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Compositively composed groups of plants are ready to please not fading beauty from the first heat and to frost. From your imagination and correctly selected varieties, according to the sequence of interval flowering, the design of the plot depends. Decoration of flower beds in the country by perennials is considered the most practical solution. It is enough to plant seedlings once to then admire the shoots at the beginning of the season, adding brightness to the summer ensemble with group mixes from annuals.
The decorativeness of the vegetable assortment depends on a number of factors:
- Specific scheme of planting, due to peak activity. Relay beauty from withering plants (perennials quickly fade), passes to the species with opening buds.
- The color scale. Different colors of inflorescences and shades of foliage affect the aesthetic perception of the design of the site as a whole.
- pink inflorescences on a green background create a romantic atmosphere - peonies, thyme, daisies, bananas, roses;
- red stimulate activity, raise tonus - poppies, phloxes paniculate, saxifrage, clove chinese;
- white - look solemn and elegant - Iberis, ditsetra, allissum;
- yellow and orange - give optimism and inspiration - canes, soap, daisies, astilbs, primroses;
- the blue tone of the inflorescences is set to serenity-delphinium, irises, meadow geraniums.
On a small flowerbed, it is better to prefer long-flowered dolphins with a quarterly activity period: a lava, a multi-chariot or a beauty-echinacea. Diverse bright ensemble bulbous: mukari or crocuses. Most of them are pleased with a colorful carpet for more than a month, like a classic story from the harmony of white daffodils and bright tulips. For greater effect, they should have islands.
Flowers for the decoration of the flower bed
Landscape design provides several formats for the organization of flower gardens, largely dependent on the chosen style.
In the regular garden, any versions of the rabbits are allowed. When decorating the flowerbed with perennials, priority is given to oriental hyacinths, hosts, roses, lilies, geysers with different color of leaves, bulbous. Most of them are planted in a non-frozen ground, for example, in the fall (peonies, poppies) and in the spring (lavender, asters, anemone).
Landscape style does not adhere to precise geometric configurations and is relevant for decorating alpine hills, as well as creating mixboarders and container landings.
Beautifully arrange the flowerbed at the dacha is acceptable with the help of vertical structures. Plants are placed on trellises and other supports (pergolas or arches). Such structures are designed to decorate unsightly walls, create shadow curtains or serve as a hedgerow. From perennial lianas planted lemongrass, grapes, akinidia, clematis and glycinidia.
How to decorate a flower bed with perennials?
The scheme of competent landing consists in their step-by-step arrangement. Against the backdrop of tall shrubs are undersized species. This "cathedral" reception justifies itself in any review. Particularly relevant is the principle of placing a mix when creating a flower bed near the fence. Perception on the line of descending grassy bushes ensures the scale of the picture.
In the same way, a flower bed with a center protruding in height is arranged, giving a cone-shaped form to ornamental plantations.
If the flowers for the flowerbed are planted in groups of different height, due to a combination of grassy shrubs and solitary plantations (tapeworms), in the adult plantation state form a canvas that is similar to a smooth wave. This version is in demand in stony and heath gardens, as well as in asymmetric areas.
Beautiful decoration of the flowerbeds at the dacha will provide forsythia and daphnia, blooming in parallel with the swelling buds. The first to please crocuses, then open the buds of forest strawberries, rudbeki cut, carpathian carbine, bells, hoods.
The baton takes over the baton and the ground cover: intricate phloxes, clearings and colorful periwinkle. Multicolor kaleidoscopic luxury of summer colors is supported by irises, astilba, tender armies.
By mid-summer luxuriant hibiscus, action, are rampaging. In the autumn, the hydrangea surprises with magnificent balls.
Skilful organization of the landscape and competent selection of varieties on the rabatke will give joy from contemplation and pleasant sensations from unity with nature.