Construction of a gazebo in the "primitive" style


Gazebo - a place in the suburban area where you can arrange tea, fry shish kebabs and relax with your family in the countryside. There is a large number of design solutions for the construction and arrangement of gazebo.

Pergola in gardening - a canopy braided by curly plants. In recent years, summer cottages are increasingly being built not ordinary arbours, but pergolas. In construction, a pergola is called a semi-enclosed structure with a wooden frame. Such arbors are not insulated.

Therefore pergola - an ideal option for summer residents, who are in the suburban area in the warm season. The basis for pergolas is usually made of concrete blocks, on which a wooden beam is laid.

Read also:Five varieties of gazebo in your garden

Supports of the canopy is a wooden beam 100X100 mm. It is possible to carry out the texture processing of the beam with the help of an ax to give it a rough texture for styling the gazebo under a primitive dwelling. When the base of the arbor is ready, you can proceed to erect the roof.

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Roof of the arbor

The skeleton of the roof will be the boards, which are installed on the lap support. The boards are fastened together with wooden beams using metal corners. Cement-shaving plates are laid on the wooden frame of the roof.

To ensure that the roof does not leak, it is necessary to cover the cement-chipboards with a special film. Then, from above, wooden boards are laid to give the roof a finished look.

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Floor and inside lining of the arbor

As a floor covering, you can use a terraced board. On 70% it consists of pressed wood sawdust and 30% - from a composite material. The combination of composite and sawdust makes the terrace board easy and convenient to use.

This strong and decorative material has a number of advantages compared to the flooring made of particleboard:

  1. The terrace board has a high moisture resistance, it is often used for the installation of open concert scenes.
  2. Due to the composition of the flooring, the terrace board does not change its geometry.
  3. Bark beetles and termites are not found in it.
  4. The color of the terrace board does not fade with time.
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All these qualities make the terrace board an ideal floor covering for pergolas.

The role of pergola walls is made by cement-chipboards with a height of 1 m, which is lined with artificial pebbles. Then the furniture is installed in the arbor and the space between the supports is covered with cloth curtains from the burlap. Inside the arbor, you can add a "stove" made of granite and install a Finnish grill in it.

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