What is the foam does not last a long time as a heater

In order to keep the heat in the room requires additional insulation on the market today there are plenty of materials. Among the variety of consumers prefer to pay attention on the foam. This is primarily due to its affordable price and fine performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

As for the benefits, then the foam there are many. First and foremost it is worth noting the excellent thermal insulation properties. And when the material does not absorb moisture, then there is an additional vapor barrier is not required. And the owner of the room is guaranteed not to recognize that such a mold and fungus.

Foam differs little weight therefore does not require the installation of special equipment and tools without additional work is required to strengthen the foundation. In general, the material is durable, with is not deformed and does not lose its own characteristics over time. And the main feature of which the consumer is considered one of the primary - an affordable price.

If we talk about the shortcomings here noted flammability, ie the foam is highly flammable and emits during combustion of harmful, toxic smoke. That is, it is advisable to use as insulation material, further processed antiprenovym composition. Sometimes foam serves as a breeding ground for rodents, but if you follow the manufacturing process, it is possible to avoid the trouble.

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varieties of foam

The foam can be manufactured by various methods, based on this, eventually it turns with different material properties and appearance. Among the variety available on the market, the consumer draws attention polystyrene foam. It can be pressing, often packaged in such appliances at sale. It is understood that he just breaks down and crumbles, that is, it is not suitable as a heater.

Bespressovoy - a more durable type of material, then the pellets are fastened together is much stronger, but the manufacturing process is complex. But there is one drawback, namely the presence of pores, which can penetrate the moisture.

Extruded polystyrene for insulation - it is the right choice, as it has all the necessary characteristics.

Polyurethane foam is not used for thermal insulation, it is often used for furniture production.

PVC foam is similar to extrusion but with combustion emits far more toxic substances.

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