What kind of whiskey glass is needed and what determines the choice of dishes

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In films where the heroes enjoy whiskey, you can see different versions of the same thing: a massive wide glass with a thick bottom and straight walls, into which either a little strong drink is poured, or a decent amount of it, but with ice or with soda. The same variant flashes in advertising, which gradually led to the emergence of a stereotype - whiskey is drunk from such dishes.


But in fact, everything is somewhat different, because the rock, as it is called, shown in films and advertisements Cup Is a cocktail option. It is intended for drinking hard liquor with ice. And having seen how elite whiskey splashes in this favorite of bartenders, many may not understand such a disdainful attitude to the drink, which should not be diluted with either soda or ice. So let's take a look at the correct whiskey glasses.

The content of the article

  • Whiskey glass tumblr
  • Names of glasses for aromatic varieties

Whiskey glass tumblr

Such a glass differs from a rock in a greater thickness of the bottom and a curved shape of the walls. This is the most common variant, which has versions that allow you to focus on the characteristics of a particular type of drink.

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Malt whiskey smells very nice, so the middle part of the glass for this drink is noticeably wider than the top, which allows you to fully appreciate the aroma.

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Blended can be consumed with any of the tumblrs, but there are special dishes for it. This glass is an intermediate link with a noticeably narrowed top, but the central expansion is still not as pronounced as in a single malt glass.


The aroma of bourbon is so strong that it no longer needs to be concentrated. On the contrary, the alcohol vapors of grain whiskey need to be dispersed so as not to interfere with enjoying the drink. That is why the bourbon tumblr stands out with its upper part, which is noticeably wider than the central one.

Names of glasses for aromatic varieties

Tumblr - a classic glass for Scotch or Irish whiskey. It can be used both for drinking a pure drink and for making cocktails based on it. But there are also special glasses for aromatic whiskeys:

  • for quality blended - nosing (100 ml);
  • for aromatic single malts - tulip (100 ml);
  • for complex malts - snifter (up to 150 ml).

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None of these glasses are used to make cocktails. This is a dish for the full disclosure of the aroma, allowing you to enjoy the advantages of a pure drink. It does not imply haste.

Therefore, for those who do not seek to delve into the aroma or taste of whiskey, but want to drink something strong, a shot was invented - a small glass containing a portion equal to one sip (the volume of the dish is 45 ml, but 30 ml). The domestic analogue of this container is a well-known pile of many, from which spirits are drunk in one gulp.

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