Why do gloxins wrap the leaves?

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On vacation, she took her gloxinium home from work. In the office, the flower was healthy, with normal even leaves, and at home in two weeks leaves almost all curled up. Tell me why gloxinia is wrapped in leaves and how dangerous is it for a flower?

Gloxinia is a representative of the family of Gesneria and came to us from the far forests of America. This is a long half-shrub with beautiful decorative leaves, which also blooms beautifully with velvet bells. The leaves themselves are also covered with a small pile, they are oval or elongated, they have small denticles along the edges.

Usually gloxinia leaves are even, but sometimes growers face such a problem as changing the shape of the leaf plate. Externally, the plant remains still healthy, the leaves retain their color, but the edges begin to wrap under the bottom of the leaf, resembling an inverted spoon. Sometimes the bottom leaves lie literally on the windowsill and seem to be trying to climb under the pot.

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The reasons why gloxinia leaves are wrapped inside can be very diverse, because the flower is very sensitive to the slightest changes. Most often this phenomenon occurs as a result of:

  • violations of conditions of detention and care;
  • when damaged by pests.

Errors in care

Glossy leaves turn off if:

  1. The room is too hot or cold. The optimum temperature for growing a forest beauty should be between 18-22 degrees Celsius. If the winter in the room is cold, and in the summer - it's hot, first of all the leaves will react. It is important to pick a plant place where it would be comfortable all year round or by season to transfer the pot to a more suitable room (warm or cool).
  2. The room is too dry air. By its nature, gloxinia simply adores the increased humidity of the air. In a dry room leaves are not enough food, and they are wrapped. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in hot summer, and also in winter (when heating works). At this time, near the gloxinia, it is recommended to put a container of water, in addition, periodically spray it.
  3. The flower fell under a draft. Airing the room - a prerequisite for growing gloxinia, with the exception of drafts.
  4. The plant stands on the south window sill. Direct sunlight is harmful to gloxinia, so for the summer it should be rearranged or shaded window.
  5. Gloksinia flooded. Excess moisture adversely affects the appearance of the flower, and in the case of permanent overflows can lead not only to the folding of the leaves, but also to decay of the plant.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to return the old form to the leaves, but provided all the rules of care are fulfilled, gloxinia will grow new, beautiful leaves with time, and the old ones can be cut off.

Presence of pests

Leaves of gloxinia fold, if they were settled thrips or mites. In this case, it is urgent to take measures and treat the plant with insecticides (Aktara, Karbofos), otherwise it may die.

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Video on the proper care for gloxinia

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