Jam from strawberry - a dessert with taste of summer

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Among the variety of sweet preservation is jam from strawberries - it is one of the most fragrant. Such a delicacy is first of all adored by the smallest members of the family. And not for nothing, because strawberry jam is not only very tasty, but also useful. Of course, in the process of heat treatment, a certain part of the vitamins is lost, but the remaining ones are enough to supplement the body with the necessary elements.

By its composition, the berry is rich in such useful substances as potassium, iron, pectin, magnesium and many others. Strawberries are recommended for use in anemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis. It has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, improves the blood vessels, replenishes the reserves of iodine. Sweet berry has diuretic properties, and is also used to relieve the general condition during colds.

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Preparation of berries for conservation

Many for winter harvesting strawberries buy berries in the market. In this case, one can only hope for the honesty of the sellers and carefully examine the strawberries for integrity and the presence of spoiled berries. Those who have a happy opportunity to grow useful berries themselves, experienced housewives advise to pick berries only in the daytime and in sunny weather. Then the morning dew will evaporate, and the strawberry will be juicy, but not watery.

For jam from a strawberry it is desirable to select not so big fruits, as they more sweet and fragrant. In addition, a small strawberry will better retain its shape in the process of cooking and does not fall apart.

All berries should be sorted out first, remove the stems, and then rinse well. In this case, do not use running water from the tap, but rather lower them in small portions in a bowl of water. Clean strawberries need to be spread out on the table so that it dries out and excess moisture from the glass. The table is covered with a clean towel and leave the berries for several hours.

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Recipes of jam from strawberries provide for the use of fresh berries, because strawberries, which are taken from the refrigerator, are no longer so fragrant and sweet. But if you suddenly want to pamper yourself with a delicious treat in winter, and there are reserves in the freezer, jam can be cooked even from frozen berries.

In this case, the procurement process has its own nuances. Since the berries from the freezer are already pre-prepared (washed and dried), the time required to prepare the dessert is shortened. However, it should be taken into account that it will be more liquid than prepared from fresh berries.

Jam from frozen strawberries is prepared without preliminary defrosting of berries. Berries from the freezer immediately fall asleep with sugar, mix and leave for 4 hours.

Strawberry jam cooked in three sets

For the preparation of delicacies for the winter, berries and sugar are taken in the following proportions:. In a large saucepan, combine strawberries, top with sugar and let stand for at least 5 hours, so that the berries let the juice.

Nothing complicated in how to make strawberry jam, no. To do this, bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes. Leave the jam overnight to cool it. The next day, repeat the procedure two more times.

After the third call, let the ready-made jar cool down for an hour, then spread out in half-liter jars and roll up.

To make the jam faster thickened, you can add vinegar or lemon juice to the preform at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. per kilogram of berries.

Strawberry jam

This way of preserving the jam is much faster than the previous one, since it is prepared in one step. The cooking time depends on the desired consistency. The thicker the jam, the longer it is brewed.

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Strawberries are pre-weighed to determine the required amount of sugar. For every kilogram of berry you need, kg of granulated sugar. Berries put in a basin or pan in layers, pouring each layer of sugar. Leave for 4 hours to make juice.

When the strawberry leaves the juice, put the stock on fire and bring to a boil, periodically removing the foam.

Then screw the fire to the minimum and boil to the desired density at a time, from time to time shaking the pan. To roll.

Ready jam should not spread on the plate, but slowly slide down.

Strawberry jam - five minutes

Most of the time will be spent preparing berries, and the delicacy itself is done very quickly, besides, the whole strawberry looks beautiful in the bank.

So, to prepare 2 liters of quick strawberry jam with whole berries, you should first boil the syrup. To do this in a small mixing bowl:

  • 600 g of sugar;
  • 400 ml of water.

Put the syrup on the fire and allow to boil, stirring constantly. When the sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the hotplate and allow the syrup to cool.

While the syrup cools, prepare the strawberries: take whole, not damaged berries, rinse, dry. For the indicated amount of syrup, 2 kg of berries will be required.

Put the strawberries into the cooled syrup and leave the berries for the night, so that they soaked in it.

In the morning, billet bring to a boil, remove the foam, boil for 5 minutes and immediately roll up.


Jam-jelly from strawberry

For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to bother with boiling the billet, you can try making jam from strawberries with gelatin.

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Step-by-step cooking:

  1. One kilogram of strawberries to sort out and wash. Remove from the total mass of 750 g of berries and grind them in a blender.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from one lemon.
  3. In a strawberry puree to add a lemon juice, 1 packing of gelatin and put on fire.
  4. While the mashed potatoes are heated, the remaining 250 g of strawberries is mixed with 1 kg of sugar.
  5. In the boiled puree put the strawberries in sugar and boil all together for 5 minutes.
  6. Hot jam spread on glass containers and close.

Instead of lemon, you can take citric acid (1 tsp), and instead of gelatin - Confiture or Zhelfix (1 pack.).

Raw strawberry jam

To preserve all the vitamins that are in berries, prepare jam from strawberries without cooking. For this dessert you need a little more sugar. So, for 1 kg of strawberries take approximately, kg of sugar, and if the berries are slightly acidic, then all 2 kg.

The process of making jam is very simple:

  1. Strawberries are washed and dried. As there will be no heat treatment, with the goal of disinfection, the berries are boiled.
  2. Pour sugar and mix it with strawberries.
  3. Grind everything in a homogeneous mass with a blender.
  4. Put the prepared jam in sterilized jars and close with capron lids.

Raw jam is stored in the refrigerator.

Jam from strawberries is a "piece of summer" in a can, its sweet aroma will remind of warm summer evenings and help to survive the winter cold. Surprise your loved ones with a tasty dessert and a pleasant appetite!

Video recipe of French strawberry jam

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