Jam from dogwood will appreciate even Winnie the Pooh


If you cook the jam from the cornel correctly, then it will taste even the most capricious sweet tooth. Of course, sourness in such a treat will be present, but not dominate. Also from scarlet fruits you will get a great marmalade, a drink or syrup. Surprise your guests with both wine and shaytan berry.

Jam from a dogwood in three sets

To get a delicious jam with bunches it is worth taking 1 kg of fresh fruit, sorting them, and then rinsing. Next need the same amount of sugar. The prescription should also measure 400 ml of water. When all the ingredients are ready, you can start cooking, which includes 3 processes:

  1. Blanching. Cornflower is poured into a colander. Then lower the device into the boiling water for about 5 minutes.
  2. Preparation of syrup. Bring to a boil cold liquid. Pour the refined sugar into it. Constantly stirring, wait until it dissolves. As soon as this happens, spread the berries in the syrup.
  3. Heat treatment. In this condition, the dogwood jam is put on a slow fire, constantly stirring and periodically removing the foam. The process lasts up to 15 minutes.
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To jam acquired a viscous consistency, and also became more saturated shade, it is sent to infuse for 6-8 hours. It is advisable to cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small slit on the side. At the end of the period, the mixture is boiled again on low heat for about 30 minutes, taking off the foam. After that, they spread the jam over the cans, after sterilizing them, and roll them up.

Those who want to get a more dense delicacy, you should increase the serving of sugar to, kg. Then the liquid in its structure will resemble a jelly and turn out to be much sweeter.

Variations of recipes

Busy women will like the recipe, in which all components are mixed in this dosage: kg of sugar, 1 kg of berries and 50 ml of water. Put the container on the gas, bring to a boil and turn it off. The procedure is repeated 5 more times, but only after the berry mass has cooled.

Fruits are more likely to be given juice if pierced with a fork.

Among other things, the dogwood jam is prepared and pitted. For this, the fruits are rubbed through a sieve. Before they blanch. Further preparation proceeds according to another scheme. At first the mixture is wrapped in gauze, then immersed in boiling water, after which it is dipped in cold water. Repeat the action algorithm 3 times. The syrup is made from, kg of sugar and, ml of water. Then it is poured to the pulp and cooked until ready. At the end, 3 g of citric acid are added.

Read also:Guide gardener: all you need to know about growing a dogwood

Whichever hostess chooses the recipe, the result will impress not only her, but also all the guests. In addition, she will receive an excellent remedy to improve immunity in the winter.

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