- №1.Painting
- №2.Wallpaper
- №3.Decorative plaster
- №4.Whitewashing
- №5.Drywall
- №6.Stretch ceiling
- №7.Natural wood
- How can you decorate the ceiling in the nursery?
- In conclusion,
Children's room requires a special interior: healthy, harmonious and beautiful. Sometimes it is not easy for parents to find the necessary finishing material that would meet all these requirements. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right color: so that it fits into the interior, was not boring, but not annoying. It is preferable that the material is easy to clean, does not accumulate dust, and passes air. What options best meet these conditions?

Painting - one of the cheapest , but this is not the worst finishing materials for children. Of course, far from any composition is suitable for a child's room - it is better to choose water-based paints , and even better - those on the packaging of which indicate that they are completely safe for health and can be used in children's rooms. Such compounds, as a rule, almost do not smell and dry quickly, do not cause allergies and do not violate the microclimate in the room.
The main advantages of painting include:- a huge variety of colors, the ability to create whole paintings on the ceiling;
- ease of application;
- room height does not change, which is a significant advantage for not very high rooms.
There is only one minus for painting - the need to carefully prepare the surface, because it must be perfectly flat and smooth so that the room looks neat. If the height allows, and the surface of the ceiling is not too smooth, you can use drywall sheets for leveling.

Wallpaper Another sufficiently inexpensive and a great way to organize a cozy and safe space for an children's room. About , the breadth of the wallpaper range, probably, isn’t even necessary - you can choose an option for every taste and realize any idea. The stores are full and especially children's versions of wallpaper with the image of cartoon characters, fairy tale characters, clouds, toys and other things. Another advantage of the wallpaper is , the relative simplicity of gluing : together with all the works it is more than real to cope with. If there are small defects on the ceiling, then thick wallpaper will hide these shortcomings, but it will not take away useful centimeters of height.
It is necessary to select only natural breathable wallpapers :
- paper wallpapers - the best option, the most eco-friendly and, besides, cheap. On the ceiling, they will not be subject to physical influence, so they will serve a lot. Their only enemy is the sun's rays, under the constant influence of which the colors may become paler;
- non-woven wallpaper is also considered to be environmentally friendly, because they let the air through without any problems, providing an optimal microclimate in the room;
- wallpapers for painting are also great, they can be repainted several times, quickly changing the interior of the room. True, the paint should pick the appropriate;
- fabric wallpaper is a good material, creates comfort, increases heat and sound insulation, but it will often be necessary to take care of such a ceiling so that it does not accumulate dust.
The wallpaper has a few minuses. You can find fault with a little longevity, but a child grows, he has his own taste, so the material “for centuries” is not always in demand here. The wallpaper will be difficult to glue if the nursery has an irregular shape. It is also worth noting that you need to choose high-quality safe glue.

№3.Decorative plaster
Completely safe and natural material , which is great for the nursery, can be the basis for interesting applications and the placement of decorative elements on the ceiling. This coating is excellent suitable for those rooms in which there are non-standard architectural elements , can be covered with plaster to hide the small irregularities of the walls , and the final coating will be solid and durable. The advantages should be added variety of colors and reliefs , the possibility of applying some types of their own hands. The material passes air, it can be applied on any basis.

This way of finishing the ceilings, which was so popular a few decades ago, is today superseded by other materials. For children's rooms, lime whitewashing is considered to be a very good material, and the fact that is recommended to perform such finishing in children's and medical institutions, as well as schools, speaks volumes.
The advantages of include low cost, ease of application, keeping the height of the room, vapor permeability, fire safety, as well as antiseptic properties. Unfortunately, whitewashing is not very durable, and after a couple of years of operation begins to crack and turn yellow. In addition, the white color may seem too boring for the nursery, but on the other hand it will be an excellent background for decorative elements.

Drywall is another suitable finishing material for a nursery ceiling. It boasts the whole with a number of advantages:
- is an eco-friendly, harmless material;
- with it you can get a perfectly flat surface, avoiding the "wet processes";
- you can bring to life any idea, because of the drywall is easy to create a multi-level design, complemented by point lighting;
- between the surface of the main ceiling and drywall can hide electrical wires, providing an interesting and neat lighting system.
Among the shortcomings worth noting:
- the duration of the work, and not even everyone can cope with their own efforts;
- design will reduce the height of the room;
- need to finish the drywall. Most often used painting.

№6.Stretch ceiling
Stretch ceilings made of PVC or fabric can also be used in the nursery. Moreover, now their popularity in the design of children's rooms has increased dramatically, because no other material can boast of such decorative and aesthetic properties. Such a ceiling can be monophonic and have any shade, it can be with some kind of pattern, with the image of the sky, with any necessary picture or photo, because you can create an individual design to order. In addition to the appearance, stretch ceilings have other advantages:
- high installation speed and the absence of dirty processes;
- the ability to equip a spotlight, which will bring a special atmosphere into the room and will allow you to visually lift the ceiling;
- high dust and dirt repellent, antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties;
- is suitable for newly constructed buildings, since there will be no cracks during shrinkage on such a ceiling;
- durability.
Stretch ceiling ceilings also have:
- the main drawback is airtightness. But if the neighbors are flooded from above, then nothing in the children's room will suffer, because the liquid will collect over the structure and it can be carefully removed. In the absence of such emergencies, it is recommended to air the room more often. The second way is to use fabric stretch ceilings that allow air to pass through;
- price;
- presence of welds, but they can be seen only upon detailed examination and if the room is large. The maximum width of PVC canvases is 3.5 m, and the fabric width is 5.1 m. If the room fits within these limits, then you can also find a seamless version.

№7.Natural wood
Wood, of course, is considered the most natural and environmentally friendly type of finish , which is especially appreciated in the children's room. In addition, some wood types emit bactericidal substances, and any tree has excellent heat and sound insulation properties .This material has never gone out of fashion, it is universal, fits into any style of the interior, and its appearance is beyond praise.
If you choose wood to finish the nursery ceiling, it is important to follow a number of requirements so that natural finish does not become a source of danger. For processing, impregnation, you need to select the highest quality and environmentally friendly materials, sanding wood should be perfect, and care should be constant so that it retains its appearance and does not become the source of the development of insects and bacteria.

How can you decorate the ceiling in the nursery?
First it should be noted that trying to develop a unique design, it is important not to overdo it. The ceiling in the nursery should be pastel shades, and bright colors should be in small quantities in order to diversify the interior and not strain the psyche.
For decorating the ceiling, you can use the following methods:
- draw characters from fairy tales and cartoons, clouds, musical or sports instruments, and if art is not your thing, you can always use stencils;
- vinyl stickers and luminous elements can be used in the design of the ceiling and give a certain mood to the whole room;
- with colorless fluorescent colors can draw stars and the moon against the blue ceiling. During the day this decor will be invisible, and at night a real starry sky will appear in the room with stars and constellations;
- ceiling can be decorated with bulky figures of birds, butterflies, flowers and other elements of the animal and plant world;
- beautiful unusual chandelier - this is an excellent decor for the ceiling, especially if it comes complete with lamps;
- option for the most daring - fabric ceiling, which creates the effect of a tent. A piece of fabric forms a dramatic fold, it can even be decorated as a ship’s sails, but such a construction will need regular care.

In conclusion,
In the design of the ceiling of the nursery you need to balance on the verge of a rational and creative approach. The material should be natural and harmless, but not boring outwardly, because the design of the surrounding space forms the imagination, imagination and tastes of the child.