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With the advent of summer, the darlings of the flower growers of roses are practically defenseless in front of one of the most common diseases - powdery mildew. Low night temperature, lack of light in thickened plantings, a lack or an overabundance of certain trace elements in the soil lead to the fact that bushes are affected by a dangerous fungus. If everything is left to chance, the disease can cause huge damage to the flowers queen.
Measures to combat powdery mildew on roses depend on the stage of the disease and the area of the lesion. If the disease only manifested itself and captured a couple of bushes, it would be better to use folk methods. But with the large-scale nature of the defeat, they may not work. In this case, more serious means, called in the people "chemistry will be needed.
Folk recipes against powdery mildew
At the initial stage of the appearance of a white deposit on roses, bushes can be sprinkled with one of the solutions to choose from:
- soda-soap solution (50 g of soda and a lot of soap on a bucket of water);
- garlic infusion (80 g of crushed denticles brewed in 10 liters of water);
- mustard infusion (2-3 tbsp. l. powder for 10 liters of warm water);
- solution based on serum and iodine (1 liter and 10 drops, respectively, on a bucket of water).
Sprinkle roses in the evening hours with fresh mortar at least twice. Infected leaves and flowers pre-cut and burn.
Chemical control measures
If the time of onset of the disease is missed or many bushes become sick, it is better to take special medications. Good cope with powdery mildew such fungicides as:
- Topaz.
- Speed.
- Fundazol.
- Previcurus.
- Phytosporin-M.
When treating roses with fungicides, you should maintain an interval of 2 weeks and alternate means to avoid addiction.
Prevention of disease
To prevent the emergence and development of a dangerous fungus, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures:
- weed the flowerbed, preventing the propagation of weeds;
- when fertilizers are applied, give preference to organic and potassium phosphate preparations, avoiding excess nitrogen;
- in the spring and autumn to process roses with copper sulfate with the addition of soap;
- In autumn, remove all the dry foliage under the bush and dig through the soil.
In addition, it is important even at the stage of planting seedlings to choose for them a well-lit and not blown by the wind place, and when the rosary is broken, leave a sufficient distance between the bushes.