At the moment, new buildings have reinforced walls and you can hang them almost anything. But as for the old buildings, they are made of bricks, and the walls between rooms are often simply lined with plasterboard, which is attached to a wooden base. And often in the process of repairs need to hang something heavy, and the question is how to do it and whether it is possible in a given case to resort to such a procedure. For security purposes, should a more detailed look into the matter.
Of course, over time, it begins to break bricks and the wall surface can go crack. That it was not an emergency, it is best initially to strengthen the wall and solve the problem with a crack, so it does not spread. And if we talk about the walls of plasterboard, such a structure also can not withstand severe loads and should not hang anything heavy on the wall. But can we solve this problem?
Strengthening wall
Of course, if there is at least basic skills to work with the tool and a set of necessary equipment, it is possible to solve this problem. Tools required:
- Drill with drill bits.
- Screwdriver or screwdriver.
- Roulette.
- Level.

In the process it is important to take into account the mass of the object that will be placed on the wall, and, on this basis, it is necessary to select the required fixture:
- As for fixing to hollow walls, the maximum load does not exceed 20 kilograms. For structures made of plasterboard active variant will be optimal.
- You can use dowels, and depending on the number of notches and size can be mounted massive object in a weak wall.
- Anchor rod will be a little better dowels, especially if the anchor is a metal. And the acquisition should take into account the mass of the object, which is planned to fix on the wall.
- Eyebolt. This option does and would be suitable for plasterboard walls. And even a small bolt can withstand severe loads.
In general, it should be said that, if competently approach to work, then on any wall, hollow even to hang a heavy object. Of course, if the house is new, here and at all there is no need to think of something, you can just standard way to fix things and are not afraid of the security. If the forces are not sure you should enlist the help of a specialist.