How to cook steamed in multivarka: how to use a steamer in multivarka

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multivarkaDishes, steamed, are considered to be more useful and low-calorie. This way of cooking is suitable for those who want to lose weight or have to limit yourself because of health problems. Also, this way of cooking can feed small children. Multivarku buy and prepare the regime will be the right solution in it, even if you do not belong to the above people.

What function in multivarka allows you to steam

The content of the article

  • What function in multivarka allows you to steam
    • How this function works
  • How to cook steamed in multivarka
    • Preparing food
    • Time for preparing
    • What can be steamed in multivarka
  • How to use steamer in multivarka: step by step guide
  • Advantages of steaming food

functionAlmost all modern kitchen appliances of this type have the function of cooking dishes with steam. Search this mode does not make much effort and care. The designation may be different, but most of the equipment manufacturers use a "steaming". For this purpose, a special cup at the bottom of the water and a container with small holes where the main course goes.

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How this function works

Steamer in multivarkaThe principle of this mode is pretty simple. The water poured into the cup, with the aid of the steam generator is heated to boiling temperature, and steam is generated, which comes on top of the food, thereby cooking is much faster than when cooking, baking and frying. The pallet is going all condensate. Spoil anything is almost impossible. Multivarka has a timer and water level indicator. If the liquid boils away, the appliance will turn off, while in the hole you can pour it. Instead of plain water, you can use tea, broth or wine.

How to cook steamed in multivarka

how to cook a coupleFirst of all, you should examine your appliance to while cooking is nothing not to miss and do too much. Then the cooking, no doubt, will be given very easily. A special basket you can boil eggs. Even during this mode, liquid can be heated and portioned meals.

Preparing food

food preparationThe first thing, of course, you have to go by the ingredients. Meat should be well washed and dried. Eggs make a small hole. In color, Kochan and broccoli to cut thick stems. Other products can leave whole or cut into slices.

Time for preparing

As mentioned above, using Multivarki and its mode steamers food is cooked very quickly. There will be presented with a list of products and their exact cooking time (in minutes). You can take absolutely any number of products, the list is the usual pattern.

Time of cooking for a couple in multivarka

Meat, poultry and eggs:

  • Manta (8-10 pcs.; 500g) - 35-40.
  • Dumplings (450g) - 25-30.
  • Chicken fillet (500g) - 20-25.
  • Fillet of veal (500g) - 25-30.
  • Lamb fillet (500g) - 25.
  • Fillet of pork, beef (500g) - 15-25.
  • Chicken cutlets (4-6 pcs.; 500g) - 18-20.
  • Meatballs (20-25 pcs.; 500g) - 15-18.
  • Turkey cutlets (300g) - 25-30.
  • Veal cutlets (300g) - 25-30.
  • Chicken legs (300g) - 25-30.
  • Beef sausages (8 pcs. without removing the skin) - 8-13.
  • Frankfurter sausages (8 pcs. in the shell) - 8-10.
  • Lamb chops (240g) - 25-30.
  • Hard-boiled eggs (10 pcs.) - 15-20.
  • Boiled eggs (10 pcs.) - 10-13.


  • Shrimps (450g) - 15-20.
  • Fillet of red perch (400g) - 15-18.
  • Fresh sea bass (400g) - 17-25.
  • Frozen squid (600g) - 20-25.
  • Mussels in the shells (1 kg) - 18-25.
  • Lobster in the shell (2 pcs.) - 30-35.
  • Trout (300g) - 18-25.
  • Tuna pieces (400g) - 25-30.
  • Saithe fillets (300g) - 15-18.
  • Purified cooked frozen shrimp salad (500g) - 5.

Vegetables and fruits (500g):

  • Carrots - 20-25.
  • Asparagus - 30-40.
  • Artichokes (4 pcs. mid-size) - 40-45.
  • Broccoli (florets) - 15-20.
  • Cauliflower (inflorescence) - 20-25.
  • Brussels sprouts - 20-25.
  • Cabbage (sliced) - 25-30.
  • Asparagus - 30-40.
  • Fennel - 15-20.
  • Zucchini - 15-20.
  • Kohlrabi - 20-25.
  • Potatoes - 20-25.
  • Jacket potatoes - 30-40.
  • Maize (corn cob 2) - 55-60.
  • Leek - 20-25.
  • Mushrooms whole - 20-25.
  • sliced ​​mushrooms - 5-10.
  • Beets - 40-60.
  • Chinese cabbage (stems) - 6.
  • Chinese cabbage (leaves) - 2-3.
  • Broccoli - 5-6.
  • Eggplant - 5-6.
  • Peas - 4-5.
  • Pepper - 2-4.
  • Spinach - 5-6.
  • Zucchini - 4-6.
  • Apples - 10-15.
  • Pears - 10-15.

What can be steamed in multivarka

What can be steamed in multivarkaYou will be able to make a fairly large number of popular dishes such as dumplings, dumplings, dumplings, various pastries, a variety of cereals, vegetables, any kind of meat and poultry, eggs, omelets, salad, meatballs, sausages, casseroles, hedgehogs, rice, potatoes, pasta, stuffed cabbage, cheese cakes, ribs, wings, legs, breast, fish, and more more. To make the food very tasty, keep the following points:

  1. Pour water into the bowl is better not to cold and warm, so the food is cooked very quickly.
  2. Green vegetables and leaves place for a short time, otherwise they will lose their color.
  3. Frozen food should not be defrosted in advance multivarka do it much faster.
  4. Food in the basket should not be laid end to end, otherwise the steam will not be able to go to her office. This will lead to problems with the technique.
  5. Add spices to the food itself, but the salt is better to add to the already cooked dish.

How to use steamer in multivarka: step by step guide

  • 1) First, enjoy a meal, all the products have to be prepared properly.
  • 2) If you need to cook quickly, then heat the water if nowhere in a hurry, you can use any liquid temperature.
  • 3) Remove the container and pour water into the bowl.
  • 4) Replace the tank in place and arrange the ingredients.
  • 5) Close the lid, select the profile and wait for the signal, meaning the end of cooking.

Advantages of steaming food

steamer function in this wonderful universal kitchen appliance will appeal to all, especially to those of whom they say in the the beginning - who adheres to a diet on doctor's orders, who do not have time to cook should be nutrition and children all ages. Information prescribed below will help explain this division.

  • Advantages of steaming foodSteaming allows the food to retain all its useful properties, color, taste, smell and shape. When cooking these qualities are lost, and when frying they also gain a lot of empty calories.
  • This is the fastest and most qualitative way of cooking. Leave food and engaged in other things. At the end of multivarka notify you.
  • Steamed dishes are easily absorbed by the body, it does not clog up the toxins and improve overall physical and mental condition of the person.
  • Skin and hair will look healthy with regular diet of such foods also improve the work of the immune system and the body is in good shape.
  • With frequent stress, depression, apathy and fatigue, try to eat meals made exclusively for a couple that will help you more comfortable with the difficulties in life.

Summing up, it is safe to say that multivarka with cooking mode for a couple of make your life easier and will be extremely useful items in your kitchen.

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