How to whitewash the ceiling with your own hands: preparation, technology

Despite the wide range of materials and options for decorating the ceiling, whitewash confidently retains its leading position. This method is especially relevant with a small budget, and a flat ceiling of pure white color in any case will give the room a well-groomed and aesthetic appearance.

But in order to whiten yourself with high quality, it is important to study the technology, purchase the right tools and correctly prepare the surface. The whole process includes the following stages:

  1. Preparation (cleaning, grouting, elimination of defects, leveling).
  2. Selection of tools.
  3. Preparation of the mixture.
  4. Primary application (basic).
  5. Final application.

The content of the article

  • How to whitewash the ceiling
    • Ceiling preparation
    • Whitewashing tools
    • DIY ceiling whitewashing technology
      • The second method is coating with water-based paint
  • What is suitable for whitewashing the ceiling

How to whitewash the ceiling

Every homeowner wants renovations to be not only stylish, but also high quality and durable. Therefore, it is so important to follow the basic rules of whitewashing - this will help avoid flaking of materials and ensure long-term operation of the room.

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Ceiling preparation

You cannot immediately proceed directly to a new application: when wet, the previous layers of pigment will begin to crumble, stick to the brush and roller. Therefore, first you should prepare the site, and only then proceed to whitewashing. Stages:

  1. Surface cleaning. If you remove the old pigment without first wetting the ceiling, then a lot of dust will form in the room. It is much more convenient to do this by thoroughly moistening the surface. However, do not process the entire ceiling at once: the pigment will dry out. It is better to visually divide the space into small pieces and moisten them as you go.
  2. Erasing defects. There are always small gaps between the floor slabs. Over time, they begin to increase. So that they are not visible, the defects need to be expanded, filled with putty, and applied a layer of serpyanka. When the latter is dry, apply another layer of putty, then carefully level with a spatula.
  3. Removing dirt and grease stains. Over time, traces of various contaminants form on the ceiling. It can be problematic to get rid of them even with the help of special cleaning agents, but it is better not to skip this step. Otherwise, the stains will show through the coloring pigment. This can be done with whiteness or another chlorine-containing cleaning agent. The sponge is dipped into the solution, then the contaminated area is carefully treated. Copper sulfate will help to deal with rust stains. Prepare the mixture as indicated on the package. Then apply it on the stain, leave to dry completely and repeat. This is required until traces of rust are barely visible. In order not to damage the skin of your hands with chemicals, you need to work with rubber gloves.
  4. Alignment. After eliminating defects, a building level should be applied to the area to be painted: with its help, the presence of irregularities and differences is determined. Revealed pits are leveled with putty. It is applied with a spatula or trowel, and after drying, the remaining area is processed. The formed nodules must be removed with sandpaper. The last step is wiping with a dry cloth and applying a primer.


Whitewashing tools

After finishing the preparatory work, you can proceed to applying the solution. For this you will need:

  1. Whitewash roller. It is best to choose a tool with a medium pile width of 20–25 cm. Using a brush is quite time consuming and time consuming. In addition, it requires experience and a certain skill, and even a beginner can handle this tool.
  2. Primer roller. The parameters are the same as for the painting tool.
  3. Brush. It is necessary for staining hard-to-reach places.
  4. Plastic tray. This is a small bath, into which the lime is poured, after which a roller is dipped into the pigment. It helps to distribute the coloring matter evenly over the surface of the instrument.
  5. Telescopic tube. Allows whitening without using a stepladder.
  6. Rags, newspapers. Needed to protect adjacent items and the floor.
  7. Latex gloves.


Reference. If the telescopic tube is not available, a stepladder or chair can be used.

DIY ceiling whitewashing technology

When the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to the process. This is done as follows:

  1. Preparation of the mixture. PVA glue dissolves in water at room temperature, then chalk is added. All this mixes well, the formed lumps break. Then a drop of blue should be added. Stir again until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Substances are taken at the rate of 10 m2: sifted powder - 3 kg, blue pigment - 20 g, PVA - 30 g. If lime is used, the proportions will be as follows: for 1.7 kg, 40 g of pigment and 6 liters of warm water are taken.
  2. Basic application of the mixture. First, the joints in the corners and near the walls are painted. This is done with a narrow brush. Also, the composition must be applied to decorative moldings, if any. Then, with a roller, the paint is applied to the entire area. The stripes should overlap, that is, the next one should slightly step on the previous one (3-5 cm is enough). This is necessary in order to paint the surface evenly, and the ceiling does not look striped after finishing work. Then the applied composition is left to dry completely. The manufacturer usually indicates the time on the packaging of the dye, on average it takes one and a half to two hours.
  3. Reapplication. Usually, one layer is not enough: as the lime dries, streaks from a roller or brush will appear. You can remove defects by applying an additional one. Moreover, this must be done across the first. For example, the first layer was applied from one wall to another. This means that the second should be applied, moving from window to door or vice versa. It is important not to forget to mix the composition, because the dyes can settle to the bottom.


Reference. It is necessary to carry out the work with the windows closed: due to the draft, the whitewash can lie in stripes.

The second method is coating with water-based paint

In order not to complicate the task of breeding lime or chalk, you can use a modern option - a water emulsion. This substance allows you to paint the area more evenly, to give the ceiling additional attractiveness.

However, the coating with water-based emulsion requires careful preparatory work. The process itself is also carried out in two stages:

  1. First, spread the base coat evenly. The substance is allowed to dry according to the time indicated on the package.
  2. Then a second layer is applied, perpendicular to the base one.


Reference. After the completion of the work, it is important to ensure that there are no drafts in the room, and direct sunlight does not fall on the renewed areas. Otherwise, the composition will disappear. Also, while the whitewash dries, the room should not be dusty, and the drops formed on the floor must be removed with a damp cloth. You will start sweeping the room later, otherwise the dust will settle on the ceiling.

What is suitable for whitewashing the ceiling

You can update the surface using various compounds. Each has its own positive and negative sides, learning which it is easier to make the right choice:

  1. A piece of chalk. The solution is easy to apply, does not have a pronounced odor, and hides flaws well. In addition, this is a very inexpensive option - repairs will cost mere pennies. However, the substance is very easily soiled, preparation of the composition is time-consuming, and the treated areas may turn yellow after staining. To prevent this, blue is sure to be added to the chalk.
  2. Lime. It can "boast" of a pleasant price tag, convenient application, the ability to hide defects and dirt stains well, and excellent antibacterial properties. Cons - an unpleasant, pungent smell, acridity of the finished composition. Work with the lime mortar with gloves, otherwise you may get chemical burns.
  3. Water-based paint. The most optimal solution is a water-based composition. The substance has no pronounced odor, dries quickly, and is sold ready-to-use. The painted surface does not fade or stain. For wet rooms, there is a special option - a washable water emulsion. The disadvantages include cost. No other disadvantages have been identified.

Having learned how to properly cover the ceiling with whitewash, and following the recommendations, even an inexperienced person will do it efficiently, after which re-finishing will not be needed in the next five years.

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