Detailed description of the variety of apples Semerenko


Apples, perhaps, are one of the most popular and favorite fruits. The high content of vitamins, minerals, including iron, combined with excellent taste qualities put apples on a high position among a huge variety of fruit desserts.Among many different varieties, it is especially worth mentioning Renet Semerenko- apples, the taste of which is well known to everyone since childhood.


Table of contents

  • Description of apples Semerenko
    • History of breeding
    • Characteristics of trees and fruits
    • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Benefits of fruit
  • Rules of landing
  • Caring for trees
  • Diseases and pests
  • Conclusion

Description of apples Semerenko

Semerenko is called in different ways, however, the correct name is Renet Platon Simirenkoin honor of the father of the Ukrainian breeder, who discovered this variety in the 19th century. Fruits of pleasant green color of asymmetric shape with multiple light points, somewhat flattened. Fruits collected in the South can have a light crimson flush on the sunny side. The variety is considered winter.

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The fruits of the apple tree Renet Semerenko

Harvest is harvested from the end of September until the middle of autumn. Apple trees are considered to be winter, as the harvested crop is perfectly preserved during the winter months, without losing taste, nor the presentation, nor its useful properties. Fruit-bearing trees begin already after 3-5 years. Productivity with proper care is high.

Apple trees of this type refer to self-fertile varieties, that is, not capable of qualitative self-pollination. For high yields, Renet Semerenko trees should be planted in close proximity to other varieties of apple trees that will be pollinators.

Semerenko can not be attributed to frost-resistant crops.The most common are in the southern regions. In areas with more severe winter, trees require additional warming of the trunks in winter with special materials. The preservation of heat in the soil around the tree is achieved with the help of mulch. To protect against rodents and other pests, the trunks are lime coated or coated with chalk mortar.

History of breeding

The genesis of the species is not known for certain. Lev Simonenko, calling the species in honor of his father, suggested that apples belong to either long-forgotten varieties in the West, or they resulted from accidental crossing.The State Register of the Soviet Union was introduced in 1947. In Russia, they have become widespread in such regions as the Krasnodar Krai, the Stavropol Territory, the Republics of Adygea, the CBD, the KCR, North Ossetia and elsewhere.

Characteristics of trees and fruits

Apples Semerenko can be attributed to a fairly large -the average weight is about 150 grams, the weight of larger fruits reaches 200 g. As a rule, apples are round, sometimes conical, in a pleasant light green color with a lot of specks, similar to light points. The flesh is white, juicy with a tender sweet and sour taste. Apple trees are well preserved for several months.After prolonged storage the flesh becomes more friable, and the peel acquires a yellowish color.

Semenko apples have a light green color with a lot of specks

Flowers of this species are large, white, saucer-shaped.Trees can not be called very large, rather, slightly above average. The sprawling crown forms a round or arcuate shape. The upper branches grow almost at right angles to the trunk. Bark of a dark gray-brown shade, turning into a reddish-haired from the sunny side. The foliage is rich green with a matte shine, the leaves are of an elongated, rounded shape with longitudinal small notches along the edges.

Advantages and disadvantages

Apples Renet Simirenko have a number of advantages due to which they managed to gain popularity both in Russia and CIS countries, and abroad.Advantages include:

  • Opportunitylong-term storageharvest.
  • Relativeunpretentiousnessin the process of cultivation.
  • Excellent heat toleranceand lack of moisture without reducing fruiting.
  • Earlyfruiting.
  • Taste characteristics, enjoying the constant demand of consumers.

But the species has its own disadvantages.Here are the main disadvantages of the brand:

  • Low winter hardiness. Not suitable for growing in regions with cold winters.
  • Low resistance to fungal diseases, such as scab and powdery mildew.
. . Powdery mildew.. Scab.
  • The need to plant a tree-pollinator of another variety due to the fact that Renet Simirenkois not capable of self-pollination.
  • The need for frequent pruningbecause of the strong growth.

Benefits of fruit

The fruits of Semerenko contain many useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements

One of the very first fruits introduced into the lure of young children are apples. All because with its hypoallergenic and easy digestibility of apples is a whole storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that a person needs. For example,the content of vitamin Cin ripe fruits reaches about 7 mg for every 100 gr. Whereinlow fructose content, about 7-12%, which makes the fruit ideal for consumption by people caring for their figure. Among other things,pectinhelps to improve intestinal peristalsis, lowers cholesterol and relieves the body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances.


Rules of landing

Plant young trees in spring in early April or in autumn in the period from mid-September to mid-October, when there is at least a month before the first frosts. If the landing did not take place until the second decade of October, it should be postponed until the spring, having dug the tree into the ground. Young seedlings are planted at a rate of 1 m in diameter around the tree and, m, free space around.The landing scheme is as follows:

  1. First, you should prepare a suitable pit. This is done about a week before planting. The hole is pulled out by depth, m, with a diameter of 1 m. The fertile layer of soil is topped by a separate pile next to the pit to fill the pit after planting the seedling.
  2. Separatelytake care of the peg, which will be used to support the young tree. A suitable stick is burned on fire from the end that will be in the ground, in order to avoid rotting.
  3. The next stage is soil preparation. Preferably, if it is clay soil with the addition of river sand and humus.
  4. The bottom of the pit must be loosened up, then pour the prepared soil height, about 20 cm.
  5. After the seedlings are planted, the pit is filled with prepared soil, fertile soil to the formation of a small mound about 20 cm high. In addition, one or two buckets of wood ash mixed with manure can be added to the pit as fertilizer as a fertilizer.
5. After the seedlings are planted, the pit is filled with prepared soil
  1. After the manipulationsSeedling must be poured and tied to a pegusing a node-eight for reliability. For irrigation it will take 30-40 liters of water.
  2. In conclusion, themulching of land, for example, with the help of sawdust.
The place from which the trunk passes into the root system, called the root neck, should be located above the surface, otherwise the tree will die.

Caring for trees

After planting the seedlings need a certain care.Apple Renet Semerenko's apple trees do not cause any trouble to gardeners when observing a few simple rules:

  • Despite the fact that Semerenko firmly tolerate a lack of moisture, theirmust be watered three times per season, using about 30-50 liters of water per irrigation. Fruit-bearing trees are watered before flowering, then before the fruit string and, finally, a couple of weeks before the harvest ripens. Watering of young seedlings is completed around the second decade of July, allowing the trees to prepare for the winter;
Apple trees need abundant watering thrice a year
  • Apple trees are fertilized twice a year. In spring, fertilizing is carried out on the basis of nitrogen fertilizers. This is done at a stage preceding the period of vegetative development of the plant. Autumn fertilize with the help of manure and mineral fertilizers;
  • Young trees need regular pruning of shoots, overgrown more than 60 cm. Thus, an annual growth takes place, on which the ovary of the main part of the fruit takes place. More mature specimens are made by thinning the crown with the help of pruning in order to avoid extreme density and, consequently, a decrease in the level of fruiting;
  • Particular importance is given to the warming of this garden culture with the onset of cold weather. Renet Semerenko is well tolerated by heat, heat, wind, but frosts can be detrimental to them. Before the onset of cold weather, the ground around the trunk is mulched, the trunk itself is tied with special heat-insulating materials. Similar measures also allow protecting seedlings from pests, for example rabbits. With age, the need to tie the trunk disappears, since the tree is regenerated perfectly, replacing those that are rapidly growing shoots with those that suffered from cold weather. And even stronger and dense bark ceases to be attractive for rodents and similar pests.
The trunk of a tree for winter needs to be wrapped with heat-insulating materials

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, apple trees of this species are verysusceptible to fungal diseases such as scab and powdery mildew. The best way to prevent these parasitic lesions is cleaning and subsequent burning of all fallen leaves of last year, twigs, dried fruits.The trunk of the apple tree is whitened for protection from pests. If the disease could not be prevented, the garden crops are "treated" by spraying with special preparations, for example, Euparen or Polycarbacin at the beginning of the season.

Spraying apple trees to fight fungal diseases

In particularly hot and dry years, re-treatment is recommended beforehand two weeks before harvesting, otherwise the risk of infection with a scab of mature fruit is high. Sameexperts recommend that the treatment of apple trees with special preparations containing copper, early spring, in order to protect against pests and parasites. Another preventive method is the regular treatment of Renet with Zircon, improving the overall resistance and endurance of garden crops to harmful factors from the external environment.



Gardening can become quite profitable occupation, whether it is a large orchard or one or two trees in a small plot of land, provided thatto the case will be a responsible approach at all stages. An excellent option for gardeners living in areas with a warm and temperate climate, may be the cultivation of apples Semerenko - Reneta Platon Simirenko. Not requiring significant effort and effort, apple trees of this species bring a wonderful delicious harvest, which is excellent for storage during the long winter months.

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