Features of growing seedlings of vegetable plants and flowers in peat pots

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The process of growing seedlings of any plant at home is not an easy task and requires compliance with all necessary conditions that are acceptable for germination of seeds. Very many owners of cottage and garden plots are making considerable efforts to grow strong and hardy plants, which subsequently yield excellent crops and beautiful blossoms. Read the article: planting pepper on seedlings!

Planting plants with seedlings shortens the period of vegetative growth in open soil and brings the harvesting period several times closer. Especially applicable seedlings in cold territorial climatic zones, where the summer period is much shorter, compared with warm edges.

Particularly important during the sowing is the choice of a vessel, which should not be too deep and heavy, but at the same time capacious and comfortable for transport and transportation. A professional gardener always prefers growing seedlings in separate molds, in order to avoid diving.

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A completely new product appeared on the market for dacha farmers - peat pots for seedlings, which are convenient containers for growing it. Comfort - this is an acceptable property for the owner of the land, peat is more applicable in order to create the optimal the right conditions for the development of shoots and the minimum damage to the root system when they are planted in an open priming.

Peat packagings can have a completely diverse appearance - round, square, in the form of cups and solid sectional forms of pots, with the possibility of piece or block application, having absolutely different parameters of diameter and depth: 100 * 100mm, 90 * 90mm, 80 * 80mm, 70 * 70mm, 60 * 60mm, 50 * 50mm, with wall thickness from, mm to, mm.

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Quality peat packagings are packaged in a packaged form in order to maintain proper storage standards and prevent premature aging.

The depth and diameter of peat cups for seedlings and pots is selected from the calculation of the value of the future shoot of the plant. In general, the packaging always indicates the indications for the germination of the seeds of which crops you can apply this or that form.

The positive and negative aspects of the application of peat pots for growing seedlings

Growing sprouts in peat pots is a completely new method and often raises many questions about the feasibility of using peat packagings.

Pros of growing seedlings in peat pots are the following:

  • peat for seedlings - ecologically and biologically sterile capacity for germination and development of the root system;
  • The use of a peat pot for seedlings involves planting in the open ground thereof directly in capacity, which under the influence of moisture breaks down and subsequently dissolves within a month, fertilizing soil;
  • peat packaging does not contain seeds of various weeds and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the germination capacity of the seed material in peat bogs is guaranteed by one hundred percent;
  • When transplanting seedlings into the ground, the root system remains intact;
  • when transporting plants, the soil does not dry up in the tank;
  • shoots of seedlings have the opportunity to receive a balanced diet with the necessary mineral and organic substances;
  • The plants are completely protected from attack by various unfavorable microflora bacteria;
  • cultivation of seedlings in a peat biologically clean house allows you to increase the crop by thirty percent and get it twice as fast as when planted in the usual way.

Despite the positive aspects of applying the innovative method of growing seedlings of vegetable crops and flowers, this method has disadvantages associated with with the fact that very many producers, by virtue of saving peat, can offer the consumer a poor-quality product, in which a large share is occupied by cardboard.

A thick layer of paper is denser than natural peat, which can be a serious obstacle to the development of the root system of plants and its decomposition in the soil. Therefore, choosing the capacity in the store, you should carefully evaluate its appearance. From what is made the capacity is very simple to determine by touch. The peat pot is fragile and porous, cardboard - too dense and pressed.

Read also:Organic fertilizers (peat)

Instructions for the use of peat packagings for proper growing of seedlings

The first acquaintance with peat packs always causes the emergence of the question - how to use peat pots for seedlings?

Before the direct use of peat pots for the intended purposes, they are soaked in a solution of mineral and organic fertilizers, after which they let them dry out.

In order to help future shoots develop a full root system and destroy the pot wall, they can make small holes, a great way - the use of a puncher.

The prepared soil itself with the use of organic elements or bought in the store for gardeners and truck farmers is poured into pots. At the same time, it must maintain its airiness and not be too dense.

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Each seed of a certain culture is planted in a pot according to the timing of the sowing and the depth parameters with observance of the agrotechnical conditions. Peat is an excellent medium for the adhesion of sprouts and cuttings, as well as bulbs.


Watering the seedlings in peat pots has its own characteristics of frequent and sputtered nature. For carrying out this procedure, the spray gun is very suitable.

For better plant germination, the pots are covered with a film and exposed to a warm place (20-25 ° C).


The use of peat pots does not save the gardener from the hassle of seasoning seedlings, the more habitual the seedlings are to the natural climatic conditions of growth, the stronger and more enduring it is.

The wide distribution of peat pots gives a full-fledged description of their useful and comfortable use in practice by many summer residents. Due to compliance with all instructions and rules for the use of containers, skilled truck farmers receive an excellent final result of its activities on the land, especially positive response farmers who have to plant seedlings whole field.

If you can buy low-quality biological packaging, then the expected effect is much lower, which deserves, of course, a negative response.

Today, knowing about the peat container all the necessary nuances, it is necessary to adhere to them, and the grown seedlings with their own hands will bring only worthy harvests.

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