-----AS 5 D Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видео Видеоdelicacy is often prepared in the southern regions of our country, where a rich harvest of fruits ripens every year. If you live in the north, do not be too lazy to buy fruit in the store - fig jam will remind you of the hot summer sun and make you happy on the coldest winter days. After tasting it once, you will love the fruit dessert with all your heart. The desire to treat them again, will push you to new culinary experiments. So take note of our recipes and start your first studies with them.
Jam with Nuts and Figs A beautiful treat to taste reminds of the many marmalade sweets loved by everyone. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the fruits are boiled directly in the peel. The dessert is prepared fairly quickly and does not require conservation. It should be stored in the refrigerator, closed with ordinary plastic covers.
- figs - five kilograms;
- sugar - five kilograms;
- lemon;
- hazelnuts - 700 grams;
- water - one liter.
Try replacing hazelnuts with walnuts. We are sure that you will appreciate the new taste of the familiar delicacy. Also, such jam is often prepared using quince. In this case, the fruit should be taken in the same proportion, and the amount of sugar is regulated in accordance with personal preferences.
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We offer you a simple way to make fig jam. Step-by-step recipe with pictures will help you understand all the details and nuances of a simple process.
Add sugar to the fruits and let them stand for at least eight hours. When the right time has passed, fill the fig with water and send it to the stove. Boil the fruit until sugar is completely dissolved. A quarter of an hour after boiling, turn off the heat and cool the future jam to room temperature.
Pour the nuts into the pan and cook for another 15 minutes. Let the jam cool, then add the sliced lemon, pre-peeled and peeled. Boil the figs one last time and make sure the mass is viscous enough.
Pour the jam into sterilized jars and close it tightly. When the sweet dessert cools at room temperature, tightly cover the dishes with lids and send it to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
Azerbaijani recipe for fig jam - video
Plum and fig jam
A delicious dessert, which we describe below, wins a comparison with similar products on several points at once. First, this recipe for fig jam does not include too much sugar. Secondly, the delicacy amazes with the rich aroma of cinnamon and cloves. And, finally, it is prepared very simply, without requiring several boiling points.
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- plums, figs, sugar - 500 grams of each product;
- ground cinnamon and cloves - one teaspoon;
- zhelfiks with pectin - one tablespoon;
- lime.
Any citrus fruit will do for this recipe. So, you can safely replace lime with lemon or orange. Of course, the taste of each new dessert will be different from the original.
So, cook jam with figs and plums.
Plums cut in half and remove bones. At the fig tree, trim the tails, and remove the zest from the lime and squeeze out the juice. Cut the fruit into pieces, fold them into a deep saucepan and pour in 50 ml of water. Add there the zest.
Boil the fruit under the lid over low heat, stirring occasionally and kneading it with a spoon. When the fruit is slightly boiled, pour in lime juice and add one spoonful of gelling mixture. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and add sugar.
Boil the treat for another 40 minutes, then spread it out on well-washed and sterilized cans, tighten the lids. Store jam with figs and plums in the refrigerator.
Fig and Grape Jam - Video
Video Recipe for Armenian Figs
Benefits and Harm of Figs
The history of this southern culture goes back to biblical times. The first mentions of figs are associated with the ancient Egyptian civilization. Then he was called fig, wine, fig.
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Useful properties of figs are also known to people from ancient times. Vitamins, microelements and a large amount of folic acid contained in figs contribute to the good work of the heart, the digestive system. It is known that regular consumption of figs helps the body to fight inflammatory processes. But because of the large amount of sugar, fruits are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and overweight.
What can I say about fig jam? The benefits and harms of this product are relative. During cooking, the vitamins, of course, die, but the microelements necessary for our body are preserved. Sugar, which is used for making jam, also does not add useful qualities to the delicacy.
Considering all these facts, we do not recommend eating fig treats in large quantities every day. Treat this product as a treat that raises your spirits and makes life a little better.