Dirty joints in the tiles in the bathroom, an easy way how to wash


  • 1 Folk remedies
  • 2 Carefully store with chemicals
  • 3 Alternative
  • 4 If all else fails

Bathroom - this room, which is constantly moist and damp. Accordingly, on the tile, in particular - between the seams is collected dirt and with insufficient ventilation of premises - mildew fungus. Of course, to live with this problem is simply impossible. Firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, increasing the risk of all sorts of diseases. Today we look at how quickly bring pollution from the seams on the tile in the bathroom.

Folk remedies

Buy chemistry on the market for cleaning tiles - this is the simplest solution. However, high-quality products are expensive. That is why the appropriate use of folk remedies. The most common "recipe" detergent - soda, 9% vinegar and citric acid. Mix all ingredients, the solution is applied to a toothbrush on the soiled surface. After 15 minutes of restored former splendor and purity of the joints on the tiles.

Another way - to mix the citric acid, and soda toothpaste. Apply it must be just as the previous solution.

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Carefully store with chemicals

Earlier it was said that in the hardware stores there are so many strong detergents. However, their main disadvantage is that, along with the dirt is removed and the grout between the tiles. It is best to use a special pen, which removes only the pollution, mold.


The ideal way to remove contamination from the seams - use steamer. A jet of hot steam penetrates deep into the pores between the tiles, eliminating any contamination. After treatment, there will be only wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

If all else fails

It so happens that the means do not lead to the desired results indicated above. Then we must act radically: to remove old grout joints to handle antifungal agents, and then overwrite the new joints, which requires considerable time.

Best of all - to avoid contamination of tile joints. It is recommended to regularly use cleaning products, and most importantly - quality ventilate the room. After all, the accumulated excess moisture causes the appearance of plaque mold, mildew. Not recommended for use potent means on the basis of acids and alkalis. They not only erode the grout joints, but also spoil the gloss ceramic tiles.

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