. When farming poultry, farmers inevitably encounter diseases that are affected by birds. The incidence of livestock is not a pleasant thing, because in the first place this is a high level of econ...
Read More. A cobweb is considered one of the most ubiquitous. It affects almost all plants, except for water only. As it is not insulting, but any room plant will eventually have to face such a problem. And...
Read More. Meat and eggs of domestic quails not only have excellent taste, but are considered dietary and useful. However, in order for the bird to regularly give eggs, and its meat was delicious, it is nec...
Read MoreToday, it is increasingly possible to meet pheasants in the farmsteads. From just a beautiful bird, they turn into a profitable business. That is why in this article we will talk in detail abo...
Read MoreOne of the most common problems in the poultry industry is the disease of the invasive nature of , which is caused by parasites that enter the body through contaminated litter or feed. Without...
Read MoreKeeping birds is entertaining, but still troublesome. Well, when animals feel normal, do not get sick, lead an active lifestyle. And what to do when poultry start to get sick , because any infec...
Read MoreThere are several ways of breeding poultry. You can put suitable fertilized eggs under the hen, you can buy chicks that were bred through an incubator. Regardless of the breeding method, each far...
Read MoreThe modern specificity of raising chickens may vary depending on the goals pursued. It can be business or home content for personal use. Despite this, any chicks may be susceptible to diseases ...
Read MoreSolikoks, is an effective remedy for the treatment of coccidiosis and many other diseases of birds. This drug is used both for therapy and for prophylaxis, the detailed instructions for use of...
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