Secrets of growing celery seedlings

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The popularity of the plant family umbrella is constantly increasing. In suburban areas, an increasingly fragrant celery appears, not only because of its pleasant taste, but also because of its many beneficial properties. It refers to spicy plants, whose aromatic oils enhance the taste of food. It is not only used for cooking, but also canned or dried.

The main varieties of celery:

  • sheet- cultivated because of the lushly growing fragrant greens, which contains a huge percentage of essential oils;
  • petiolate- grown because of thick and long petioles, used mainly for salads;
  • root- valuable round root, used for cooking various dishes.

Important conditions for growing celery seedlings

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To get a good harvest, you need to worry about the quality of the soil under the plant in advance. The site selected in the autumn is digested and saturated with humus. In the spring the beds are loosened and digged again, evenly distributing fertilizers and saturating the soil with oxygen.

Varieties of early crops can be sown directly into the soil in the spring, and later cultures can be grown better by seedling method. One of the important conditions for a good harvest is quality fresh seeds. In order to plant celery for seedlings, all the selected seeds are placed in warm water and kept there for 24 hours. Further planted to a depth of 1 cm in the soil.

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Technology of growing leaf celery

The leaf species is able to withstand relatively cold temperatures, so experienced summer residents plant it in the soil in early spring. But a more productive result can be obtained by making celery seedlings in the early March.

After soaking and penetrating into the soil, seeds are sprinkled with peat, and provide a temperature of about 20 ° C. Watering in the first days is made from an atomizer, evenly moistening the soil.

After the emergence of sprouts, the temperature should be reduced by 2-3 degrees to obtain a stable seedling. When the shoots have the first real leaflets, they make a pick, pinching the root. This will contribute to the development of a good root system.

To grow celery seedlings had good results, it is necessary to monitor the light and temperature conditions, tempering plants. In late April, the greens can be planted in the ground.

Proper care for celery seedlings

To seedlings well established, it is transferred to a bed without breaking a lump under the roots, and watered well. It should be ensured that the growth point is necessarily above the soil, and the distance between the seedlings was not less than a quarter of a meter. Further everything is simple: the soil is periodically loosened, not allowing the appearance of weeds, and well watered. In July - August, leaf celery will already yield.

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Technology of cultivation of celery root

This species is grown only by seedling method. Celery is planted in seedlings in February. The secret of good germination is the stratification of seeds. Make it as follows:

  • quality seeds are distributed on wet gauze;
  • keep in the room from 5 to 6 days;
  • clean in the refrigerator for 10 days;
  • only after that are sown in the soil.

Effective care of celery seedlings

Plant the plants when two real leaves appear. When carrying out picks, take special care, trying not to break the root. Otherwise, instead of a round valuable root, the result will be a ramified root system unfit for food. However, you can not pick a celery root, the seedlings will in any case be successful. But it can be less hardy. Strong and entrenched greens in 2 months can be planted in the ground. The point of growth is not deepened.

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Young seedlings of celery root love moderate watering, periodic fertilizer. One of the secrets of obtaining a formed rounded root of celery is to remove the top layer of earth around it, and remove small lateral roots. Another secret is to lower the leaves to the ground at the final stage of growth. So the fruit grows larger and faster. Collect the tubers in October.

Peculiarities of growing celery stalk

Agrotechnics and care for the celery seedlings of this species is no different from the others. But the process of cultivation has a number of nuances. The plant likes high-quality watering and loosening of the soil. However, water stagnation in the garden is unacceptable - this will lead to plant diseases. So that the land does not dry up, it can be defaced. Fertilizer can be produced every 2 weeks. It is better to choose organic fertilizers, for example, infusion of nettle.

To produce whitened petioles without bitterness, the plants hibernate a couple of weeks before harvesting. At the same time, the amount of essential oils in the stems decreases slightly, making them more pleasant to taste.

Observing the simple conditions of sowing and growing plants, at the end of the summer season you can get a good harvest of fragrant and healthy celery.

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