Repairs in the bathroom, it is quite time-consuming process that requires human attention to various details. However, even if subject to compliance with the basic rules, you can make a mistake, fix that is not so simple. Of these shortcomings will be discussed in today's article.
Most people wonder how to fix flaws that were made in the process of repair, not tinkering with it again. Responding to a question, I would like to consider a few cases:
1) There was an dismantling of the tile after it is laid. In this case it is possible to restrict the replacement of individual tiles that were destroyed. Often it happens that only one tile has fallen off. It must immediately stick and original place. Ignoring this recommendation in due course lead to the destruction of the entire structure. While avoiding major repair is unlikely to succeed. Using a special mixture to be glued tiles. When performing the task, follow the rules of tiling.

2) damage the door jambs. In this situation, it is not necessary to completely change the door frame. Enough to buy a new herd. For this purpose it is better to hire professionals who can cope with the task as soon as possible. With self-repair can prevent much more serious errors.
4) During the repair bath it was damaged. In this case, the bath will have to be repaired. It all depends on the level of damage. Conventional scratches can be eliminated by plastic surgery operations. However, it will have to carry out the dismantling of tubs and take it to a service center. Run this procedure is very problematic. In the process of removing the tile can catch that will result in the emergence of certain problems.

5) it often occurs deformation after laying the floor covering. Paul begins to "walk." This problem occurs due to improper installation. The floor covering is not recommended to put against a wall. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future is necessary to keep the distance between the wall and the floor of 1 cm.
This article introduced the basic mistakes that may occur after repairs in the bathroom. Therefore it is not recommended for beginners to make their own repairs. This procedure is better to entrust a qualified specialist.