What is different from the steamer multivarka: what is the difference, it is better to buy

multivarka and steamerModern housewife in the kitchen can not do without assistants. As such, protrude microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, pancake makers and other appliances facilitate family life, saves a lot of time and take a more pleasant affairs. Particularly noteworthy Multivarki and steamers, which can now be seen on any kitchen. What are they good for? Is there any difference between them?

What is multivarka

The content of the article

  • What is multivarka
  • What is steamer
  • What is different from the steamer multivarka
    • Functionality
    • Available modes
    • Time for preparing
    • power consumption
    • The price of the unit
  • What better multivarka or steamer

multivarkaThis universal device as multivarka, includes not only the heating of food, but also their preparation. Functional modern Multivarki allows you to:

  • cooking;
  • fry;
  • bake;
  • simmer;
  • steamed.

In addition, meals can be prepared with a delay start. The hostess can download from the evening to the container the necessary products and include cooking mode at night or to a particular time. This feature is particularly useful for mothers with young children who need the morning to feed the hot porridge. After the porridge is ready, the smart machine will begin its warm up, so in the morning you will have a hot meal ready.

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What is steamer

double boilerSteamer - an indispensable tool in the steaming dishes. In other words, it can not fry, braise or stove, but allows you to cook a variety of foods: meat, fish, vegetables, fruit. Its main advantage is the ability to simultaneously prepare multiple products that can be put in one or different bowls. Modern devices are endowed with a function of delayed start mode and heating dishes.

What is different from the steamer multivarka

In order to determine what is best suitable for you, compare the assistants in functionality, modes of cooking, their cooking time, power consumption and cost.


functionality steamersAs we have noted, both devices are endowed with a function of delayed start and heating already cooked dishes. In addition, multivarka steamer and allow to defrost food. But multivarka can not only cook food for a couple, but the oven, boil, braise and even fry. With its help you can easily cook the soup, cook any porridge, bake a cake and roast meat or fish. More expensive models have the function of "grill" or "yogurt". Significant plus steamers that during the preparation of food vitamins are preserved in it in full. That is why from the steamer products are most useful. This is a great counterbalance to the machine for those who are watching their health and figure.

Available modes

Multivarok models on the market, equipped with a variety of modes:

  • milk porridge;
  • pilaf;
  • bakery products;
  • steaming;
  • quenching;
  • grill.

functionality MultivarkiYou do not have to think how long it takes to prepare, for example, breast rice porridge, multivarka she set the timer and will signal when the dish is ready.

Steaming has only two modes:

  • steaming;
  • defrosting food.

You can not cook porridge in it or make soup. for this machine is minimal set of products: meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

Time for preparing

time prigotovaleniyaAccording dishes cooking speed multivarka inferior steamer. The first prepares dishes for much longer. However, in multivarka is a function of steaming food, time and speed are identical to the steamer. For example, to defrost vegetables both assistants will spend the same amount of time as well as for cooking fish, chicken or meat.


The essential difference is the possibility of cooking in a double boiler several dishes simultaneously, saving precious time. Multivarka allows a cook at a time.

power consumption

Multivarki powerValue has researched power consumption devices. Steamer, involving 3 or 4 of the bowl at the same time consume 1200-1400 watts. At the same chalice spent no more than 800 watts. Consumption Multivarki power, on average, 1000-1200 watts.

On a note!

At the same cup steamers it consumes less than multivarka. When two bowls - more.

The price of the unit

By price range steamers much cheaper multivarok. The average price of a modern device for steaming dishes of about 2000-2500 rubles. Machine with one bowl costs 1000-1500 rubles. Multivarka having limited functionality, will cost you 3000-3500 rubles, and assistant with features such as "Jam", "Grill" or "yogurt" more than 5,000 rubles.

What better multivarka or steamer

what to chooseChoosing between the steamer and multivarka, the latter prefer consumers who prefer variety in food. Steamer is - a valuable helper for those who adhere to proper nutrition, diet or wishes to consume foods that contain the most vitamins and useful microelements.

Multicooker modes: main and additional, manual programs.

Multicooker modes: main and additional, manual programs.Slow Cooker

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