Everyday life of African women or what kind of technology is definitely in their home

The life of African women is much more difficult than, for example, that of Europeans. At the same time, its level is dictated to them by problems with electricity and water. In rural areas, you sometimes have to turn the handle of a dynamo for 15 minutes to make a phone call! Of course, some have their own generators, but not all.

The content of the article

  • Let's start with phones
  • Are there PCs and laptops?
  • Do you watch TV?
  • If washed, then by hand
  • Electric and gas stoves
  • If it's hot, maybe there are air conditioners?

Let's start with phones

About 50% of the continent's population has ordinary telephones. 10% have smartphones. That is, based on the fact that there are about half of women in the country, some simple calculations can be made.

@ ibtimes.com

With other electronics, things are even worse. However, the region plays an important role. In Central Africa, development is not going as vigorously as in the North. The developed continents donate substantial funds to the East and West. Therefore, the difference between meeting the household needs of the regions is enormous. In rural areas, everything is about the same bad everywhere.

instagram viewer

What phones do African women choose? Several interesting features can be seen:

  • combination of touch screen function in a steel case and buttons;
  • powerful speaker, flashlight and camera;
  • capacious battery.

@ abnews.ru

The last point is especially important, since there are power outages on the mainland.

Are there PCs and laptops?

Recently, African women have seen such gadgets more and more often. You can even see photos on the network where girls in the desert spend time watching movies. One charity donates outdated laptops to Africans in need.

@ haititechnews.com

Do you watch TV?

Television is developing in the country. Naturally, everyone has already switched to digital broadcasting. It is interesting that the ladies watch mainly cultural, social or educational programs. Sometimes they can watch reality shows.

@ modernghana.com

Indian, Chinese, Filipino and South African production programs dominate. The whole family, neighbors, relatives, etc., gather to watch TV.

If washed, then by hand

Many African women walk several kilometers to get water. They wash by hand. A washing machine is an unaffordable luxury.

@ kleinburd.ru

Rich ladies hire poor women to work for them.

Electric and gas stoves

To keep the stove is also beyond the power of many. Cooked on a wood-burning stove. First, fuel is obtained, and then the woman starts cooking.

@ doseng.org

If it's hot, maybe there are air conditioners?

In fact, split systems are available, but in 90% of cases in large cities in the offices of well-known firms. Many women dream of finding a job in such conditions. But in most cases, the dream remains unrealizable. Wealthy people install air conditioners in their homes and sometimes in their huts.

@ viralife.mirtesen.ru

So, the life of an African woman is not like ours. Nevertheless, as in any country, a lot depends on how much money you have. If you have them, you can buy yourself a TV and an air conditioner. If not, you can only dream.

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