 cabbage in it will not be translated.

To answer
23.07.2019 at 18:50

If you put money in the refrigerator, then this sign to indigestion and spoilage-renowned fact that a lot of money on bacteria.

To answer
21.08.2019 at 08:34

Thoughts are material, not of iron refrigerator. How can you even think up such nonsense. You have to write a fairy tale... yes, but how do you assess the expensive products or not. On my salary sausage for 1000 rubles, it is sooooo expensive ...

To answer
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