Drywall Overview
Only one drywall sheet is of such a size that it covers more than two square meters, covering all defects and irregularities. When installing load-bearing structures between the base and the finished surface, a sufficient space is formed for laying heat or sound insulation. You can apply any finish to drywall: paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster.
But as soon as the last self-tapping screw is tightened, the problem arises of how to properly and how to close up the seams in drywall. You should worry about this, otherwise with time:
- cracks form at the joints of the sheets;
- the life of the finished structure is much shorter;
- the finish cover will deteriorate, and this will lead to additional cash costs.
As a result, if you do not ask the vital question in a timely manner, instead of an exclusive element of the main decor of the room, you can get an unaesthetic “bun”.
It happens that the seams form themselves if the frame is not made rigid enough. Mounting profiles are deformed under a weight of hl, and the edges of the attached sheets repeat their outlines. Another factor is the loss of linear dimensions of the structure as a result of a sharp temperature drop. Microscopic shifts will lead to cracking.
To avoid this, a gap of 1–2 mm is provided between the hl during installation. In the worst case, the putty will crack, but the sheets themselves will remain intact. And it doesn’t matter if the drywall is mounted on a metal frame, or glued to a flat wall. Developing instructions, global manufacturers recommend the use of technologies based on GOSTs and building codes.
Mesh and other materials and tools to seal sheet joints

- Putty knife. It is advisable to purchase a set of spatulas: narrow (up to 8 cm), angular, typesetting (10-15 cm) and large (30-40 cm). Each finisher has his own preferences, but the most important thing here is the flexibility of the blade. With increased flexibility of the tool, the ease of processing hard-to-reach spots, including on the ceiling and cornices, labor productivity is growing.
- Putty. To seal the seams, many masters use only finishing putty. The speed of work increases, but there is also a risk of the formation of large gaps at the joints of the sheets. Significantly improve the quality of work allows special types of putty. This is especially necessary when the finish is paint or decorative plaster. If wallpaper is simply glued to the drywall, then just one putty is enough, since the texture of the wallpaper itself can hide some wall defects. Today, there are two main types of putties: universal - starting and finishing, and special - with the use of appropriate additives. The most famous company is Knauf, which produces gypsum-based putties for filling drywall joints: Fugenfüller, Fugenfinish and Uniflot. Products of the Chrysel and Vetonit companies also enjoy deserved attention. Ready puttys of Shitrok well proved.
Reinforcing tape or netting. They strengthen the joints and increase their resistance to cracking. Self-adhesive rolls are very convenient to use. The width of the tape is selected according to the size of the gap.
- Primer. It strengthens the base, improves the adhesion (adhesion) of the putty to the surface, and also creates a barrier to moisture penetration, which in the future will not allow the finish to peel off.
- Brush, roller or spray. They are used for applying a primer.
- Electric drill with special nozzle or construction mixer. Designed for the preparation of putty mixture.
- Special dry clean packaging. The solution will be mixed in it.
- Pure room temperature water. It is necessary for the preparation of putty from a dry mixture.
- Special metal corner or angle forming tape. They will make it possible to seal joints at the corners more thoroughly.
- Sandpapergrinding block or abrasive mesh. They are useful for stripping. The grain size depends on the finish: for the wallpaper - larger grain, and for coloring - smaller.
- Means of protection. It can be a respirator, glasses, gloves, a special suit.
Correct preparation of surfaces for embedment

First you need to check whether all the joints of the sheets are securely attached to the supporting frame and if the hats of the screws stick out. When filling, the putty knife will bounce on them, you have to get dirty in the mixture, sinking fasteners below the level of the sheet. Drywall, and especially joints, should not have peeling paper, they must be cut off under the base and cleaned with an emery cloth. If burrs and burrs are found, they are carefully removed with a construction knife.

With the same tool at the joints of straight ends and cut elements, where the gypsum part of the sheet is visible, the so-called joint stitching - chamfer with an angle of 45 degrees, width and depth up to 5 mm. It will allow you to make the seams much stronger, because it will also be filled with a putty mass. Significantly accelerates the application of chamfering edge planer. The factory edges of the sheets do not require additional processing. Next, it is cleaned from dust and dirt formed during installation. This is done with a vacuum cleaner or an ordinary dry cloth.
To improve adhesion, special primers are used. Butt joints are treated with a brush or roller 15 cm to the sides of the junction. The soil layer prevents the process of destruction of drywall, because it protects it from dust, moisture and has antifungal components.
Preparation of mortar for joints hl

According to the instructions, the required amount of dry putty is placed in a specially prepared container, filled with water and stirred until smooth. If dust forms, care must be taken on protective equipment. It is advisable to cook at a time no more than 5 liters of the mixture, since its so-called. life time is only 30-40 minutes.
Coat the joints with putty mixture

To align the seam and prevent cracking, the so-called banding - fasten reinforcing tapes from fiberglass or special paper. Depending on the presence of an adhesive layer on the surface they are used:
- If the tape already has a self-adhesive layer, then before coating the drywall seams, it must be unpacked and, gradually unscrewed, glued to all joints.
- If a self-adhesive layer is not provided, then, after the solution has already been applied, the tape should be drowned as deep as possible into its thickness. Noteworthy here is paper perforated tape. Paper and drywall are related materials and work well together.
A wide spatula is used to mash the putty to produce a flat, flat surface. Corner elements are made out with the help of special devices - metal corners, corner forming tapes, etc. After 8-12 hours of drying, you can apply the next layer of putty - covering, which will smooth out all the shortcomings identified during the first pass, and make the seam stronger.

On the ceiling, closing up the seams is a certain inconvenience, because the master has to constantly keep his head thrown back. It will be necessary to prepare the putty mixture a little thicker, otherwise it will drain off the spatula, and press the harder tool to press the mass well into the gap on the ceiling. But when priming, you can not press hard with a roller on the plane of the drywall, so as not to peel its paper component.
Grinding drywall seams

Do it yourself seams hk do it yourself (video)
The video in the finale of this article will help you better understand the topic.
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