Probably, not a single garden in Russia was complete without a ratenka. Modest and inconspicuous, it is covered in spring with a white, fragrant haze of flowers, in the summer it gives comfort and coolness, and in the fall - fruits. They may not always be big and sweet, but lovers will enjoy them or prepare jam for the winter, there is always.
It seems invisible and unpretentious, it grows almost everywhere, so what is special about it? In this article we will talk about Ranetkah apples.
- Table of Contentssubsiline and its Chinese hybrids( European varieties).As a result, small-fruited varieties of apple trees appeared. They are characterized by the qualities of a Siberian apple tree: skoroplodny, winter-hardy, annually produce a stable crop. Due to these important qualities they are often used in breeding when crossed with other varieties. This is the first generation from the previous species with a fetal mass of 15 grams.
It transmits to other varieties not only winter hardiness, but also small fruits with a tart taste with a sourness. Resisting in September, they are universal for processing.
Jams, compotes, the jam of them is very fragrant and tasty. Best of all, they got accustomed and spread in the Urals, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk. This is a Siberian assortment of pastures that Europeans have little interest in, having sweet and large varieties of apples.Ranetka occupies a large area, so it is recommended to grow it for owners of large plots. Usually they are 5m.height and diameter. Trees are durable and able to bear fruit for decades. They are not affected by the spring cooling and winter frosts. Some types of rannet are successfully used to create rootstocks.Description of varieties of feeds
Ranetki are characterized by the predominance of the qualities of the variety Sibirka and are well established in our northern regions. Several of these varieties are particularly popular with gardeners.
- Variety Long begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years. Productivity makes about 25 kg from one plant, the mass of a fruit reaches 13 gr. The fruit tastes sour, fragrant and juicy. Color - bright purple. Rip in September, the average performance is average. Apples are good for making compotes and juices. Apple is characterized by average winter hardiness and yield. Middleweight
- The variety Ranetka red is bred in Blagoveshchensk. Fruits in the second year. The yields are annual and stable, but medium-sized apples weighing 10g.and are used more often for recycling. Apple spherical, ribbed. The ripening period is at the end of August. Winter hardiness and durability in this class are average.
- The variety Ranetka Raspberry produces stable, annual yields. Fruiting begins in the second year after landing. The variety is very winter hardy, but the fruits are small, weighing up to 6 grams. The dense texture of apples allows them to be stored for up to 6 months, but they are mainly used for processing. Ripon en masse, in the first half of September.
- The variety Ranetka Amber is known by the name Amber Altai. Fruits in the 4th year, trees are tall, winter hardiness and durability. Fruit steadily, high yield. Apples are small, weighing 10 grams, the taste is sour and slightly tart. Go for recycling.
- The variety Minusinskoye red is fast-moving, high-yielding, winter-hardy. Medium height, the shape of the crown is round. The fruit is greenish-yellow, rather large, weighing 15-18g., But fresh. When mixed with sour apples, tasty juices are obtained.
- The Siberian variety was bred at the Novosibirsk experimental station. The plant is compact, winter-hardy. Productivity is good. Fruits reach a mass of 16-18gr. The taste is sweet and sour. Primary color is yellow. Apples produce in August. Of them prepare mashed potatoes and compotes.
Ranetki contain almost 10 times more biologically active substances than apples. The amount of sugars reaches 12%.The content of pectic substances is not less than 1.5%.It is pectins that remove salts of heavy metals, have an antimicrobial effect. Pectins also have the ability to gel fruit juice.Advantages and Disadvantages of
Apparent advantages of apple-class markets:
- high winter hardiness,
- undemanding care,
- good storage and processing of fruits,
- , the ability to grow in the northern climatic zone, as well as to be able to be able to grow in the northern climatic zone, as well as to be able to do so, as well, as to be able to use as well, as well as to be able to use it AS возможность возможность возможность возможность возможность возможность возможность возможность возможность
The disadvantages include:
- small and medium fruits, their sour taste,
- frequent defeat by pests and diseases,
- large trees with a large crown, requiring a lot of space.
Terms of ripening and harvesting
The fruits ripen, as mentioned above, in late August, September. Productivity is usually high: 50-100kg.from a grown tree. Frost does not affect yield.
There are varieties that periodically bear fruit: their yield is in a year. Trees are durable and can bear fruit for decades. Minor ranetki( dicky) as a rule, do not collect. After the early frosts, children and birds enjoy them.
Apple tree pleases with different fruits and different ripening terms. Therefore, gardeners prefer to plant several varieties in their plot with summer-autumn ripening periods and long storage periods. Yes, and preparations for the winter, you can do different.Rules for planting apple trees
Ranetka is a plant for "lazy" gardeners. They are not demanding on soil fertility, therefore fertilizer should be applied to the pit only if the ground is not pure sand or clay. Prefer loamy soil, although fertile soil is preferred for any plant. A young woman can grow in light shading, so you can choose a place not the sunniest. And it does not matter whether there will be snow here in the winter. Ranetka - frost-resistant culture.
Plants are planted in early spring before the start of sap flow or in autumn so that the seedling will take root before the start of frost. It is necessary to correctly distribute the area between the trees: for strong-growing - 5 to 5 m., For medium-growth 4 to 4 m. Soil waters should not come close to the surface. The pit is prepared in advance. They dig up the bottom, pour into it a fertile layer of soil by 1/3.Fertilizers are added, a column is instilled in the middle to which the young plant is attached.
A seedling is planted so that the root neck is slightly raised above the ground of the .The earth is poured and nailed, watered with 2 buckets of water. Pristvolny circle mulch. Apple tied up, and now she is ready to grow and delight their masters.
Ensure that the skeletal branches are not located at an acute angle to the main trunk, otherwise they will break under the weight of the fruit. They should be bent or broken off in the summer, still green and not stiff.Features care apples rennet
Further work is as follows:
- feeding the root system and irrigation,
- prevention against pests and diseases,
- follow to tree trunks was loose and clean of weeds,
- spring thin out old podmerzshie branches and growing inin the middle,
- in the spring the trunk is whitened with lime, and wrapped in a rag for rodents for the winter.
The krone needs to form and care for the tree regularly, otherwise it will run wild, will lose appearance and will not produce the expected yields.
seeders. Diseases and pests.
. There are a large number of them in the apple tree. Therefore, we will focus on preventive measures. The first spraying is carried out before the start of sap flow( 700 g of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water).So all wintering pests perish. You can use biological products from migratory pests 1 time per month.
Simultaneously spray solutions that increase the resistance of trees to disease and adverse weather conditions.
The basic rules for treating trees:
- spraying with Bordeaux in summer. In the summer, this can lead to leaf burn, so do a test first, and if everything is in order, proceed,
- if there are cracks in the trees, then they are treated with 1% copper sulfate, rubbed with fresh sorrel leaves and sealed with garden brew,
- trapping belts made of corrugated paper do not allow pests to creep along the trunk,
- fabric, made around a trunk from a non-drying layer of glue, makes it easy to catch the pest.
These simple tricks will greatly facilitate your work and help the tree stay healthy.
Ranet apples are our northern wealth. A gift that gives us the opportunity not only to admire the beautiful trees, but also to feel like real gardeners. Harvest and savor such healthy fruits with northern sourness.And finally, a small video in which you will learn what can be prepared from the research: