Filter device for water purification: materials for cartridges, installation rules

In order to get high-quality water without harmful impurities, consumers need to purchase a modern filtration system. And that is why today we decided to talk about the device of similar equipment and other features.

The stages of water filtration device

The content of the article

  • The stages of water filtration device
  • Cartridge Materials
  • Rules for installing a filter for water purification

The steps of filtering water with a purifier The first and main step in the preparation of the liquid will be mechanical filtration. The device retrieves particles 1 or more microns in size. In the process, elements such as:

  • Rust from water pipes;
  • Scale;
  • Sand;
  • Clay impurities.

As a result, the consumer receives a clear liquid. At the end of this stage, you can remove organic impurities, chemical and other elements. For this purpose, ultrafine filtration models are used.

Important! The specific need to remove certain elements is possible only by conducting analyzes and obtaining results.

In order to choose the optimal filter, you need to clearly understand what tasks it will perform:

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  • Cleaning hot and cold water;
  • What impurities must be removed;
  • What should be the performance indicator and the amount of load in the equipment;
  • Purpose of use: protection of pipes and equipment, cooking, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the place of use of the filter installation: an apartment, a private house, a boiler room or large-scale production.

Cartridge Materials

Materials for filter cartridges for cleaning They are made from polypropylene fiber, woven polypropylene rope, cellulose or nylon fiber. But in most cases polypropylene is the manufacturing material, in view of the affordable cost and resistance to chemicals.
In addition, the polypropylene fiber boasts a foamed structure containing small bubbles. They trap dirt and small impurities.

This material can be used in the temperature range from 1 to 52 degrees, which gives the consumer the opportunity to filter warm and cold water. But such filters, alas, will not cope with hot liquid, and the consumer will need to give preference to the cartridges of their impregnated cotton fiber.

Rules for installing a filter for water purification

Rules for installing a filter for water purification
  1. The pre-filter is recommended to be placed in front of the meter.
  2. At the time of installation, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the water pressure, and install the device in the direction of the arrow marked on the case.
  3. It is possible to install a coarse strainer on the water supply only in situations with a sump having an oblique arrangement. And then, installation is possible only with the direction of water from top to bottom.
  4. Installation of devices with a direct sump should be carried out exclusively on horizontal pipes.
  5. Installing the filter with the cover up is strictly prohibited.
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