How to adjust a binding key switch

It is worth noting that quite often, there is problems with sticking of the switch. To solve such a problem, it is not necessary to use the services of specialists. In some situations it will be quite a few simple steps to afford a person totally unrelated to electricity.

In order to rectify the situation, we must first try as it is not a radical solution methods.

  • First of all, just try to loosen. In some cases, an excessive load can affect the quality of the key switch, particularly noticeable in the one-button type.
  • If you follow this procedure, the problem still exists, you need to try ponazhimat the button several times. Often, the key sinks and when performing such a procedure, the work is restored.

If these two simple tips do not help, then you need to move to more effective methods.

How to prepare for the task?

First of all, you need to get the right tools, as well as accessories, to perform the procedure.

  1. Prepare the meter or the indicator.
  2. Screwdriver required size.
  3. Markers.
  4. Sandpaper.

Remember. In order for the procedure performed most effectively and correctly, it is best to take pictures of each step of disassembly. The fact that you have to collect the switch in reverse order.

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We go to work

Once you have prepared everything necessary, you need to go directly to the problem.

  • To begin, you need to secure. You will need to disconnect the flat for this, turn off the switch.
  • After you turn off the switch, check the voltage at the wall outlet, using the indicator.
  • Next is the dismantling of the circuit breaker. Look carefully for any damage or any factors that interfere with the switch.
  • If no reasons of deformation has not been revealed, it is necessary to completely disassemble the casing.
  • Look, if there is soot on the contacts, if any, simply use sandpaper.
  • Carefully place all the components in the reverse position. Try to press the keys, if they are included without much effort, you can assemble the switch and set it in its place.

That's the simple way, you can solve a similar problem. In that case, if the problem still persists, it is best to replace the switch to a new one.

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