How to properly make a lawn on a site overgrown with weeds?

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Advise how to properly make a lawn on a site overgrown with weeds. What is the danger of weed grass and are there any methods for quickly and effectively cleansing soil from it? What substances can soil be treated so that they do not affect later on the grass and flowers?

Cleaning the soil for lawn from weeds is the first thing that needs to be done when building a lawn on a country plot. Soil cultivation from weeds becomes the main task not only in cases where the lawn is sown for the first time. Such work is carried out as planned seasonal for multi-year already existing lawns.

What is the danger of weeds?

Weed grass can inflict considerable damage to the flower bed or lawn by suppressing the development of the main plants or flowers. Weeds quickly absorb moisture, drying the soil, and take away the nutrients from the seedlings, preventing them from developing. In addition, such as field bindweed, wheatgrass and buckwheat produce toxic substances leading to the death of other plants and contamination of the soil on the site. Even fertile black earth, can soon become a lawn, on which it will be impossible to grow the most unpretentious flowers in the care.

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The appearance of such weeds as field mustard or a large plantain on the plot may cause fungal diseases in plants planted on the flowerbed. Ordinary dandelion and wheatgrass - a great place to live insect pests. It can not only suffer a green lawn, but a garden with a garden, if they are on your site.

That's why you need to know some rules about how to properly make a lawn on the site, overgrown with weeds, and what methods of cleaning soil from weed grass are considered today the most effective.

Rules and methods of soil cultivation from weed plants

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the area under the lawn needs to be processed and completely cleaned of weeds before the crops are planted on it. While planted seeds already give seedlings, neither weeding nor sprinkling of the result will not yield. It is necessary to clean not only the surface of the ground, but also to remove the roots, weeding the lawn. On such a land, planted grass growing densely, over time able to resist the growth of pests.

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Process the site in several ways:

  1. The extensive lawn area, chosen for planting grass and flowers, must be weeded and treated in the ratio: systemic herbicides. This substance completely destroys weeds. This method is most effective in the early spring. A small amount of organic fertilizers is introduced into the soil, and after two weeks, it is completely processed from weeds.
  2. Often pests on the site become greatly expanded moss. In this case, the lawn passes by ordinary rakes or forks, and then a solution of mineral fertilizers with sulfuric iron (in the ratio:) is introduced into the ground. Moss is as well removed by liming, but such work should be done only in the summer period.
  3. Lenterel-300. It is a unique modern preparation for the destruction of pests such as buckwheat, sorrel, plantain, dandelion, field chamomile. In this case, the agent acts selectively, without affecting the cereals already planted on the lawn. Lenterel-300 causes complete death of not only the weed stem, but also its root, preventing the root system from expanding.
  4. Hurricane Forte is another powerful helper with weeds. The product is effective, and most importantly - it even permanently destroys even the most powerful and persistent types of pests. In addition, Hurricane Forte helps loosen the earth, making it "airy". With such soil to work in the future is a pleasure!
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This is only the main part of the rules and ways to combat plant pests. By purchasing this or that remedy in order to save your site from weeds, be sure to consult with specialists, study the instructions for the proper use of substances.

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