How to return the shine to cupronickel cutlery

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Cupronickel does an excellent job as an alternative to table silver. But it has one serious drawback - over time, cutlery from this alloy becomes covered with a patina, so their owners constantly have to puzzle about getting rid of dark spots. True, there is good news - it is not difficult to clean cupronickel at home.

Cupronickel cutlery


Purchased funds

The content of the article

  • Purchased funds
  • Improvised means
  • How to increase the time between cleanings

In any jewelry store you can find special means for cleaning jewelry. It can be powder, paste, or even wet wipes with a special impregnation. The only drawback of this option is that even thorough rinsing does not always exclude the ingress of rather aggressive agents into the body.

It is for this reason that many people prefer to clean cupronickel. sodium thiosulfate (available at the pharmacy). One part of this substance is diluted in three parts of water, then a cotton swab is moistened in the resulting solution, which is used to process cutlery. After that, it remains only to wait a few minutes, rinse the cupronickel thoroughly and wipe it dry.

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No less effective and ammonia. But he has a serious drawback - a pungent smell.

Improvised means

If you don't want to go in search of the necessary cleaning products in a store or pharmacy, you can find everything you need right in your kitchen. For example: food foil, baking soda and salt. The bottom of the pan (preferably aluminum) is covered with foil, into which a solution of salt, soda and boiling water is then poured (1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water).

Cupronickel cutlery is dropped into the resulting "bath", which are first boiled over low heat for about a quarter of an hour, and then remain in the solution until it cools completely. What's wrong with the method? It is not suitable for products with patterns, silvering or gilding.

Some hostesses recommend boil cupronickel in a decoction of garlic or onion peels. Others prefer flood such cutlery hot water, in which eggs or potatoes were boiled before, and leave overnight.

For those who do not believe in the effectiveness of such methods, it is recommended use a slurry of soda or a paste of crushed chalk and vodka. A suede cloth is dipped into the selected product, with which the cutlery is then rubbed until the desired result is obtained.

Cupronickel cutlery


How to increase the time between cleanings

To keep cupronickel for a longer period of time, it is recommended to rinse it in a soda solution (50 gr. per liter of water), wipe dry and store away from high temperatures and humidity.

In the same case, if cupronickel cutlery is rarely used, it is recommended to store them, previously wrapped in cling film or foil. This little trick helps to limit the access of air to the capricious alloy and, accordingly, slow down its oxidation.

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