What is better multicooker or multicooker pressure cooker: a comparison of the characteristics, the pros and cons of devices.

Comparison of multicookers and pressure cookersModern multicookers and pressure cookers greatly simplify the process of preparing your favorite dishes. To deal with a wide variety of functions and choose the appropriate technique for your needs, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device.

Advantages and disadvantages of multicookers

The content of the article

  • Advantages and disadvantages of multicookers
  • What is the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker
    • Pros and Cons of Pressure Cookers
  • Which is better - slow cooker or pressure cooker

Advantages and disadvantages of multicookersA slow cooker is a device with the ability to select various temperature conditions for cooking a large number of various dishes. Using a slow cooker, you can cook the same dishes as on a regular stove, but with less time spent on process control. Despite such a significant simplification of cooking, you will first have to spend time sorting out a lot of programs and learning how to use the device. Food in a slow cooker is cooked at a wide variety of temperatures. The heating element can operate at a low temperature, as during extinction, and higher - when frying and baking.

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Advantages of using a slow cooker:

  1. Possibility of automatic cooking without human intervention in process control.
  2. Automatic heating of ready meals and maintaining the temperature.
  3. Setting a timer and delayed start - for cooking by the specified time.
  4. Use a minimum amount of seasoning and oil to produce less high-calorie foods.
  5. Even heating of food with the preservation of a large number of vitamins and nutrients.
  6. The outer surface of the multicooker is slightly heated and its use is generally safe even for inexperienced cooks.

Possessing such wide capabilities, the multicooker has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Fairly high price, especially for models with a large number of functions.
  2. Slow cooking of some dishes in cooking and stewing modes.
  3. Scatter of additional functionality. If you need a specific cooking program, then for this you can buy a separate special appliance. For example, to take an ordinary multicooker for cooking, and for baking bread, additionally purchase a good bread machine without spending money on buying an expensive multicooker with an additional function.

What is the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker

What is the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicookerA pressure cooker is a device for cooking food in an airtight container under high pressure, allowing at high temperature to bring food to readiness for a minimum period of time.

ATTENTION! A pressure cooker is a dangerous appliance due to the maintenance of hot steam under high pressure. This technique should be protected from use by children.

First of all, these two devices differ in the way they affect the products: in a multi-cooker, the cooking process is carried out due to various temperature conditions, and a pressure cooker prepares dishes at high temperature and under constant pressure.

Pros and Cons of Pressure Cookers

In a pressure cooker, dishes cook faster.Due to the maintenance of high temperature, this appliance allows you to cook dishes much faster. On average, it speeds up the process by 2–4 times, and some types of products (beans, beans) - up to 8 times. Moreover, any products after such heat treatment retain their natural color and juiciness. Cooking is done without adding oil, allowing you to create low-calorie wholesome dishes.

The main advantages of pressure cookers are in the following details:

  • a pressure cooker reduces the cooking process due to high pressure and temperature;
  • during short-term processing in a pressure cooker, the color of the products remains natural due to the lack of oxygen;
  • the device is very convenient in the quick preparation of rich soups and cereals;
  • electrical energy consumption is much less than other kitchen appliances.

At the same time, they are inferior to crock-pots in some functional properties:

  • a pressure cooker can only cook and stew, unlike a multicooker, it does not have baking or frying functions;
  • there is no possibility to set a timer;
  • during the cooking process, the multicooker can be opened to check the readiness of the products, but the pressure cooker cannot be opened, because inside it a high pressure is maintained;
  • usually this technique is much larger in size than the crock-pot, and it needs more free space.

Which is better - slow cooker or pressure cooker

When choosing between kitchen devices, the specific need for the functionality of the appliance is crucial. A slow cooker will allow you to cook a wide variety of dishes, with its help you can experiment with the most unusual recipes or use automatic standard programs. But the pressure cooker cooks products much faster and preserves more naturalness in them, such a device is suitable for simplifying the preparation of everyday healthy dishes.

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