How to sow carrots without thinning?

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Carrot gives our body a huge storehouse of vitamins and minerals, supports eyesight, normalizes metabolic processes, improves blood circulation. Every gardener dreams of collecting a good harvest of carrots, to use it all year round. How to make high-quality stocks, get a large and juicy product, how to plant carrots properly to get a decent way out of the vegetable seeds?

Preparing the soil for sowing

Carrots are planted in the open ground as follows:

  • loosening of soil;
  • fertilizer sowing site;
  • styling carrot seeds;
  • timely watering;
  • elimination of pests;
  • weeding row;
  • harvesting.
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First of all, you need to choose a site in the garden, where the weeds appear least. In early April, you can start sowing early ripening varieties.

It is important to loosen the soil, add a little sand, mix it with mineral fertilizers a few weeks before sowing the seeds.

Common methods of sowing root crops

The usual way is to plant dry carrot seeds. But the whole point is that it is difficult to control the number of seeds that fall into the furrow. And then you will either need to thin the vegetable, or the shoots will be small and uneven. That's why carrot seeds are important to properly prepare before planting. And for this there are a lot of folk methods.

Read also:High beds are the best way to grow carrots (video)

Sowing with soaked and sprouted seeds

They are soaked for 2 hours in room water, then laid out on a damp cloth and covered with wet paper on top. When drying, the surface needs to be moistened in a timely manner. When the seeds begin to peck, they need to be removed to the refrigerator for 10 days for hardening and afterwards to be sown in the open ground.
With this method, the soil should be kept moist, so that the seeds do not die. In this way, the carrot will ascend very quickly, and it will give good results.

Seeding carrots in a bag

As soon as snow starts to melt, you need to prepare a place on the site and put a linen bag with carrot seeds in a shallow pit. In order not to lose this place, it is necessary to put any identification mark. In a couple of weeks, two seeds will begin to peck, they are removed, mixed with river sand and scattered over the bed. Cover with a film. After 6 days, there will already be the first shoots, which can be seeded in the right amount on the open ground. Such carrots are very juicy and large, ripen very early, retains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, does not burn out in the sun.

Seeding carrots with sand

Here's how to sow carrots so as not to thin out: take two tablespoons of seeds and mix with a bucket of sand. This mixture is moistened and thrown into large furrows. The place of sowing is covered with a small layer of soil and watered well. Until the autumn, you can not approach the beds, and after the vegetable garden a fine harvest is expected - a large and even carrot.

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Grandmother's way of planting a vegetable

It is necessary to pour a jar of water and pour seeds into it, and then collect the obtained liquid into the genus and sprinkle on the bed, as when ironing. Perhaps this is a non-ideal method of planting carrots, but shoots are more uniform than when dry planting.

Planting seeds with a paste

This method will help to avoid the subsequent thinning of carrots and protect the plant from fungal diseases. To make a paste, you need to take a spoonful of flour and a liter of cold water. On a slow fire, brew the composition, cool to a temperature of 35 degrees and pour the prepared seeds. Stir the mixture and pour into a prepared groove with a thin trickle. Vegetables will be juicy and ripe.

Seed sticker on toilet paper

What you need to do, perform this technology:

  • cut the toilet paper along the length of the bed;
  • make a paste of starch and water, and add a little boric acid (to protect the plant from diseases);
  • on the strips to put the seeds through a toothpick 2 pieces at a distance of 4 cm;
  • Dry the material;
  • roll and save the product until the spring landing in the ground.

Sowing carrots with the help of handy tools

Many gardeners use special strainer or saltcellar, which will help to sow carrot seeds so that they do not need to be thinned. The seeder for carrots with its own hands is made from a simple plastic bottle, in which a hole penetrates into the size of the seed, and thus carrots are sown. But if the shoots are still dense, then they need to break through during the first week, so that the remaining roots get more moisture and nutrients, grow juicy and large.

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Method for seed coating

The method allows to increase the size of the carrot seed and to facilitate sowing. First, you need to soak the seeds with water and take all the defective, dry and too small. Then add to the composition of potassium permanganate and leave overnight. This will remove the essential oils in the shell, which slow the growth of seeds.
After that, fill the grooves with a thin layer of flour and lay out the seeds one by one. Shoots will be uniform, the root will be juicy and large.
Perfect neighbors for carrots are cucumbers, onions, garlic, peas, tomatoes. You can not plant a plant twice in a row in one place. As fertilizers it is necessary to use potassium and phosphorus, but not in any cases liquid manure or bird droppings, so that the root crops do not wither and rot.

Basic nuances when growing carrots

  1. The earth is important all the time to loosen and pour the root crop.
  2. Plant water two or three times a week, as the soil is moistened.
  3. To make timely weeding.
  4. Remove carrots from pests-insects.

That's how experienced farmers grow root crops. And how to plant carrots, so as not to thin out - watch videos from professionals.

Sow carrots and do not thin out - video

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