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Crop rotation in the garden is one of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest. In addition, the alternation of crops helps to avoid complete depletion of the soil, because different plants and feed in different ways. Take at least cabbage: the most valuable substance for it is potassium, respectively, on the site after harvesting white-washed its content is significantly reduced.
No less important is the fact that extracting potassium, the root system of cabbage replaces it with saturating the earth with harmful substances - colins. It is important to know what you can plant on this site for next year, because some garden plants are very sensitive to their effects, while others are absolutely normal on them react.
What is the predecessor of cabbage for cucumbers?
Cucumbers can be planted not only after cabbage, but also in the neighborhood with it. These two cultures perfectly complement each other. Planted nearby, they are less likely to get sick, and pests in the beds are not so common.
For whom else is cabbage a good predecessor?
The former cabbage beds are suitable for planting most plants, among them:
- tomatoes;
- eggplant;
- root crops (carrots, beets);
- onion and garlic.
Can you plant cabbage again in one place?
In addition to the fact that cabbage takes useful substances from the soil and gives it harmful elements, it often suffers from a cabbage fly or cabbage. No matter how the planting is handled, the pest larvae may remain in the ground.
Wintering there, next season they again attack plants, so plant cabbage on the site for more than two years in a row is undesirable. If there is no other option, it is necessary to fill the loss of fertility of the soil by introducing manure under the digging. But you can do this no more than 3 years in a row.
What can not be grown after cabbage?
In order not to provoke a wave of diseases and invasion of insects, in the new garden season, instead of cabbage, instead of cabbage, it is not necessary to grow all related plants (radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga).