An irreplaceable dessert for the winter - jam from sea-buckthorn

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Jam from sea-buckthorn has a range of useful properties. In addition, the product has a rich, unique taste. This sweetness can be eaten, simultaneously heal and strengthen his health. Among the popular and favorite sweet preparations for the winter, no one can compare with this elixir, in terms of its quality, taste and useful properties.

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Everyone should be aware of the benefits and harms of jam from the sea-buckthorn. Of the useful properties of delicacy can be noted the following:

  • a decrease in the percentage of cholesterol in the blood;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • excellent prevention of atherosclerosis;
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  • effective cleansing of the intestine;
  • normalization of the microflora of the intestinal apparatus;
  • beneficial effects on liver cells;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • antibacterial effects on the oral cavity and mucous membrane;
  • rapid recovery from colds and viral diseases, due to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • cure for stomach ulcers;
  • decreased high body temperature;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots in the vessels;
  • reduction in the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Sea-buckthorn preserves can replace the whole first aid kit, especially in winter, when no one is immune from colds and viral diseases.

Nuances of cooking

To make jam from sea-buckthorn turned out to be most useful, fragrant and tasty, you need to know and take into account the small cunnings of cooking. Delicious dessert will be most useful if you cook it at a temperature of no higher than 85 degrees Celsius. That is, it does not need to be boiled. Otherwise, all the vitamins and the benefits of sweets will disappear.

The final result of the preparation of delicacies depends not only on how to make jam from sea-buckthorn, but what fruits to use for this. Ripe solid fruits are used to make jam with whole berries, and for jam you can take soft berries. They easily turn into gruel.

For a sweet dessert to have a beautiful and rich color, bright taste and smell, you can add a small amount of other berries, nuts or honey, pumpkin. Such a delicacy will not leave even children indifferent.

By the way, ready-made jam to taste a bit like pineapple. What makes the taste more profound, mysterious. The fruits of sea-buckthorn, as a rule, ripen already in the middle of summer. However, to make them taste sweeter, the fragrance was strong, you need to wait until the first frost. It turns out, it's time to collect the fruits - not before the end of September, early October.

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How to prepare sea buckthorn for jam

Before you begin the process of preparing a delicacy, you must prepare the fruit. For this you need:

  • to sort out all the fruits;
  • clear of twigs, leaves, stems;
  • rumpled berries to throw;
  • Wash thoroughly from dust;
  • put on a towel or paper napkins;
  • give the water to drain completely, the fruits - to dry.

Regardless of how to prepare the jam, these steps need to be performed.

What recipes of sea-buckthorn jam are popular

In cooking it is customary to experiment constantly, try to combine tastes and fruits. The successful experience of one person quickly spreads and receives universal recognition. So the jam from the sea-buckthorn has no recipe for cooking.

You can make sea-buckthorn jam without cooking, according to a standard recipe, with the addition of pumpkin, honey, nuts. The fruit itself can be used both with bones, to obtain jam with whole berries, and pitted, to get jam.


Which option is better, each hostess decides for herself. As they say - the taste and color of a friend is not!

Recipe for sea buckthorn for the winter without cooking

The most popular is the recipes of sea-buckthorn for the winter without cooking. This is the way that maximally preserves vitamins and useful properties of a wonderful product. However, in this case, a little more sugar is needed than when cooking. It is this ingredient that serves as a preservative and does not allow delicacies to deteriorate. You can cook a couple of jars for the winter of sea-buckthorn with sugar without cooking as a healing elixir.

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It will take:

  1. 800 g of berries.
  2. 1000 g of sugar.

Prefabricated fruits must be poured into a pan or enamel bowl, covered with sugar.

Stir the mixture well and crush it. Allow the jam to stand for several hours until the sugar completely dissolves. You can sometimes stir and crush to quickly mix the ingredients.

When the sugar is completely melted, the consistency becomes transparent, it can be poured over cans. You need to store such a treat in the fridge.

You can mix berries and sugar with a mixer or blender. It will take much less time. However, the device can have a large load. Follow the small parts to add sugar and sea buckthorn to the blender, stir, pour into a large large bowl. All parts of jam are well, in the long run, it is worth mixing and pouring on cans.

The proportion of sea buckthorn with sugar is important to observe. Since less sugar can not keep the sweetness well enough, and it will deteriorate.

Experiment with the amount of sugar possible only if the jam is cooked on fire. In such cases, you can reduce or add the amount of this ingredient according to your own taste preferences.

Sea-buckthorn for the winter with honey without cooking

The sea-buckthorn itself is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. However, sea buckthorn jam for the winter with honey and nuts can not be compared with anything. With this delicacy are not terrible angina, inflammation of the oral mucosa, cold and viral diseases and cough. The main thing is that the dessert is delicious. Children eat it with pleasure.

It is necessary:

  1. 1000 g of sea-buckthorn;
  2. 600 g of sugar;
  3. 200 g of honey;
  4. 200 g of crushed and peeled walnuts.

Peel and washed the berries in a bowl and add a glass of water. All need to be heated for 5 minutes, not bringing to a boil. Seabuckthorn should be wiped and peeled. Add sugar to the mixture. You should leave the ingredients for an hour to completely dissolve the sugar.

Pre-chopped nuts should be added to the mixture and put on fire. Wait until the boiling sweet dessert, cook for 2 minutes and turn it off.Allow to cool for about 5 minutes. Pour honey and mix well. Pour the jam into sterile jars and close.

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A simple recipe for jam from sea buckthorn for the winter

The simplest recipe for sea-buckthorn jam for winter is a five-minute snack. Boils on fire such a dessert is only 5 minutes, which is what its name is due to. Thanks to a short time of heat treatment, all the vitamins and nutrients of the product are preserved. Dessert is not very sweet, because it contains less sugar than in recipes without cooking.

It will take:

  • 1000 g of sea-buckthorn;
  • 1200 g of sugar;
  • 250 g of water.

First, you should prepare the syrup.Boil the syrup and remove from heat. Purified berries should be poured into sweet water and left for 3 hours. Then again put on fire. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat, without boiling.

Ready dessert in a hot state is poured over cans and closed.

Sea-buckthorn jam can be cooked and with the addition of apples. This jam is more pleasant and tender in taste. Apples and berries can be taken in equal numbers, and taking into account their own desires. As a rule, separately it is necessary to make a puree from each ingredient, then mix and cook for several minutes. Store better in the refrigerator.

Interesting information:

  1. Seabuckthorn in Russia is also called Siberian pineapple, since the taste of fruits resembles pineapple.
  2. In the wonderful small fruit of the orange shade contains more than 190 nutrients. In another way, small berries are called holy fruit.
  3. About sea-buckthorn is mentioned both in ancient Greek scriptures and in Tibetan medical texts.
  4. Studies conducted in Germany, found that in sea buckthorn and in the liver contains an equal amount of vitamin B12.

Wonderful fruits of sea-buckthorn should be in the diet of any person. They are able to protect the body from numerous diseases, enhance immunity and provide a supply of nutrients. After all, it's not for nothing that the sea-buckthorn was included in the cosmonauts' menu.

Sea-buckthorn jam is an affordable and tasty treat, which is simple enough to cook and store.

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