Growing in your garden gypsophila

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Gypsophila (Gypsophila) is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Clove family. The name in Latin means "loving lime." The flower grows on limestones. The most popular is the perennial Gypsophila. The native land of the plant is considered to be the lands of Southern Europe and Asia. The flower is famous for its unusual flowering. Thanks to thin stems, a dense "cloud" is formed, which is strewn with small flowers. Planting and caring for the perennial gypsophila, which is presented in the photo, is not complicated. To the plant was healthy and pleased with its abundant flowering, you need to know some rules.

Peculiarity of the plant Gypsophilia

Gypsophila belongs to the group of ornamental plants. The flower grows in the form of a bush or a grassy sprout. The root system is well developed. The stems are thin. They have a lot of lateral processes, due to which the bush in a short time acquires a spherical shape. Gypsophila flower grows to 120 centimeters high. There are soil cover forms of plants, the stems of which are located near the ground.

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The flower shoots are green. On branches practically there are no leaves. The main part of deciduous plates is located in the root part. They have a lanceolate shape with a pointed tip. Leaves can have both a dark green and a gray tinge. The surface is glossy, smooth.

The first flowers can be seen at the end of June. Buds are collected in paniculate inflorescences, which are located at the ends of shoots. The diameter of the flowers is from 4 mm to 7 mm. The most popular species of Gypsophila are represented in the photo:

Variety Gypsophila

In nature, there are about 150 species of gypsophila, but only some are intended for growing in gardens and at home. All plants differ among themselves by blossoming, a shade of petals and the form.

The main types of gypsophila:

  • elegant;
  • creeping;
  • paniculate;
  • spindle-shaped.

Gypsophila the graceful

This is an annual type of plant. The adult flower has a small height. With proper care, it can grow from 40 to 50 cm. It grows in the form of a bush. This species is strongly branched. The leaves are very small, lanceolate.

Buds are small. In the opened form they reach 1 centimeter in diameter. Flowers can be white or light pink. Buds are collected in wide, scattered pellets. Placed flowers on thin pedicels. Thanks to small buds, the plant takes on an openwork appearance. Observe the flowering Gypsophila elegant can be for a month or one and a half.

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Main grades:

  • Rose - buds of a pink shade;
  • Elegance - buds are soft, white.

This species differs from others in its heat and lightfastness. Therefore, in order for the plant to develop well and flourish abundantly, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it. Gypsophila delicate is a good addition to such plants as godets and eschollations. Also Gypsophila looks great with marigolds and other bright flowers. Some florists use this kind of plant to create bouquets.

All types of plants differ in their flowering and bush form.

Creeping gypsophila

This species refers to dwarf plants. This unpretentious flower, which can grow in almost any area. Because of this, it is often called a mountain plant. A feature of this species are shoots that spread along the ground. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, small.

Flowering is observed from June to July. It is a frost-resistant species that can grow in one place up to four years.

The bush is often used for decorating rocky areas and curbs.

Main grades:

  1. Pink gypsophila. This is a dwarf plant. The main difference is its rapid expansion. In a short time, the flower is able to cover a fairly large area. This variety is distinguished by red stems. The maximum height that a plant can reach is 15 cm. Deciduous leaves narrow-lanceolate, green in color. Buds in the opened form have a pink tone. They grow up to 1 cm in diameter. During the year the pink gypsophila blossoms twice, the first - from June to July, and the second - in the autumn.
  2. Gypsophila is white. Stems creeping. With proper care, they are able to quickly form dense bushes. The branches are bare. Leaves are narrow and very small. Plates of dark green hue. Flowers are white with a pink tone.

Gypsophila paniculate (paniculate)

This plant grows to 120 cm. It is a perennial flower that has an attractive appearance. It is distinguished by knobby stems and strong branching of the bush, especially in the upper part. The leaf plate, as in other species, is very narrow and shallow. Flowers grow in diameter up to, cm. Buds in a loose form can be both white and pink. The plant blooms for 40-45 days. You can watch this miracle from July to August.

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Depending on the variety of flowers are double and simple. All of them are collected in small inflorescences. At the end of flowering small fruits are formed in the form of capsules. In the middle of each there are up to 1300 seeds. The grains are very small. Their germination lasts for three years. In the photo, the hyphophilus is paniculate, planting and caring for which are not complicated.

Main grades:

  1. Gypsophila Snowflake. The bush is thick enough. Its height reaches 10 cm, and the diameter is -50 cm. This variety is distinguished by a large number of small, double flowers of white hue.
  2. Gypsophila Rosie Weil. Low-grade variety. Its height varies from 30 to 35 cm. The uniqueness of the plant lies in its flowers. Only opened buds have a white hue, but eventually they become light pink.
  3. Gypsophila Terry. Buds are snow-white, small.
  4. Gypsophila Pink Star. Flowers are intense pink, terry. The height reaches 60 cm.
  5. Gypsophila Flamingo. Inflorescences of pink hue, terry. One of the tall varieties. The size of the bush can reach 120 cm.
  6. The gypsophila Rosenschleier. This plant spreads over the surface of the earth. Its maximum height can be 40 cm. Flowers are terry, small. The color of the buds is pale pink. Duration of flowering from 70 to 90 days.

Gypsophila spleen-shaped

This creeping plant, which grows to 10 centimeters high. Deciduous platinum is ovoid in shape. Flowers are small. Their size reaches two centimeters in diameter. Buds can have a white or lilac shade with burgundy veins.

Proper care for gypsophila

The soil. The plant should be planted in well-illuminated areas. The soil for the flower should be sandy loam or loamy. It is important that the earth is good air, water and had a small amount of lime in its composition. To maintain heavy bushes, it is recommended to make reliable supports in the early summer.

It is forbidden to plant bushes in the ground with an outflow of groundwater.

Top dressing. If the flower grows in a well-lit area, then it is not necessary to apply fertilizer. Otherwise, humus and minerals should be added to the soil. When choosing a top dressing, one should take into account that the composition of the preparations does not change the acidity of the soil.One of the most effective is tincture of Mullein. It is not recommended to make fresh manure, as it can damage the bush. Feeding costs in the spring and in the flowering period.

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Irrigation. The plant tolerates drought well, therefore, in the open ground it is practically not necessary to water. An exception is the high temperature of the air for several weeks. In this case, under the root, it is recommended to pour from 3 to 5 liters of clean water.

Preparation for winter. Despite the fact that most of the varieties are frost-resistant, additional warming for the winter will not do much harm.In the middle of autumn, the stems should be cut off, leaving 10 centimeters above the ground. Then the ground will need to be covered with peat. Also it is necessary to pour dry leaves on a bush, and from above to impose pine twigs. This is necessary in order to keep the snow away from the root system.

To stimulate rapid growth of the bush, it is recommended to cut the shoots immediately after flowering.

Reproduction. The method of growing this flower depends on the plant variety. Perennial species can be planted with seeds. Grains should be sown before winter in open soil.

Perennial species are best planted with seedlings. Grains should be sown in the spring in boxes. Seeds are recommended to be placed to a depth of 5 cm. In order for the seeds to sprout faster, you should cover the box with film or glass and put it in a well-lit place.In the open ground perennial Gipsophilia is planted in May. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only after several leaves appear on the seedlings.

Collect the seeds at the end of flowering. Boxes should be cut a little greenish and dry up at home in a well-ventilated room. Keep the seeds are recommended in bags of paper.

Pests. Gypsophila often suffers from fungal diseases. They are able to cause wet rot, white mold. Also often the flower is infested by insects and parasites. If the care is wrong, the leaves and stems can be covered with a brown coating. To get rid of such problems, you should use fungicides. They can be used both for spraying flowers and for watering.

In order for the plant to enjoy its appearance and flowering for a long time, it is worth sticking to all the rules of care. Proper selection of soil, watering and preparation for winter will help to protect bushes from destruction and decay of the root system.

Growing of perennial gypsophila - video

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