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In general, petunia is a fairly strong, tenacious and unpretentious plant. But it was brought from South America, so when breeding in our country, and even pots, there can be various difficulties. Write about all diseases and pests of petunias and struggle with them is impossible - they are quite numerous. But to know about the most common cases will be useful to every grower.
Diseases affecting petunia
Perhaps the black leg is the most common disease that can destroy petunia even in an experienced florist.
With her above-ground part of the germ blackens, begins to rot and the plant dies. Cure the plant is almost impossible. But you can prevent the emergence and development of the disease. To do this, try to follow the following rules:
- Do not sow seeds too much.
- Observe the temperature (undesirable heating above +20 degrees Celsius).
- Do not use soil of high acidity. The optimum pH is -7.
Another common disease is gray rot.
It is very easy to reveal it - the leaves are covered with gray spots, which quickly wither. Over time, the leaves appear gray raid.
To prevent this from happening, try not to keep petunia for a long time at a temperature below + 12... +15 degrees and get enough light. It can also cause excess nitrogen in the soil. Cure plants can be using the drugs Integral, Maxim and Skor.
Pests of petunia
The most common pest that appears on petunia at home is a spider mite. It is easy to notice it - a thin web appears on the leaves, which becomes more dense. If you do not take action, the leaves will dry up and the plant will die.
For treatment, you can use Demidan or Apollo acaricide. An infusion of dandelion or garlic is also well established.
Can destroy petunia and thrips - tiny insects eating plants. You can see them only if you look closely - if the leaves began to dry and deform, be sure to inspect the plant, turning up the bottom of the sheet.
You can get rid of pests using Insecticide Confidor or Aktara.