Pseudochum or Newcastle Disease


The disease of Newcastle or, as it is also called,pseudo - one of the most common diseases among birds. Every year thousands of domestic birds die from it. But few people know that this disease is dangerous for a person.


Table of contents

  • Signs and symptoms of Newcastle disease
  • Sources of infection
  • Treatment in adult birds and chickens
    • The chickens
    • The geese
    • Ducks
    • The turkeys
    • Other birds
  • Prevention. What vaccines to use?
  • Newcastle virus in humans
    • Signs and Symptoms
    • How to protect yourself?

Signs and symptoms of Newcastle disease

The incubation stage of the virusoccurs within 7-12 days, but the disease itself can be seen immediately. Unvaccinated birds and birds with a weak immune system die 2-3 hours after infection, while not showing any symptoms.

The main signs of the disease are a sharp decline in bird activity, an increase in body temperature to a critical 44x degrees and lack of appetite.

Also worth paying attention to othersymptoms:

  • Problems with the nervous system. The bird is impaired coordination, paralysis of the extremities or neck;
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  • Problems with the digestive tract.In birds, the appetite decreases, diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • Damage to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth.Slimeyobraznye discharge, cough, spitting;
  • Problems with eyesight.Conjunctivitis and blurred vision;
  • Increased body temperature.Lack of mobility, oppression.

Young chickens die within three days after infection in the acute stage of the disease.

Poultry farm

The chronic stage is rare and in layers with a strong immune system.The length of such cases is typical:

  • lack of mobility;
  • convulsionslimbs and cervical section;
  • loss of appetiteand exhaustion of the body;
  • excitabilitynervous system;
  • shaking of the head.

In this case, the chances of salvation are great. With proper and timely treatmentthe risk of mortality is not more than 15-30%.

This disease affects all domestic birds, such as: chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, broilers, etc. The young birds are most at risk of infection.


Sources of infection

Suchsources aresick or incubating bird. Also it is necessary to be afraid of rodents and wild birds.Infection is transmittedthrough non-contaminated food (eggs, meat), raw materials (litter, feather, down, feed). Infection also occurs through clothing and shoes that have been in contact with the infected bird.

Chickens eat

In places of bird accumulation the Newcastle virus is transmitted through the ventilation system.

Although this virus has been known for a long time, generally applicable therapy has not yet been developed. Basically,a large number of infected birds are simply destroyed.


Treatment in adult birds and chickens

As already mentioned, the generally accepted principles of treatment do not exist, butPrevention measures will help reduce the risk of infection.

The chickens

There are cases of pseudochromic infection in chickens that have not been in contact with infected adults. In order to avoid such caseschickens need to be vaccinated. Bird immunity is acquired 96 hours after taking the vaccine. And also if the bird survives and remains alive, which happens rarely enough.

The virus quickly dies under ultraviolet radiation and when treated with boiling water.

For this purpose, special lamps are placed in the feathered rooms. When eating meat or eggsIt is worth to subject the products to heat treatment.


The geese

In this poultry the immunity is much higher than that of chickens. Butgeese also often become victims of the Newcastle virus. And they should also be vaccinated at the age of nestlings. Geese are good carriers of infection and transmit the virus without much harm to themselves. Theymuch more amenable to treatment and the risk of mortality is much lower. But the risk of human infection is higher, because not all bird vectors carry the symptoms of the disease, and a person can pick up the virus, for some time without knowing what.


Ducks are also often carriers of this virus. It is worthwhile to ensure that the birds are not in contact with the wild brethren and follow the cleanliness of the premises.Rodents, too, are peddlers of the virus. So when the first appearance of rodents, it is worthwhile to carry out deratization.

Vaccination of birds

The turkeys

In these birds, the disease proceeds in acute form and lasts no more than three to four days. In rare cases, it can develop up to ten days. It is worth remembering thatThere is no cure for this virusand the only way to prevent the disease is to vaccinate a bird at a certain age, to carry out prophylaxis in the form of ultraviolet irradiation.

Other birds

Precautions do not differ from the above.Timely vaccination and compliance with sanitary standardsprevent disease and death of birds.


Prevention. What vaccines to use?

Of the chemical means should be allocated drugs: phenol, betapropilactone, ethyleneimine. And also formaldehyde and alcohol.These chemicals have a detrimental effect on the virus of Newcastle.

Vaccine against Newcastle disease

Newcastle virus in humans

It is worth remembering that a person is able to pick up a given virus.

Infection can pass through direct contact with an infected bird, eating food contaminated with the virus and through contaminated dust.

Man on the poultry farm

The incubation period lasts from three to seven days.Victims of Newcastle are working-age people, whose activities are somehow connected with poultry farming.

Signs and Symptoms

Although this virus and does not pose a particular danger to humans, but its symptoms are quite unpleasant.

First of all, this ismild conjunctivitis (opacity of the cornea of ​​the eye)

  • edema and redness of the eyelids, mucous or purulent discharge.
Edema and redness of the eyes

Also possiblesymptoms, as with the flu:

  • temperature increase;
  • drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • weak general condition;
  • nasal congestionand mucous discharge;
  • diarrhea(sometimes with blood).

How to protect yourself?

First, it is necessary to carefully observe the sanitary and hygienic norms. As often as possible, wash and disinfect hands.

Secondly, to process foods that you eat. Do not eat raw or uncooked meat or eggs. All products must be thermally treated.

Third, monitor your health. As soon as you have symptoms - see a doctor immediately.

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