Gliokladin tablets against seedling diseases

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Last year my tomato seedlings were very ill. My neighbor advised me to add Gliokladin tablets when sowing seeds this season. Tell me, how can I use Gliokladin in tablets for seedlings against her diseases?

Gliokladin is a biological fungicide that is used to restore healthy soil microflora, as well as for the prevention and treatment of various diseases in plants. The drug is produced in various forms, and when growing seedlings of vegetable and flower crops the tableted form of fungicide has proved to be well.

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Properties of the preparation

The composition of Gliokladin includes spores of fungi Trichoderma and metabolites. If they get into the top layer of the soil, they begin to grow and multiply, blocking the development of pathogens. This happens only if there are favorable conditions:

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  • moist soil;
  • mulching of soil to avoid its drying.

In dry soil and at high temperature the drug loses its effectiveness, as fungal spores die.

Fungicide is used to treat diseases such as:

  • wilting plants;
  • root rot;
  • diseases of leaves and stems.

As a result of the action of the preparation, a healthy flora of the soil mixture is formed, which allows not only to grow quality crops, but also to obtain a large harvest with improved flavor characteristics.

Gliokladin is absolutely harmless, non-toxic and does not cause addiction to pathogens.

Features of the application of tablets for seedlings

When growing seedlings Gliokladin equally well acts at different stages:

  1. During the sowing of seeds. For one pot with a capacity of 300 ml is not enough to seal one tablet into the soil.
  2. During sprouting sprouts. Put one tablet in each well.
  3. When transplanting seedlings on a bed. For each plant in the hole to fix 1 tablet near the root system.
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The tablet form of the preparation is intended only for addition to the soil and is not used for the preparation of solutions. In the case of seeding immediately in the open ground, the grinding of the tablet is allowed. A small amount of soil is mixed with a crushed tablet and poured into grooves simultaneously with the seeds.

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The action of the Gliokladin tablet begins within a week after its application and is from 8 to 12 weeks.


It is impossible to combine a biological fungicide with chemical components. When using other biologics, it is necessary to withstand a break of at least 1 week.

Use of Gliokladin tablets in growing seedlings - video

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