How to make a wooden flower bed with your own hands?

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Flowerbeds made of wood made by own hands are a great way to transform the territory, make it more well-groomed and cozy. Wooden flower beds help organize space and visually divide it into areas designed for growing different plants. Flowerbeds of wood differ in shapes (round, rectangular, curly, etc.), size and height. The height of the fence should correspond to the height of the planted plants.

Advantages of wooden beds

Many prefer wooden flower beds to curbs from other materials. This is promoted by the following qualities of flower beds made of wood:

  • simplicity of construction;
  • possibility of painting in any colors;
  • availability and low material cost;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • As the wood decomposes, the tree gives the soil additional nutrients;
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  • wooden flower beds less freeze in winter;
  • the flower beds of wood are ideally suited to the design of the plots on which the wooden houses are erected;
  • The tree is in harmony with flowers, bushes and other plants.

Since the tree is subject to negative moisture effects, care must be taken to protect the flowerbed.

To do this, any compositions and impregnations with antiseptic properties that prevent rotting and insect damage are suitable. After processing, the structure should be covered with varnish or paint. In order to make a flower bed of wood yourself, you need logs, boards, slats and any other wooden elements.

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Variants of constructions

Wooden flower bed from pegs

The simplest option, available even for a beginner florist, is the creation of fencing in the form of small hemp or wooden pegs. If thick straight branches are used, you must first clean the bark from them. After this, the branches need to be cut into blanks of different or equal length. It is necessary to outline the contours of the curb and measure its length. In accordance with this value, you need to select the required number of pegs. Each part should be treated with impregnation and varnished.

The next stage of making a wooden flowerbed is to dig a narrow trench along the outlined contour. The depth of the trench varies depending on the height of the pegs (on average, it is 15-25 cm). Further prepared pegs need to be placed in turn in a trench and buried. Ground must be properly tamped. Pegs of different length should alternate between themselves. The height of the parts can be adjusted with a hammer. The final stage - covering the finished clubs with paint. If you want to preserve the natural shade of the tree, only one varnish will be enough.

A flower bed made of boards and bars

Another simple way to make a wooden flowerbed with your own hands. To do this, you need three smooth planed boards and bars up to 30 cm long. First you need to decide on the place of the future flowerbed and mark it with pegs. Two boards need to be adjusted to one size, and the third board - sawed in half. as a result, you get four blanks: two shorter boards of the same size and two long ones, also the same.

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Of these boards, you need to fold a rectangle (for this, the details are laid out with an edge on a flat flat surface). Next, you should take four identical bars and attach them with self-tapping screws at the corners of the box from the inside. To each bar, both adjacent boards must fit snugly. One end of the bars should protrude by 10-15 cm, this is necessary to fix the flowerbed in the ground.

A ready-made bed should be attached to the ground and make marks for digging in the bars. After the holes are excavated, you can install a flower bed and bury the ground. The places around the fasteners must be carefully compacted. Doing a wooden bed, do not forget to cover it with protective impregnation, paint or fix it.


A flower bed is a "sandbox"

Such a wooden flower bed is a little more complicated than the previous model, but the basic principle remains the same. For manufacturing, boards, bars and varnish are required. Of the boards you need to make a construction that resembles a sandbox on playgrounds. The width of the edging or the surface can be from 10 to 15 cm. Thus, we get an original wooden flowerbed combining the properties of the bench. After installation, the design can be decorated with one or more tones of paints.

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A log from whole logs

If there is no time and no desire to fiddle with a hammer, you can simply find wide logs. All you need to do is cut the right length and remove the bark from the logs. Then the frame is laid out for the flower bed. Logs, covered with dark varnish, look very picturesque and perfectly in harmony with green foliage.

Wooden flower-pot

Flowerbeds of wood do not have to be placed directly on the ground. It can be large, spectacular designs in the form of boxes or flowerpots. These flower beds raise the plants and make the surrounding space more "volumetric". The shape of the flower bed can be ordinary cubic, pyramidal, etc. For manufacturing, boards and bars of different lengths and cross-sections are required. The pyramidal flower bed is collected from the top down, i.e., from longer parts to shorter ones. On the inside, it is necessary to nail the workpieces to close the holes. A ready flower bed needs to be sewn from inside with hydrostatic materials, at the bottom the fabric should be pierced so that the liquid can drain. To not have to spend too much soil, the bottom of the flower bed can be made just above the lowest parts.

The network presents a lot of photos of flower beds made of wood, among which there is necessarily a suitable idea. You can show your imagination and come up with your own original way of making a wooden flowerbed.

Video: how to make a flower bed from a log

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