Top of the most unreliable fasteners for wood

Usually people consider the reliability synonymous with quality. This is not entirely true, especially with respect to anchorages for wood. Yes cheap attachment may not meet quality standards. However, in most cases, there is an unsatisfactory result at the frivolous approach. There is no universal attachment that would be suitable to all types of joinery. Features wood, humidity, thickness of the materials being joined - all this affects the choice.

There are countless types of wood fixtures. How do I know which one is best suited to perform the required kinds of work? To judge, it is necessary to understand some of the issues.

What attaching wood to choose?

Mounting fittings is diverse - the plates, staples, corners, brackets and the like are used during installation. The most common fasteners - anchors, screws and screws. Wood screws quickly identified because their end is narrower than the body, since it paves the way to the end when the fastener is inserted into the tree. Defined 4 basic types of classification screws: the manufacture material of the head type, length and diameter.

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The first classification - a material for manufacturing. This can be:

  • copper,
  • bronze,
  • stainless steel,
  • aluminum,
  • brass.

A mounting may have the following coverage:

  • galvanized,
  • dichromate,
  • nickel-plated,
  • chrome.

Especially strong metal screws. Brass screws are widely used in woodworking. If high strength is required for external or wet rooms should be determined stainless steel. Chrome-plating, as compared with bichromate coating, less polluting.

Top of the most insecure:

  1. Black Phosphated screws - can only be used for interior work, it is absolutely not suitable for rooms with high humidity. It is the least universal fasteners.
  2. Fasteners coated with dichromate. This coating polluting. It is better to opt for chrome plating. For exterior only zinc coating is recommended.
  3. Brass screws. Although they are widely used, their strength is low.

If the market sells some type of mounting, it is necessary for certain jobs. Looseness can be called only conditionally - if it is less durable, moisture resistant unsatisfactory or unsuitable for most types of joinery.

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