What if the broken energy saving lamp?

In everyday life, used a huge amount of lighting equipment that is used by man for a comfortable pastime or dressing room. Alas, not all bulbs are equally safe in emergency situations, because there is a category of devices containing mercury.

Vapors which when released into the air can have a measurable impact on the human body. Therefore, we consider in detail what to do in this article, if you have a broken energy-saving lamp.

Broken energy-saving lamp
Broken energy-saving lamp


  1. How dangerous is it?
  2. Is it possible to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs?
  3. Procedure for disposal of broken or a broken light bulb
  4. Related Videos

How dangerous is it?

About mercury and its effects on humans can be. hear the most contradictory statements, one speak about the dangers of mercury-containing waste, others are convinced that. nothing wrong from a broken lamp did not happen. Let's look at the question of. effects of mercury vapor in the body from the practical aspect.

Average, energy saving lamp for domestic use it comprises a gaseous state from 3 to 5 mg mercury. If we consider the industrial facilities where a lamp with a large volume of the flask, the content of harmful substances in the energy saving devices can reach 7 - 9mg or more. When the depressurization of the energy-saving lamp bulb mercury vapor can evaporate and be inhaled others.

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Standards for the human body establishes GN, according to which the maximum permissible concentration of mercury contamination is 0,0003mg / m3. The standard room area of ​​5 × 4m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m at 5 mg mercury evaporates, its concentration will be 0.1 mg / m3, Which is hundreds of times higher than the previously mentioned rate.

At long stay in a room like this exposure to mercury compounds can cause:

  • overall. weakness in the limbs;
  • nausea. until emesis;
  • dizziness. or headache;
  • irritation. respiratory tract.

Further compounding the destruction of the fluorescent lamp fact that mercury wastes have no smell. Accordingly, to detect a broken energy saving lamp or deterioration of the state of health of the inhabitants do not recognize exposed to harmful vapors.

Sheer mercury tends to sag and accumulate in the body, because of which eventually periodic stay in contaminated room arises a danger of poisoning or death. I hasten to reassure, as a mercury-containing lamps are medium in size this will not bring.

As you can see, the danger of damage to the energy-saving bulb there, and the smaller the area of ​​the room in which the damage occurred, the greater the harm to mercury causes health.

Because of what in large industrial premises dangerous substances do not reach the critical concentration and do not carry such a threat. And even a broken mercury thermometer will not cause significant harm to humans, but can cause damage to the surrounding ecosystem in the street environment.

Is it possible to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs?

From the foregoing it is seen that energy saving lamps filled with mercury-containing substances that are dangerous not only for humans, but also for the environment. Therefore, thrown in the trash in a landfill or energy-saving lamp is a source of pollution of the ecosystem.

Of course, that one lamp special weather does not build, but every year the ignorant people and number of businesses spew discharge lamps with mercury, the tens of thousands. Which creates serious preconditions for local environmental degradation in the areas of human settlements, and may harm the health of residents nearby.

The solution to this problem is the delivery of energy-saving bulbs to a recycling center. Such organizations are processed contained in the lamp and mercury vapors particles into harmless compounds, which do not harm any person or natural resources.

To replace dangerous instrument lighting can be installed LED lamps or incandescent lamps, also There are energy-saving models, in which the bulb is filled with mercury amalgam - safer connection. But if the incident with energy-saving lamp has already occurred, the recycling you will have to produce their own, followed by removal of mercury in any of its condition.

Procedure for disposal of broken or a broken light bulb

Once it is broken. energy-saving lamp, you have to procedure gathering fragments and mercury. AT. academia demercurization called for the designation of a chemical element. One. the same course of action is suitable if you break a mercury thermometer. The whole process. should be divided into several stages, let us consider in more detail each of them.


Firstly, it is necessary to designate one. the person responsible for the cleaning of energy-saving lamps. If the whole family to gather, it is not necessary to all of them inhale harmful vapors, better than the rest of the household. go outside. The responsible person is chosen as the most attentive and. scrupulous family member.

Secondly, it is necessary to localize the contamination of the air, for this room. close the door. The windows and vents open to allow fresh influx. ventilation and air, as a result, part of the vapor will evaporate into the street that. It has a positive effect on well-being and the overall situation.

Third, remove the remnants of the glass, this follow these steps:

  • Wear. rubber gloves for cleaning - they are strong enough and tight. they do not mind to throw after the procedure. Use a mask or respirator. respiratory protection.
  • Collect. all elements of the energy-saving bulb is better on thick cardboard or plastic, which will also have to throw. Baste with a sponge or cloth if. You do it with a broom and dustpan or vacuum cleaner as they will be subject. waste that may not be suitable for you;
  • All. debris collected in order - from highest to lowest, the largest can take. fingers, smaller sweep on paper, and tiny shards of wet moist. sponge.
Splinters are removed in order
Splinters are removed in order

In the last assemble. luminescent coating, if it woke up alone and balls of mercury, if you. broken thermometer.

  • Collect. fragments in a plastic bag, it is desirable to have a fastener, providing him tight. If this is not at hand, use. some simple packages, it also put the sponge, cardboard.

The package with the content sent in. special container for energy-saving lamps or transmitted to the organization specializing in their utilization.

Next demercurization make room for this, such methods may be appropriate in the home:

  • solution. potassium permanganate rate of 2 g per liter;
  • mixture. Baking soda 40g and 40g soap solution on. litere of water;
  • breed. 100ml of iodine per liter of water.

The resulting solution is necessary to make a wet cleaning in the room where the broken energy-saving lamp with gloves. Pay special attention to the grooves and crevices, which could settle mercury. Apply the solution to the surface and leave it for 4 - 6 hours, then rinse with warm water. The procedure should be repeated 3 - 4 days in a row to complete deliverance from the harmful element.

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