Instructions for use of the enromaga for birds


During the breeding of domestic breeds of birds - chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, do not forget about their health. After all, if the birds fall ill, it will not lead to anything good. It is better to begin to monitor the health of individuals from birth, this will reduce their mortality several times, provide a strong and full livestock. BesidesYoung growth is particularly susceptible to various viral and infectious diseases,because young animals have a weak immune system. Therefore, do not delay, it is advisable to proceed as soon as possible to preventive treatment with the help of enchantment tools of avian economy. And about the instructions for the use of this tool, and for what diseases should be used, we will describe in detail.


Table of contents

  • At what diseases is enromag used
  • Dosage
  • How to apply for chicks, instruction
    • For chickens
    • For chicken broilers
    • For the goslings
    • For turkeys
    • For other birds
  • For adult birds
  • Side effects
  • Contraindications for use
  • Pharmacological properties
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At what diseases is enromag used

EnromageIs a preparation of antibacterial type, containing in its composition the main component -enrofloxacin. Has a broad effect, it has an effect on pathogens that are resistant to the effects of many antibiotic agents.


Assigned for treatment and prophylactic purposesduring the following bacterial diseases:

  1. Colibacteriosis;
  2. Salmonellosis;
  3. Necrotizing enteritis;
  4. Streptococcosis;
  5. Mycoplasmosis;
  6. During illnesses that are caused by bacteria with susceptibility to fluoroquinolones.


It should be noted that the product is available in two forms, so the dosage is determined depending on the type of medication is different. To begin with, consider the types of the tool:

  • Enromag is used for oral administration. In 1 ml of the agent there is 100 milligrams of the main component of enrofloxacin. In 10 liters of water diluted 5 ml of the product;

  • Enromag 10% in the form of a solution for internal use. In 1 ml of the drug there is 100 mg of enrofloxacin. The medicine is given in a dosage of 5 ml per 1 liter of water.
Enromag for internal use

The product is given together with the feed - 100 milligrams of the drug are added per 1 kilogram of the feed.

The action of the medicine lasts a day, so do not drink any water with the product and pour a new one with the medicine. The course of treatment lasts at least three days!

How to apply for chicks, instruction

For chickens

Growing chickens- this is not an easy task, because the chicks have weak immunity and are susceptible to the effects of infectious diseases. Many of these diseases are contagious, so it is worthwhile to get sick of one chick, as a result, all bird stock will be infected. It is necessary during the appropriate treatment, otherwise the chicks will die.

Growing chickens

Often chickens are infected with infectious diseases- colibacillosis, salmonellosis, streptococcosis, mycoplasmosis. These are serious pathologies, and if they are not treated they will necessarily lead to the death of chickens.

For the treatment and prevention of infections, chickens are given a means of enromag. A solution for oral administration is given in a dose of 5 ml per 10 liters of water. They drink 10%. It is given in a dose of 5 ml per 1 liter of water. The diluted solution was drunk for 24 hours.The period of treatment procedures lasts 3 days. After that, the bird is given with vitamins.

It is worth noting that during salmonellosis the drug is given longer - 5 days. Because this is a serious illness, and 3 days for treatment is sometimes not enough!

Do not share it with levomitsetinom and steroids. It is better to combine it with vitamin complexes.

For chicken broilers

Chickens broilers have weak immunity, poor resistance of the body to infections. Oftenbroiler chickens are ill with colibacillosis, salmonellosis, mikliplazmoz, streptocosis.

Broiler chickens

Of course,from the earliest daysfor the nestlings, the right care is provided, the food with a high content of vitamins is given for the full growth and strengthening of the immune system. But sometimes this is not enough. If the bird is infected with an infection, then immediately the appropriate treatment with the help of the drug enromag.

Broiler chickens are given a solution in the form of a solution for oral administrationand as a 10% solution. The first species is diluted in water in dosages - in 5 liters of water dilute 5 ml of the drug. You need to drink this solution within 24 hours. The second species is diluted in water, but in other dosages for 1 liter of water is added 5 ml of the drug. This solution is drunk for 24 hours.

The course of treatment lasts 3 days, with salmonellosis 5 days. After treatment, the chicks are given vitamin complexes.

For the goslings

Breeding geese requires a lot of strength and patience. BeginningSince the very appearance of the first chicks, provide full-fledged care and create comfortable conditions. The first thing is setting up a place for their maintenance, there should be no drafts, dampness, otherwise the goslings will get cold. A cold is easy to cure, and sometimes it turns into serious forms.

In addition to colds, the young are prone to infections- colibacillosis, salmonellosis, microcoplasmosis, streptocoelosis and many other dangerous diseases. At the first signs of these diseases it is necessary to immediately start treatment with the drug enromag.

Growing goslings

Drug in solution for oral administration is given together with water in the following dosage- 5 ml of the drug is added to 10 liters of water. This solution goshes are given no more than 24 hours. Drug in the form of a solution with a concentration of 10% active ingredient should also be given with water in a dosage - 5 ml of the drug is added to 1 liter of water. This solution is given to sick chicks for no more than a day.

Course of treatment means enromagfor goslings is 3 days, with salmonellosis 5 days. After treatment, chicks should be drunk with vitamin remedies.

For turkeys

Nestlings of turkeys are considered to be the weakest of all bird species. They are most often prone to infectious diseases. At the same time it is necessary to get sick of one individual, and others start to hurt immediately, and if the treatment is not delivered in time, the bird stock will die.

Requiredfor full-fledged growth and developmentit is necessary to provide adequate care and complete control over the health of the chicks. From the very first days of the emergence, the turkeys should be given vitamins, high-grade foods with a high content of nutrients for active growth and development.It is important to carry out preventive treatment for infections. For the prevention of mandatory use of the drug enromag.

Cultivation of turkey

Dose of medicinethe same as for other species of chicks.Oral solution is given in a dose- in 10 liters of water, dilute 5 ml of the drug. This solution is given no more than 24 hours. A drug with a concentration of active substance 10% should be given in a dose - per 1 liter of water 5 ml of the drug. This solution of chicks is drunk during the day.

Duration of drug treatment enromagis 6 days, with salmonellosis 5 days. After treatment it is necessary to give vitamin complexes.

For other birds

For chicks of other bird species- ducks, quail, pigeons, guinea fowls, it is necessary to provide adequate care for full-fledged development. It is mandatory to monitor the health of the bird population to prevent serious diseases in the early stages.

In addition to full-fledged care, prevent infections- colibacteriosis, salmonellosis, microcoplasmosis, streptococcus and others. In these cases, the treatment is carried out with the aid of the drug enromag.

Cultivation of pigeons

For treatment, two types of means are used.In the form of a solution for oral administration given in a dose- for 10 liters, 5 ml of the product. The chicks are drunk for a day. In the form of a solution with a concentration of 10% active ingredient, 5 ml of the drug should be given in a dosage of 1 liter of water. It is necessary to water the chicks with this solution for no more than a day.

Duration of treatment for infectious diseasesis 3 days, with salmonellosis 5 days. After treatment young animals should be given vitamin complexes.


For adult birds

For adult birds of different species- chickens, broilers, geese, turkeys, ducks, prophylaxis against various infections. Although adults do not so often contract infectious diseases like chicks, it is still worthwhile to protect the bird economy and prevent it.

Domestic duck

For prophylaxis against colibacillosis, salmonellosis, microcoplasmosis, streptocosisand other infections of this species is given a drug enromag.It is given in two forms:

  1. Oral solutionis given together with water in a dosage - for 10 liters of water 5 ml of the product;
  2. In the form of a solution with a concentration of the active component of 10%give in a dose - per 1 liter of water 5 ml of the drug.

Duration of treatmentand prevention is at least 3 days. During salmonellosis not less than 5 days. After the treatment, all vitamin poultry is given vitamin complexes.


Side effects

At the right dosagesand with full compliance with the instructions for useno side effects occur. Sometimes poultry farmers double and even triple doses. Such experiments can lead to slower growth and lagging behind in the development of birds.


Contraindications for use

This preparation is practicallyhas no contraindications. It is not desirable to give individuals who are allergic to this remedy.

Alsodo not give hens, since the agent can get into the eggs that are consumed by the food. If treatment with a medicine is a prerequisite, then for the period of treatment eggs are not used for food.

Poultry slaughter is allowed only on day 11 after treatment procedures. In addition, in no case enromag should not be combined with chloramphenicol, macrolides and tetracycline.

Pharmacological properties

The main active component of the facility- enrofloxacin, consisting of a group of fluoroquinolones. The basis of the action of enrofloxacin is the inhibited effect on the activity of the enzyme hygraz, which ensures the replication of DNA in the infectious cell. Has bactericidal effect on cells of pathogens of infections.Has an active effect on the bacterium gram-positive and gram-negative.


During ingestion, the body rapidly spreads through the organs and reaches a maximum concentration after, -1 hour.After taking a single dose, the medicine remains in the body for about 24 hours.Removed from the bodythrough the kidneys together with urine.

Poultry are exposed to infections that can lead to serious consequences until death.Mandatory timely prevention, treatment is provided and appropriate conditions are provided for the normal livelihoods of the bird population.Control and careAre the main components of poultry health.

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