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Jam of tangerines has the same taste as fresh mandarins, so you will get the same pleasure from eating sweet delicacy. You can cook delicious treats not only from one mandarin, they are combined with gooseberry, lemon and other products. Even from the crusts of tangerines make jam.
On the beneficial properties of mandarin
Jam of tangerines carries a lot of vitamins, and all because they are very useful in themselves. Synephrine, contained inside the citrus fruit, helps to remove swelling of the body, to clear the lungs of mucus. Fresh and canned tangerines are useful in the disturbed action of the gastrointestinal tract. Even mandarin crust has many advantages. From it make broths and jam from tangerines with peel. Fresh juice of citrus fruits fights against such fungal diseases as microsporia and trichophytosis.
Some recipes of mandarin jam
Mandarins can be processed as you please. Cooking will find a place for this citrus in any sweet dish in the role of an additional element and, as the main one. Mandarin jam, the recipe of which will accurately describe how to make this sweetness, must necessarily appear on the shelf in the pantry. To implement such a culinary masterpiece, an ordinary pan for welding is taken, but modern technology can also play a leading role. The multivariate does a great job of making jam.
Mandarin jam from lobules
To prepare jam from tangerines wedges will need 1 kilogram of tangerines. To get the desired sweetness of jam, you should take the same amount of sugar and about 200 grams of water.
- Wash citrus, peel and divide into parts.
- Take an enamel pot and put there a fraction of mandarins, pour water. Cook for 15 minutes. Then drain the water, cool it. Pour cold water into the cooked parts and leave for a day in this condition.
- Make sugar syrup.
- Put the mandarins in it and wait 12 hours again.
- The next day, boil the mixture for 40 minutes.
- Spread on the banks and roll up.
When provarka mandarins will necessarily appear foam, which should be removed. Its presence can affect the storage of jam.
Mandarin jam from whole citrus fruits
If you want to eat jam in the form of whole mandarins, you can not suffer, and immediately close them without dividing them into parts. It turns out a very tasty jam from tangerines with peel. For this dish, take 1 kilogram of fruit. Additional ingredients include the same amount of sugar, 1 medium size lemon and a glass (150 grams) of water.
- Wash the fruits and pierce them with a toothpick.
- Put the prepared tangerines in a saucepan, add water and put out 10 minutes.
- In another container, prepare a sugar syrup, which then should be filled with cooked mandarins. Turn on the fire and protrimar the tangerines in the syrup for another 10 minutes. Then wait 2 hours until the drug has cooled completely.
- Repeat the fourth paragraph two or more times until the syrup gets a rich amber color.
- Before turning off pour in the juice of lemon.
- Jam distribute to the banks or immediately put on the table.
When preserving whole fruits, it is desirable to pierce them with a needle or toothpick. This procedure is necessary for a rational exchange of fruit juice with sugar syrup, so that the jam is stored for a long time and it is saturated with sugar.
Mandarin jam in the multivariate
Those who want to reduce time in the kitchen, it is better to prepare a jam from tangerines in a multivark. For this recipe, in addition, kilograms of mandarin, you need 1 more lemon, as well as 4 cups of sugar and 1 glass of water.
- Whole mandarins put in a multi-bowl. Put out for 5 minutes. You can add spices to taste.
- Open the lid to remove the tangerines, get rid of water. Rinse the bowl.
- Next, prepare the syrup. Sugar with water stir and place in a deep dish of Plexiglas. In the cup multivarki pour ordinary water to the bottom mark and immerse there dish with water. Switch on the soup mode for 4 hours.
- At this time, tangerines should be cut into halves, open the lid of the multivark in half an hour and throw in citrus pieces. And then wait for the remaining hours.
- At the end of the cooking, the mandarin mixture should be set aside for 8 hours. Jam is ready.
Jam from the peel of mandarins
Mandarin crusts are very useful. They contain organic, citric and ascorbic acid, mineral salts, pectin, essential oil, vitamins. It is rational to preserve these positive substances by preparing the jam from the mandarin crusts. To do this, you need 2 kilograms of crusts, which will take 2 kilograms of sugar. Dilute the tangerine taste and save the provisions will help 1 lemon.
- Peel the tangerines from the peel. The obtained raw materials can be wrapped in a spiral, fixed with toothpicks or thread.
- Immerse the peel in the water for three days. Three times a day it should be changed.
- Pour into the pan water, pour, h. Spoons of salt, sprinkle the crusts and boil 1 hour.
- Make a syrup (2 cups of water for 2 kg of sugar) and add boiled spirals to it. Cook for 10 minutes, cool. Repeat the same procedure three times.
- Add lemon juice before the end of the cooking.
The readiness of mandarin crusts is determined by color - it must be transparent.
Mandarin jam with gooseberry
The flesh of gooseberries goes well with the flesh of mandarin. The taste qualities of this mix are not less pleasant than the taste one by one. To make jam from tangerines and gooseberries, you need to take 2 mandarins and 2 cups gooseberries. These ingredients will need 4 cups of sugar.
- Rinse and select quality berries. Remove the tails.
- Use a grater to remove the zest from the mandarins. Must turn out tangerines in a white shell. Then you just need to get rid of this white peel.
- Tangerine grind in a blender.
- Put the gooseberries in the pot and cover it with 2 cups of sugar. Lightly coat the ingredients with water. Boil.
- Pour the tangerine puree and its zest into the boiling syrup. Boil for 15 minutes.
- Pour into cans and cork. Jam of tangerines with gooseberries is ready!