Which is better to buy a vacuum cleaner cleaning

Let's talk today about the wet cleaning and household appliances for the purpose. Consider what must be able washing vacuum cleaner on Zelmer example. Enjoy the convenience and a wide range of abilities, many will want to take the model home. Get acquainted with the brand closer together to discuss how best to buy washing vacuum cleaner.

Especially detergent cleaner

Not every owner will like to tinker with aquafiltering. After harvesting unit is full of dirt. When cleaning, do not suck the liquid cyclone model (the most common type of dry cleaning). Moisture passes through the filter, resulting in a short circuit.

Energy consumption washing vacuum cleaner

Most detergents and cleaners suitable for dry cleaning, when the container instead of (or inside) the dust bag is placed. This requires that the additional costs of the engine to overcome the resistance of thick fabric, not to mention the numerous filters.

About this Kirby designers (proven company that manufactures vacuum cleaners), expressed as follows: the engine is necessary to put a lot of effort to push air through the bag, hinder filters. In the conventional vacuum cleaner with the bag flow cools the engine. Kirby vacuum cleaners worth a special fan for engine cooling and air with dust pass that allows maintaining suction power, reduce consumption.

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Note: in fact, in all types of vacuum cleaners and tangential fan motor (turbine) in a single housing. The air is ejected to the periphery and extends the motor windings. We have to put multiple filters at the entrance. The Kirby vacuum cleaners have been removed due to limitations sophisticated design.

Wanting to buy a vacuum cleaner Kirby for an unpleasant surprise: hard to find in the form of digestible information about the company's products. Technically, the process is reduced to three points:

  1. Air is sucked into the bag, a cyclone or aquafiltering.
  2. Filtered again from the dust, preventing the engine from the grease from clogging.
  3. At the outlet stream is filtered a third time. This step saves the engine from dust during storage.
Washing vacuum cleaner

Washing vacuum cleaner

All this is necessary to cool the commutator motor of the vacuum cleaner, or a maximum work period is greatly reduced (up to tens of minutes.). In Kirby offered to blow engines separate fan, is not related to the mud. As a result, one filter is allowed to remove. Consumption of the engine is reduced by 1.5 times, which makes economical Kirby vacuum cleaners.

Now about the cooling. Air is drawn through the slots in the housing, the minimum energy required. The result is a substantial gain and not save the old suction power at a much lower energy cost. This is an important plus Kirby vacuum cleaner. We add that the company encouraged consumers since 1914 and is at the origin of manufacture segment products.

The manufacturer guarantees when buying a washing vacuum cleaners Kirby professional quality for little money and quick drying floor coverings of any type.

Cleaning carpet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

Cleaning carpet cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

How to use the wet vacuum

Buying detergent cleaner complicated avarice information about its work. Let's look at an example of Zelmer 919 (subsequent letters indicate the package) that can washing vacuum cleaner. Consider cleaning type:

  1. Decide what to remove. This affects the choice of the type of container. For typical uses of dust bag or container with soft walls to alia - a water tank.
  2. Hoover Zelmer provides three types of cleaning: dry, wet, dry with cleaning fluids. In the first and last case is excluded from the process container for detergents - a box, which is filled with detergent through the second tubing pump is supplied to the brush, where it is sprayed. Hose and brush is special - for wet cleaning.
    Hoover Zelmer 919

    Hoover Zelmer 919

  3. At Zelmer 919 pump switch displayed on the hull. There is a work light. Do not run the pump with an empty container for detergents.
  4. If there is aquafiltering (water tank), and not the bag, use detergents. On the wall is aquafiltering scale. Above it, do not fill the tank. If you start to collect the milk in the kitchen, with Zelmer nothing happens. Inside stands a level sensor. Electronic unit signalize criticality level reduced engine speed and ignition of the corresponding indicator on the housing. If the owner continues cleaning fluid, the power turns off until the container is not poured too much.
  5. In aquafiltering can collect the milk, which means that the water is acceptable hardness and purity. Nevertheless, better to pour clean water. This will protect the unit from excessive dirt.
  6. The same indication circuit operates and for the bag (container with soft walls). As soon as the dust level becomes critical, the equipment will reduce the engine RPM and the lamp blinks shortly, then lost power.
Brush-nozzle for a vacuum cleaner

Brush-nozzle for a vacuum cleaner

As you can see, there are different degrees of protection. What would happen if the vacuum cleaner will turn? This time manufacturers sidestep. It is not always clear what types of detergents compatible with the washing vacuum cleaner, is it permissible to use the washing powders, etc. Forums are full of similar queries.

Wanting to choose a detergent cleaner interested in whether there is a network resource to select powders. Here, for example, it is available: http://cyclones.ru/Rashodnye-materialy-dlja-mojuschih-pylesosov.html. Presented a section of supplies laid out with cleaning agents.

We hope readers will have already decided question of choosing the type of detergent cleaner. Please note in advance for the right set of tools and the required characteristics.

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