As of wood Spili make an unusual sex at home or at the cottage

It should be noted that the floors of the SPIL are allocated according to two criteria - environmental friendliness and low cost. In addition, these floors are sufficiently durable, they look very unusual and also very well keep heat in the house. Another advantage is that the professionals say about the possibility of acquisition of the floor with his own.

The material is durable enough especially if you soak it in a timely manner with special types of surface treatments for wood floors.

create method

To accomplish this one takes the logs, and some have enjoyed with SPIL crust, but in this case you have to understand that there may be a problem of empty space between joints. Although it looks like it's quite unusual.

What about themselves took to drink, then you can make them yourself or buy in DIY stores and not only.

Some people want to get away from the problem and are trying to buy square cut, are either in the form of a honeycomb. Due to this reduced availability of space between the joints. However, there is one problem. Treat this material will be much more difficult.

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The advantage of creating such a floor is that we can use quite cheap woods, such as pine, linden, spruce. However, highest quality results can be achieved when using walnut or oak. Do not forget that the saw cut must be perfectly dry.


The process of laying as in the mosaic must be extremely small distance between the elements. Above the saw cut Laid poured sand and small stones, the layer which can be 5 to 10 centimeters. After that, you need to press the saw cut into the sand, while respecting their height.

The gaps that remain between the joints, most commonly filled with the following composition. At 1 kg of fat, taking 5 kg any sawdust, 1 kg of lime and 2.5 kgs sufficiently liquid clay. In some cases, this mixture is added the marble chips for higher density.

The resulting mixture we carefully fill each gap and give dry for 2-3 days. Then it is necessary to perform polishing, this is definitely a need to scrape the car. Well, eventually we use wax, to give shine.

That's the simple way, you can create a very original floor for the home and garden.

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