Fastening a plasterboard partition to a sloped ceiling

The problem of finishing sloped ceilings is faced by the owners of houses with an attic. It is there, on the sloping roof planes, that difficulties arise. Finite the result depends on the quality of preparation surface. There is no single way to clad a sloped ceiling, but now we will consider the most common and convenient for further work with ceiling surfaces.


The content of the article

  • Installing drywall to a sloped ceiling
    • Installation of a rigid frame
    • Installing suspensions
    • Plasterboard installation
  • Finishing of the partition

Installing drywall to a sloped ceiling

The process is time consuming and requires special care. Some knowledge of finishing techniques is required in order to obtain a reliable and durable coating.

The sloped ceiling is the highlight of the entire room. The specialist has no right to spoil the appearance of the room with poor-quality fasteners.

Installation of a rigid frame

Primarily need markup. For this we use laser, water levels. As a last resort, use a paint cord.

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  • We mark the horizon line where the inclined planes will align, for example, under the ridge of the roof.
  • Previously, in this place we lay hidden communications (wiring, etc.).
  • We beat off the horizontal lines.
  • All over the markup fix the hanging profile, then rack-mountable, orienting it along the stretched cords.
  • If you plan to install a ceiling lamp, leave free space. The easiest way is to cut it on an already installed profile.
  • We apply the markings for the guides.
  • We install the profile along the lines drawn, choosing a ceiling anchor dowel for fastening.
  • After the horizontal profile is installed in the center, we begin the installation of the guides on an inclined surface.
  • On a straight ceiling mark the mating line of the drywall sheets.

At the same time, one must remember about a long rule. The plane is calculated taking into account the margin for the thickness of the CD profile.

  • The marking is made in multiples of half of the GK sheet, guides are set according to these values ​​(with this approach, the joints will fall on the center of the profile).
  • The optimal distance is no more than 1 meter, more precisely, with a sheet width of 120 cm and setting the profile in the center, we get numbers of 60 cm.
  • Guides are installed over the entire inclined surface. To extend the length, profile extensions are commercially available.
  • Draw lines in the center with a marker as a guide for mounting sheets.
  • We also apply markings for the installation of the transverse profile. Together they form a mesh lattice. His mounted with brackets - crabs.

There must be the same distance between the cross and long profiles.


Installing suspensions

They are necessary for high-quality fastening of the ceiling rails to straight and inclined surfaces.

  • The gap between them is no more than one meter.
  • A cord is pulled between the first and the last to align all profiles.
  • Hangers mounted on a sloped wall and ceiling guides, folding back excess length.
  • Crabs are installed in the places designated for this, the transverse segment is fixed in the guides and latched with tongues.
  • After the final installation of all segments, the crab flags are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Fastening the brackets, taking into account the formation of equilateral cells 60 * 60 cm, greatly increases the rigidity index of the entire frame as a whole.


Plasterboard installation

The prepared sheets are fastened from the inclined part, carefully aligning the edges with the drawn lines in the center of the guides. The distance between the fasteners should not exceed two meters, ideally - 1.5 m. The caps of the screws are completely buried in the material, but not too deep, so as not to violate the integrity of the gypsum board.

This is not at all necessary, but it greatly facilitates the work: markup for fasteners on the gypsum board.

After mounting the sheets to the inclined surface, we proceed to the horizontal one. To facilitate the work, wooden stops are made, resembling a mop in design. Resting one end on the floor, the other - wide and flat - props the sheet on the ceiling. Thus, one can easy to cope with the task together (or even one, if the room is small). Fastening to the frame is similar to working with sloped areas.


Finishing of the partition

Finally, check if all the caps of the screws are completely screwed in, otherwise they will interfere with further finishing work. After that the putty remains, the sealing of the seams and the decorative treatment. In turn, it can include:

  • applying plaster;
  • painting;
  • gluing wallpaper.

Now you know how to correctly attach a partition of gypsum board sheets to an inclined ceiling. The process is not too complicated, but requires excellent concentration and accuracy.

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