The best stretch ceilings: which one to choose, fabric or PVC film?

Stretch ceiling today is a popular way to decorate a room. And this is easy to explain. In a short installation time the surface becomes perfectly flat. Communication wires and pipes are hidden behind the fabric. Also, no additional processing of the rough surface is required. And huge catalogs of colors and textures of panels offer customers a wide choice for every taste. And here there is a catch, since it can be difficult to choose. Matte or glossy? Film or fabric? It is almost impossible to determine on the fly which ceiling is better or worse.

As for my personal opinion, the best stretch ceilings are matte PVC fabric with a shadow gap. This option fits perfectly into trendy interior styles such as minimalism, hi-tech, loft, Scandinavian and the like, in addition, it is easy to clean.

But I will try to understand today in more detail in all types to help you make your own choice.


The content of the article

  • What is the best stretch ceiling?
    • Features of the choice of stretch ceiling
    • Cloth or PVC film?
    • Glossy or Matte?
    • Printed or not?
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What is the best stretch ceiling?

I note that there are many types of stretch fabric. They differ not only in external qualities, but also in operational properties, design features. It is important to take into account the direction in which the room is designed. The style of the room decides a lot, including the choice of finishes.

First of all, pay attention to the appearance of the ceiling. Cheap materials rarely look pretty.

Features of the choice of stretch ceiling

The type of room where the structure will be installed is of great importance. For the kitchen and bathroom (as well as a balcony or loggia) choose high performance ceilings. The canvas will have to withstand high humidity and temperature drops - this can deform the fabric if the material is chosen of poor quality.

Undoubtedly, one of the selection criteria is the design of the room. A certain color or structure can complement the style of a room. Today there are many types of ceilings:

  • shadow;
  • textured;
  • perforated;
  • with a print and others.

All of them effectively fit into the environment and complete the image of the room.


Cloth or PVC film?

The main types of stretch ceilings by type of material are fabric and film. They are manufactured from polymer components, but different technologies. Their appearance is very different from each other.

It is quite simple to choose from the two options if you focus on their main characteristics:

  1. Indoor microclimate. Fabric ceilings are not afraid of low and high temperatures. They are ideal for installation in cold rooms. The foil ceiling will deform when cooled and stretch when heated.
  2. Appointment of the premises. In the bedroom or nursery, it is better to use fabric. They are safe for health and do not emit harmful substances. In the bathroom, on the balcony, as well as in the corridor or office, it is proposed to include a film ceiling in the interior.
  3. Design idea. Focusing on the idea of ​​the designers, they choose the type of stretch fabric. PVC films have an endless palette of shades, as well as glossy and matte textures. With their help, the room is given a unique look and charm.
  4. The size of the room. This is an important criterion. If the width of the space is large, they are guided by fabric canvases. They are manufactured by manufacturers up to 5 meters and are almost always installed without seams.

For me, an important selection criterion is the ease of cleaning. Fabric ceilings are more time consuming. The texture of the material does not allow you to wipe it with a damp cloth for cleaning. You will have to use special products and sponges to remove the stain.

At the same time, film ceilings are unpretentious in maintenance, they are easily and quickly installed, they are distinguished by a wealth of colors and textures. but the width of the canvases is small, in large rooms there is almost always a seam. This spoils the appearance of the surface.


Glossy or Matte?

It all depends on the tastes of the apartment owners and the design idea at the beginning of the renovation. Glossy canvases create a mirror effect. If a dark color of the stretch fabric is selected, the room will be filled with a mysterious shine. When choosing light canvases, it will shine with additional light and brightness.

Matte fabrics look noble and expensive, but cannot boast of such an extensive palette of colors. If you consider yourself a supporter of the classics, choose a white matte ceiling or its variations - cream, milk, beige and others. It looks aesthetically pleasing and pleasant.


Printed or not?

Again, this is a matter of taste. In case of insufficient decor in furnishings drawing on the ceiling will be a good solution. For a children's room or a parent's bedroom, a "starry sky" canvas with a print in the form of a luminous firmament is an excellent solution. The child will enjoy falling asleep counting the "stars" above the bed.

Large appliqués, floral motifs or a predatory print make the perfect addition to themed styles. For example, eco-style in the bathroom goes well with the ceiling decorated with daisies. It's fresh and inviting. Lying in the bath, you can enjoy the ghostly scent of flowers.


In general, a stretch ceiling is a modern finishing material. He meets the requirements of GOST and SNiP, does not harm the health of the inhabitants of the apartment. Feel free to choose the canvas that you liked in the manufacturer's catalogs.

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