Which Turk is better for brewing coffee: comparison of materials, choice of volume, handles

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A turka, or cezva, is a small container for brewing delicious coffee, which has a non-standard shape. Choosing a product in a store, you can see many models that differ in different characteristics. It is very difficult to say which one is better, since it all depends on the preferences of the buyer, the characteristics of the Turk itself. However, you can still safely highlight several parameters that, in fact, determine a high-quality and durable product.

@ cyprusfortravellers.net

The content of the article

  • A good coffee turk - what is she like?
  • How to choose a Turk for brewing coffee?
    • Manufacturing material
      • Copper
      • Glass
      • Ceramics
      • Stainless steel
      • Silver
      • Aluminum
      • Clay
    • Volume
    • Handle type
    • Form
  • Which Turkish is the best for brewing coffee?

A good coffee turk - what is she like?

In order for the boiling process to take place with pleasure, and the drink ultimately turns out to be tasty, it is important to determine the main characteristics of the correct cezve. The ideal cookware looks like this:

  • cone shape;
  • thickened bottom;
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  • high-quality handle with reliable fastening;
  • optimal volume;
  • ease of use and ease of care;
  • the ratio of the neck to the bottom is 1: 2 (the greater the discrepancy, the better).

@ goodfon.ru

How to choose a Turk for brewing coffee?

In stores you can find different cezves made of durable and reliable materials. But choosing the right product is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

Manufacturing material

An important criterion on which the final result depends.


If you are interested in a fragrant and tasty drink, then you should buy a copper turk.

The indisputable advantage of such dishes is that they have been tested for centuries. Making coffee in a Turk with a long history of use is a powerful argument for a true coffee lover.


  • walls heat up evenly;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • narrow neck;
  • attractiveness;
  • strength and durability;
  • lightweight.


  • perfectly absorbs odors, therefore, when changing the type of coffee, the aroma of the previous drink does not remain on the dishes for long;
  • can sometimes release toxic compounds if the material is of poor quality;
  • the content cools quickly;
  • assumes neat and delicate care - special products are required;
  • not dishwasher safe.

@ kofella.net


Transparent glass turks with thin walls are the best option for beginners who only comprehend the science of boiling coffee and have not adapted to control the process of raising the froth in an opaque product.

Only borosilicate glass is suitable for production: it is resistant to high temperatures.


  • optimal heating rate;
  • not subject to oxidation and corrosion;
  • does not lose its appearance for a long time;
  • affordable cost;
  • transparent walls allow you to track the process of foam rising;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher.


  • too thin walls;
  • wide neck;
  • fragility and fragility;
  • the same type of design.

@ shu.satu.kz


An excellent alternative to copper. It fully reveals the taste and aroma of coffee beans, does not absorb odors and retains heat for a long time.


  • ease of care;
  • rich taste of finished coffee;
  • maximum aroma transfer;
  • does not oxidize;
  • harmlessness to humans.


  • very fragile material;
  • high price;
  • unstable to sudden changes in temperature;
  • if used improperly, it may crack.

@ madeheart.com

Stainless steel

Steel Turks are not demanding in their care. The material calmly tolerates sharp heating, does not emit dangerous toxins and does not affect the taste and aroma of coffee in any way.


  • ideal solution for induction cookers;
  • strength and long service life;
  • affordable cost;
  • ease of care.


  • slow and uneven heating;
  • the taste and aroma of the finished drink can change for the worse (in order to avoid this, it is better to choose products, the inside of which is coated with food tin).

@ bastonlu.com


The thing is certainly not cheap, even luxurious. She can safely receive the title of "family heirloom", therefore, you need to purchase it exclusively in a trusted and reliable store.


  • absolutely safe material;
  • durable;
  • has an attractive appearance.


  • high price;
  • with improper care, it can turn black;
  • very delicate and careful use;
  • periodic cleaning with special products is required.

Cezve made of silver is the best gift for a coffee lover. Therefore, you can never go wrong with such a present: beautiful, expensive, practical, solid and modern.

@ kubachi.ecwid.com


All aluminum cookware is divided into cast and stamped (sheet). But cezves made from this metal are rarely purchased by customers for permanent use, since they have an unattractive appearance and a metallic taste is felt in coffee.


  • lightweight;
  • low cost;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • quite resistant to damage: it will not break or split;
  • no serious requirements for use - easy to clean.


  • a slight difference in the diameters of the neck and bottom;
  • easy to bend;
  • during the brewing process, coffee loses some of its aromatic properties.

@ coffee-time.com.ua


Cement material that has been tested for centuries and does not emit any dangerous toxins. Such models can be given any shape, but the Turks are fragile and break with one blow, they can crack from the temperature drop.


  • naturalness and safety;
  • uniform heating of the walls;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • low price.


  • requires delicate care;
  • unstable to temperature changes;
  • fragility.

@ madeheart.com


If you follow Turkish traditions, then the optimal volume is no more than 80 ml. It is in such a dish that it turns out to cook a drink with a rich aroma and deep taste.

However, if you are not used to drinking coffee in small portions, then you can take a closer look at models with a capacity of 150-200 ml - just for two cups.

However, this criterion is purely individual. Perhaps you like to drink coffee in a company, and therefore a 300 ml cezve will come in handy.

@ kto-chto-gde.ru

Handle type

This is an equally important indicator that should also be taken into account. As a rule, the handle is made in two types - wood or plastic. Of course, the first option is considered more preferable: it does not heat up so quickly and is more pleasant to hold in your hand. In some situations, plastic can melt altogether.

There is another option - a removable handle. However, it is more intended for those cases when the Turk often accompanies you on travels, business trips, and hikes.


Ideally, the diameter of the neck is half the diameter of its bottom. The taper should be slight but visible, about 20% of the base. This geometry provides a rich aroma due to the formation of a coffee jam - it does not allow oils to escape.

A prerequisite for a good cezve is beveled walls, then the thick will settle to the bottom. Otherwise, the drink will turn out cloudy or you will have to spend more time until everything settles.

@ alimasha.ru

Which Turkish is the best for brewing coffee?

Everything is simple here:

  • Love a very strong drink - dishes made of materials with low thermal conductivity are suitable: stainless steel, clay. Optimally - cezve with a narrow bottom.
  • Copper and silver products are ideal for quick boiling. An important condition is a broad base.
  • Do you want to simmer coffee? An excellent choice is barrel-shaped Turks made of thick clay or ceramics.

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