Do you want to make a unique place from your summer cottage, the atmosphere of which is saturated with something familiar and unusual? You can visit specialty stores, but the assortment there is so rich that your eyes run up from the choice of country decorations. And the purchase of all the things you like will cost a pretty round sum, don't you agree? A more pragmatic solution is to make the necessary items and beautiful decorations with your own hands. But what to do and where to start?
We will talk about this in our article - we will consider time-tested ideas and novelties that can really be made from what literally lies under our feet. We will tell you how to make dacha tricks with your own hands from scrap materials. This approach will allow you to realize your creative potential, improve your mood and save money.
The content of the article:
Examples of useful and stylish ideas
- The subtleties of making crafts
- Where to look for inspiration?
The best ways to use old furniture
- Applications of the old door
- What to make out of an old chair?
- Ideas for using an old bed for a summer residence
- The best crafts from an old suitcase
- Ideas for an old bath
Mini pond making instruction
- Step # 1 - preparing the territory
- Step # 2 - selection of tools and materials
- Step # 3 - digging a pit
- Step # 4 - installing the bath
- Step # 6 - decorating the pond
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Examples of useful and stylish ideas
According to seasoned summer residents, there are simply no useless things on the site - there are forgotten ones. You need to look around: old furniture, a broken bicycle, unrecycled plastic can inspire creativity.
From seemingly garbage, you can make various useful homemade products:
- Unique flower arrangements can be arranged in old barrels, carts and even pots.
- A dilapidated bed, a wooden pallet is a good basis for flower beds that fit well into the overall design of the landscape.
- No less popular are plastic bottles and jars, from which it is easy to construct interesting fences, borders, decorations for flowerpots and flower beds, and even sculptures or country washbasin.
- Everything is limited only by his own imagination and the creative approach of the author himself.
- From the collected rods, a block of wood and plastic, it is easy to build a beautiful bird feeder.
Original country paths, personally laid out from wood or stone will make the site more comfortable. And the remnants of building materials will always fit for the implementation of the next, unlike anything, garden composition.

A bench for pleasant country gatherings and rest can be made in the form of an old carriage, processing old boards, complicating the structure with wheels from an unusable wheelbarrow. By supplementing the composition with a flowerpot from a barrel, you can get an unusual duet, which you definitely cannot find from a neighbor in the country.
From polymer clay, gypsumas well as residues polyurethane foam it is very easy to sculpt a variety of figures. The work does not require special skills, but little men, swans, frogs and other representatives of the world of fauna and flora seem to come to life, settling in a summer cottage.
The subtleties of making crafts
Bottle made of plastic of different sizes, boxes or boxes - small or impressive in size - this is both a popular and easy-to-use material. Using it, products can be given almost any shape. Such raw materials are simply cut.
To make the result of labor happy, the work is covered with suitable dyes. Shades can be selected as neutral (pastel and calm), and bright, depending on the mood and temperament of the owners. Each time, such crafts are more perfect: cartoon characters, household items and even country furniture come out from under the hands of the master.
Some summer residents go much further and acquire a special glass cutter. Such a tool allows you to make candlesticks, pots from a simple glass bottle. As a decoration, crafts are decorated with bottle caps.
You shouldn't think that bottle caps you can only decorate flowerpots. These small items are quite suitable for decorating a fence, country curtains, they even decorate furniture - tables, chairs, country swings. It turns out an unusual interior solution. It is important not to overdo it, but to decorate the landscape with taste and in complete harmony with all the decor on the site.

A little imagination and warmth bring the landscape to life. A piece of love, diligent hands, multi-colored plastic covers - this is how they get a fabulous flower bed in the backyard
Where to look for inspiration?
Sometimes all the ideas seem boring, and at the dacha, more than ever, you want something new. After all, a pond made of remnants of brick and stone or a unique reservoir, a decorated bridge and flower beds made of car tires - all this is already there. Where to get inspiration to create an original and thoughtful project for the improvement of a summer cottage?
In this case, it is better to act consistently:
- see what garden craft ideas the designers offer;
- delimit the zones on which, according to the plan, future homemade products will be located;
- evaluate the possibilities, based on the skills, skills, those materials that will be used to make crafts;
- if necessary, correct the global idea.
In order to harmoniously arrange the crafts, it will be logical to do this in accordance with their intended purpose. For example, figurines of snails, frogs are best placed near a reservoir, a pond. Hedgehogs and squirrels - under the bush. Birds, felines - on the paths, or near the house. Do not forget about the size of the jewelry: their dimensions must correspond to the perimeter of the site.
The best ways to use old furniture
Old, which many do not give a second chance, summer residents have found good use. Someone decorates the yard with a grandmother's chest of drawers, using it as a flower garden, others - with a suitcase.
Applications of the old door
The old door doesn't have to be thrown away - it will make a great workplace. Use the door instead countertops it is also not a problem if you cover it on top with a solid piece of glass cut with a glass cutter for specific parameters.

Do not throw out the old door that has remained after the renovation. Having processed it with a special composition, pasted over with a film or painted with bright paint, a new product is obtained. You can use it as a tabletop or install it in any opening or structure in the country, adjusting it to the appropriate dimensions
If there is not enough in the country swingthen it's time to do it. Again, you can use the removed interior door. Riding on such a pleasure: the spacious swing will definitely fall in love with all household members, regardless of age.
You can update old doors with the help of technology decoupage. So you can achieve an amazing result, transforming a shabby door beyond recognition.
What to make out of an old chair?
This is a fertile material for summer experiments: an old wooden chair, after simple shenanigans, can become a pretty flower bed. On the Internet there are many photo reports of how summer residents from old chairs created masterpieces of flower beds for lithops and succulents. They spread master classes, as if from an old chair, without spending a lot of time and effort, with improvised tools, literally sculpt a masterpiece flower bed.
So, the mini-instruction:
- The central part, pillow, upholstery must be carefully removed from the chair.
- Next, you need to pick up something (tank, container, pan) with a diameter corresponding to the width seating the former chair. Insert tightly into structure.
- Drainage holes must be made at the bottom of the vessel, filled with soil, and plants must be planted.
It is advisable to paint the flowerbed chair, sand it and varnish it. As you can see, you can breathe new life into an old chair.

Making a vintage flower bed from an old chair is a snap. This is a successful multipurpose invention that will help to transfer any plant from the street to the house for wintering.
Fastenings that may have survived on the old chair should not be removed. You can attach a pot of a smaller diameter to them without getting hung up on the size of the chair.
Ideas for using an old bed for a summer residence
Do the same with the old bed. This is a wonderful piece that turns into an installation literally in a matter of moments. In addition, the design easily fits into the landscape design, resulting in an unusual and functional flower garden.

The old mattress is removed, and its original place is filled with earth. In order for soil plants to grow well, it is better to lay out the surface of the bed with non-woven material for the garden
Ampel plants, loaches and others are best planted at the head of the bed, so that later they hang beautifully down. Despite its cumbersomeness, such a flower bed has a significant plus: it is mobile and, if desired, can be transferred to any place in the country.
The best crafts from an old suitcase
Modern suitcases made of plastic and other materials are still relevant. But if there is a grandmother's bag that you will no longer use for its intended purpose, then you can turn on your fantasy.
From such a suitcase, it will still turn out to make a bunch of stylish and unusual gizmos for summer cottage needs:
- console;
- armchair;
- bed for pets.
When the inherited suitcase is well preserved, its walls have not lost their density and hardness, it is quite possible to make a mobile console. The wheels attached to the outer surface of the suitcase walls will help to move the future console from place to place.
If the suitcase has dried up from old age, the walls have become damp and do not have the same density, if desired, they can always be strengthened. You can build a new one out of it armchair: the deep part becomes sitting, and the one that is lower - with a back. It is better to fix the legs of the chair on the front side of the deep part of the bag, fix the top one.

The compartment where things were once stored is filled with a prepared feather bed-pillow. They do the same with the back, choosing a filler with a smaller thickness.
To make pet bed, the top cover is removed. The main cavity of the suitcase is equipped with a pillow. The walls of an old suitcase can always be decorated with materials at hand.
Oil painting: a dog or a cat dozing on a new couch, and the owner-summer resident enjoys this peace, comfortably sitting on a swing from the old door to the chirping of nightingales.

Cozy bed for pets from grandmother's bag. Such, according to the idea of a caring owner, will help the dog or cat feel at home in the country, at the same time decorate the landscape
Ideas for an old bath
Making a small pond, a fish pond, a compact but lush flower bed on a personal plot out of an old bath is not a problem at all.

The bathtub can be completely hidden in the ground by pulling out a pit of the appropriate size. Or decorate its outer walls with mosaics, paint with bright paint. And fill it with beautiful plants and flowers
Also, stylish chairs, armchairs, a rocking chair, a stove, a barbecue and many other useful things are made from the bath.
Mini pond making instruction
Usually, when they plan to build a pond or reservoir in the country, they attract specialists. In this case, this is not a budget project. But with a strong desire, having in the arsenal an old bath made of cast iron, acrylic or steel, the construction of a reservoir will cost almost free.
If you need a large pool so that adults can splash in it on hot days, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for the construction of the pool do it yourself.
Step # 1 - preparing the territory
In order to build a beautiful pond from an old bathtub, the main thing is to have patience, the necessary tools, and also follow the order of work without departing from the plan.
It all starts with the preparation of the territory: the place must be chosen carefully. Then an artificial reservoir, created with your own hands, will last a very long time.
The soil on which the reservoir will be located must be dry: the passage of groundwater nearby is unacceptable.
It is preferable to arrange the reservoir in the shade so that the water does not deteriorate and bloom due to the sun's rays. But the installation of a mini-pond under the crown of trees in the country is not recommended in order to avoid falling leaves there, which subsequently rot.

Do not throw away the old bathtub - it will come in handy to make an artificial reservoir with your own hands. So you can build your own pond or pool for a relaxing holiday by the water in the country.
After choosing a place, garbage is removed from the site, the soil is treated with special means.
Step # 2 - selection of tools and materials
You need to stock up:
- a piece of meshchain-link, the size of which depends on the area of the building;
- crushed stone, cement, clay;
- a piece of wire, waterproof glue, film or paint;
- level, tape measure, trowel, shovel.
For decoration and decoration, stones and small colored pebbles, clay, pebbles, sand, etc. will be useful, at the discretion of the master.
Step # 3 - digging a pit
Next, a pit of the required depth is dug, an old bath is mounted in it. A ditch is being dug along the entire foundation pit: its depth is approximately 25-30 centimeters.

At the same time, its depth should be approximately 20-25 cm more than the height of the walls of the old bathtub.
In the place of the alleged drain, they additionally dig a depression of a small area - about 60x60 cm. Gravel and crushed stone are poured there. This is a drainage hole.
The bottom of the previously dug pit is covered with sand and small pebbles. One brick is mounted at the edges; a bathtub is to be installed on this pedestal.
Step # 4 - installing the bath
Next, you need to prepare the bath. First, the overflow hole of the bath is filled with a cement mortar. Do not cement the bottom drain hole.
Inside the bathtub must be cleaned of contamination: degrease, sometimes primed, cover with self-adhesive film, or paint of the desired shade. A special colored film for reservoirs is considered ideal - it looks beautiful, lasts a long time, is not afraid of moisture.
Then, the bath is mounted on bricks. The drainage of the reservoir must be placed at the same level with the drainage system, the horizontal surface is set at the level. The groove near the walls of the bath is covered with pebbles, sand, decorative stones.
Step # 6 - decorating the pond
If the old bath has become your mini-pond and you plan to populate this reservoir with animals and plants, then there are a couple of touches to be completed. A reinforcing metal mesh is lowered into the bath, followed by decorations: pebbles, shells, colored elements for decoration.
This not only creates an interesting look, but further simplifies the process of cleaning the pond. It will be enough to take out the mesh in order to get all the components that need to be cleaned and processed.

After completing all the earthworks, time for decoration. If this reservoir will act as a pool, then you can start decorating it outside.
A self-made pond in the country should look as natural as possible, without violating the integrity of the whole picture of the country landscape. Therefore, many people prefer to plant plants around it. If this is a pond, then it is good to use water lilies, water lilies, but not large, but small in size.
Duckweed is used to revive the pond. Someone prefers to breed fish, choosing unpretentious species that can take root in a variety of environmental conditions and climatic zones. These are goldfish, dwarf catfish, crucian carp, veil-tails and others.
You should not save on cleaning the reservoir. It is advisable to pre-install a high-quality pressure filter that can gently and effectively purify water in a homemade pond. And also regularly clean the walls from dirt.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Photo ideas of useful homemade products for giving:
Original ideas for using old doors in the country:
To decorate your summer cottage, you always have a choice: use materials at hand and do something non-standard, or use ready-made store offers.
Homemade inventions can bring something new to your site, demonstrating your idea of \ u200b \ u200bthe beauty of your summer cottage. Many summer residents are creatives who are always in trend and they themselves set the latest trends in country fashion and landscape design.
Do you have interesting ideas for decorating a summer cottage? Or do you want to consult with other site visitors about the advisability of making a certain gizmo? Ask your questions - the feedback block is located below. Also here you can share your ideas of useful homemade products, add original photos of things and items made by yourself.